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The Inspirational Life, Issue #0031 December 30, 2016 |
The Inspirational LifeWelcome to the Inspirational-Prayers Newsletter/Magazine Also called The Inspirational Life. - This is the JANUARY 2017 edition.
This edition contains:
WHAT'S NEW on the Website BIBLE DEVOTIONAL - Thoughts for a Bright Future WHAT IS - 118.89 SECRETS FOR SPOUSES - Marriage Thoughts IDEAS FOR PARENTS - Winter Fun DISC INSIGHTS - Music to my Ears!
Hi, I'm Beth McLendon, and I want to welcome you to our newsletter. We send out a newsletter/magazine about 12 times a year.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ What's NewWhat's New on the website since the last newsletter? New Pages:
Happy New Year Prayer and Reflection * Prayer for Teachers to pray * Why do the Wicked Prosper? * Psalm 62 an easy psalm page
* * * * *
- Take Note - We have lots of New Year pages. * * * * * * * * * * Here are a couple of highlighted ones: New Year Prayer * Prayer of Jabez * * * * * *
All the new pages have links on our page called "Info on New Pages" found in the top right of each page. * If you haven't been to the website lately, click the link below.
Thoughts for a Bright FutureHere we are entering 2017.
* * * * * *
How can we experience a brighter future? ?
How can we position ourselves for a GREAT YEAR?
? ? ?
How can we have an AMAZING YEAR in 2017?
We are going to need... More WISDOM We are going to need... More MOTIVATION God wants to help us achieve an AMAZING YEAR with lots of VICTORY God is trying to teach us to become a Champion for Christ. This year Inspirational-Prayers will present pages on BECOMING A CHAMPION FOR CHRIST! This newsletter article is just the beginning. I hope you will let HOPE rise inside you! I'm going to get excited. I'm going to let hope rise in me. I'm going to get fired up to have a GREAT YEAR! * * * * * * * Will you Join Me?
* * * * * * Will you join me in a POWER PRAYER? Dear Lord, I want a better year this year. I want a POWERFUL and VICTORIOUS YEAR this year. I want to gain more WISDOM and more MOTIVATION this year than ever before! God, I want to find myself astonished this year! Lord, I am dedicating myself to you this year. I am going to seek to follow you closely. I am going to read your Word. I am going to allow you to teach me how to be a CHAMPION for CHRIST! In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN! Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –
- 2017 - A TIME FOR VICTORIES * * * * * *
What is... 118.89?$ 118.89 is the total monetary donations given to this ministry in 2016 from visitors to our site. * * * There were eleven e-book "At Home in God's Sweater" $ 8.99 donations * Zero "Praying for your Child" book donations
* And one monetary donation of $ 20.00. * They total $ 118.89. * * * * * We are so thankful to the people who donated. * * * * * We ask that each one reading this would consider a $ 5.00 donation - or less - for 2017. * * * Note that we have several bills to pay in January in order to continue this website - including $ 299.00 every January to Sitesell (our internet host) in order to have a visible site on the internet.
You can see that this internet ministry is not being sustained by our visitors. ~ If $ 5.00 is too much right now, we would be very thankful for a lesser amount. ~ Thank you for your prayerful consideration. Beth and the Inspirational-Prayers Team - The following is a link to donate: Our Donation Page Secrets for SpousesJanuary 2017 Marriage Thoughts * * * This month I have a few words for you to consider.
* Lack of Fun
* Lack of Prayer
* Lack of Tenderness
* Lack of making our marriage a priority
* Lack of Sincerely Apologizing when wrong
* Lack of Growing Spiritually
Those will
Obstruct our View
of what our marriage can be. .
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Those were "Simple Thoughts" to help inspire a BETTER Marriage in 2017 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .
Please consider visiting this Romance Page:
Winter and Valentine Romance Ideas .
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Thoughts for ParentsThis month this section is about
having FUN! * * * * Don't let the winter fly by without making sure you create some Wonderful Winter Memories! Consider sitting down with your children and brainstorming ideas for free fun. Find out what your children think would be fun activities and then DO a couple of them!! Maybe you could make one Friday a month - FREE FRIDAY! Perhaps your children would want to: Build a snowman together Pop Popcorn together Play basketball together Make a craft together Read a book together Bake a cake together Act out a story together Write a silly poem together Take a trip to the park together Children grow up fast! Don't forget to plan FUN!
* * * * * Let's fill this Winter Season with Great Family Memories! * * * * * Music to my EarsEach month this section of the newsletter focuses on the DISC Four Basic Personality Styles. ~ This month we will focus on gaining understanding of ourselves and others by examining what each of the four styles might consider MUSIC to their EARS!
A Quick Introduction:
There are 4 basic DISC personality styles. They are: The "D" style which is outgoing and task-oriented. The "I" style which is outgoing and people-oriented. The "S" style which is reserved and people-oriented. The "C" style which is reserved and task-oriented. ~ ~ We are a blend of traits from each of the four personality styles. ~ ~ Note that the style that contains most of our traits tends to powerfully pull our thoughts in certain directions. Each style has a tendency to see life in a different way. So each style approaches tasks with a different mindset, different thoughts, and different goals. ~ ~ ~ ~ We are all unique, nevertheless, the following information is generally true for children and adults. ~ ~ ~ ~
Also take note that for DISC Personality Styles: Green stands for the "D" style. Red stands for the "I" style. Blue stands for the "S" style. Yellow stands for the "C" style. MUSIC to MY EARS! * ** ***
A couple of days ago, I was talking to a friend on the phone. It was early in the morning. As we concluded our conversation, she said: “I pray that you have a productive day!”
I heard myself say, “That is music to my ears!” You may wonder why I said that. I said that because my DISC personality profile is highest in the “C” and the “D” styles. In fact, I have almost as much “D” as I have “C” traits. * Let me share about the "D" style with you.
The "D" Personality Style ~ ~ ~
The “D” style naturally loves to get things done. They love to be busy DOING things. They love to see measurable results. They are results-oriented. * * * * * My friend knows me very well. She knows that when I have a productive day - I have a satisfying day! * * * * * Most "D" style people, would hear the following as music to their ears: "I hope that you will have a productive day!" - Be careful, some "Ds" are rather insensitive to chipper, cheerful comments in the morning.
What music does the "I" Personality Style like to hear? ~ ~ ~ The "I" style is outgoing and people-oriented. They like to socialize. The “I” style has traits such as enthusiastic, inspiring, motivating, and energetic. * * * * * The word "FUN" is music to their ears! The “I” style would love to hear, "I pray that you will have a FUN day!" Or "I hope that you have a FUN day!"
What music does the "S" Personality Style like to hear?
~ ~ ~
The "S" style is reserved and people-oriented. They like a conflict-free environment. The “S” style has traits such as supportive, stable, steady, easygoing, and kind. ~ ~ The word "PEACE" is music to their ears! The “S” style would like to hear, "I pray that you will have a PEACEFUL day!" Or "I hope that you have a PEACEFUL day!"
What music does the "C" Personality Style like to hear?
~ ~ ~
The "C" style is reserved and task-oriented. They like to do things right. The “C” style has traits such as cautious, careful, consistent, correct, organized, and analytical. ~ ~ The word "PERFECT" is music to their ears! The “C” style would like to hear, "I pray that you will have a PERFECT day!" Or "I hope that you have a PERFECT day!" * * * As a "C" style person (who has a lot of "D") I can tell you that "Cs" do need to work on modifying what they think is a perfect day! But that is for a different article! * * * HAPPY NEW YEAR to EVERY PERSONALITY STYLE!
Every month I share some insights into The Four Personality Styles. I do this because understanding ourselves and others creates Better Relationships! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Each month it is my hope and prayer that you will gain insights from this newsletter that will bless your life. Life comes together better when we understand ourselves and understand others! ~ ~ ~ If you would like to learn more about personality styles, click the link that follows:
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