Inspirational Prayers

This is the place to find

Inspirational Prayers for all occasions

Our vibrant Christian community

is dedicated to ministering to your spiritual needs.


We welcome YOU!

Our Inspirational-Prayers site has
Prayers for all Occasions,
Bible devotions
and More!

If you are new to our site, you might want
to start by looking at our Sitemap.

Praise to our Lord

Some people do not know that

God Runs!

The story of Luke 15:11-32   ** Verse 20  Note: The Father in the story is God.

The video above and the one below

answer the question:


Do you love me?

See our page: God's promise of Love

Praise to the Lord our God

Ruler of the Universe.

You astonish me with your love.

Jesus, inspire me with your life,

so that I can

courageously live my life for you.

 Recently, I saw a person in a

On the back of the shirt it said:

The church has left the building.

Popular Pages

Understanding the Trinity

Explaining Salvation



Bible Verses:

O my God,

I trust,

lean on,

rely on,


am confident in You.

Psalm 25:2 a AMP

When I pray,

you answer me,

and encourage me

by giving me the strength I need.

Psalm 138:3 TLB

Psalm 119 Prayer

With my whole heart
I have sought You;
Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments!

Your word I have hidden in my heart,
That I might not sin against You.

Blessed are You, O Lord!

Psalm 119:10-12a NKJV

Experiencing a better life with Jesus!

Everyone wants life

to be better.

Talking with God is a tremendous avenue for change.

Through prayer we renew our mind,

receive supernatural blessings from the Lord, and

gain more harmony and unity with God.

Through Prayer

we develop our relationship

with God,

and draw closer to God.

Prayer doesn't have to be

boring and unproductive.

One of our goals is to inspire you with content

that brings fresh insights and fresh life

into your relationship with God.

We want to provide you with thoughts and concepts

that you have not considered previously.

As you spend time on our Inspirational-Prayers site,

it is our desire that our site content

will guide you toward more easily

receiving more love and acceptance from God.

If you are looking for

more results,

more knowledge,

or more acceptance

in your spiritual life,

we invite you to be a part

of our Amazing  Community.

You are important to God, and

you are important to us.

Would you like to understand

what getting saved is all about?

We have a page called Explaining Salvation.

Inspirational Prayers 

There are some wonderful

Inspirational Prayers

in the Bible.

In the book of Ephesians,

Paul tells us what his prayer is for us.

We will highlight Ephesians 3:16-19 NLT.

"I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources

he will empower you with inner strength

through his Spirit.

Then Christ will make his home in your hearts

as you trust in him.

Your roots will grow down into God's love and

keep you strong.

And may you have the power to understand,

as all God's people should,

how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.

May you experience the love of Christ,

though it is too great to understand fully.

Then you will be made complete

with all the fullness of life and power

that comes from God.

Now all glory to God, who is able,

through his mighty power at work within us,

to accomplish infinitely more

than we might ask or think.

Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus

through all generations

forever and ever!


~ ~ ~

In the book of Colossians,

Paul tells us about the contents

of one of his prayers.

Colossians 1:9-12 NKJV

"For this reason we also, since the day we heard it,

do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you:

May be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom


spiritual understanding;

that you may walk worthy of the Lord,

fully pleasing Him,

being fruitful in every good work

and increasing in the knowledge of God;

strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power,

for all patience and longsuffering with joy;

giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be

partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light."

~ ~ ~

Inspirational Prayers in the Bible continued:

In the book of 1 Chronicles,

Jabez prays to God.

The Prayer of Jabez has become famous in the last few years.

We will highlight 1 Chronicles 4:10 KJV.

"And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou

wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine

hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil,

that it may not grieve me!"

1 Chronicles 4:10 ends with,

"And God granted him that which he requested."

See our Jabez Page!

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welcome our visitors!

Let us know what you like or what you would like to see more of!

We want to make visiting our site helpful. We are continuing to build this site. Please let us know what you would like to see more of. (And if you aren't a fan of our site, we pray that God will lead you to the site that is just right for you!)

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What Other Visitors Have Said

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This site 
I used this site for a very long time for our preparatory prayers for our church bulletin. My old computer crashed and I lost the page bookmark for this …

Please join me in praying for children to be protected by God and shielded away from predators. Pray that the predator's find work to do and not carry …

Prayer for people to forget past mistakes and healthy and happy relationships 
Dear Beth McLendon. I am incredibly grateful to have found your prayer for past mistakes. Even though I have gotten better at moving on from my past transgressions, …

I barely survived an attempt on my life  
Please pray for my family & I are still being terrorized by people. I barely survived an assassination attempt on my life 2 weeks ago. I don’t think …

I have spent a lot of time looking for a site that gives what I am looking for. Yours is the one. I can find meditation verses, I can find evening and …

Thank U. I was looking for prayers via internet n Jesus sent U to me. What a Blessing. And i truly love it. I haven't captured it all yet. So many different …

Amazed and encouraged 
I can't imagine anymore subjects that you can cover -scripture scripture, scripture music poems, videos. I'm so thankful for this site I want to share …

prayer for others and love towards others 
To bring people closer to God especially those who become astray so that they turn back to him. To show love to others and bring them to know God .

I’m surrounded by enemies  
I have been running from a cartel that raped me years ago as punishment for trying to stop them from robbing an elderly widow. (I woke up in my bed face …

Prayer for a terminal cancer father 
I have a nephew who has terminal cancer, with a wife and 4 children. I need a prayer for him and his family that I can pray with them often. …

talk about Jesus return and how to be ready 
I am highly favored of God and someone is seeking to harm me because of it. I love this guy named clemente for real and they are hacking my phones …

We should have faith in what ever we do in life coz without faith we are nothing in our way of living.

We talked on the phone  
I met you on the phone last week and you told me about this website and I was excited because I have a bible full of prayer request to unload but as I …

Beautiful web site. thank you LOrd for bringing me to this site.

cancer diagnosis 
I am a 55 year old male. I currently am out of work on sick leave. Looking to retire in July. Last week was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer. I need …

More inspirational prayers  
I ‘ev discover your site yesterday, it’s wonderful thank you so much for these wonderful words of prayers. May God continue to bless you

Wonderful use of the internet 
I've just discovered your site and can't wait to visit again. Like my "title" says, what a "Wonderful use of the internet" May the Good Lord continue to …

Prayer for healing for my sister 
Please pray for my sister. The doctor suggested she do a bone marrow biopsy. I am believing God for good report. Whose report shall we believe. …

Prayer for better finances  
Hi I am Mary, a very hard working mom. I pray everyday for my financial situation to get better. My children are very good and patient, and I pray …

Prayer request for a 6 year old boy with autism to speak and for family finances and new job opening 
I am a mother of a child - a boy - who is 6 years old and has autism. My husband and I have been praying for 6 years that our son will talk. …

Prayer request for marriage  
Hi, I am Leo Brosius from Monrovia Liberia West Africa, love for you to join me to get marry to my wife God will send me. I do not know …

compiling prayer book 
Thank you for your lovely website. I am, at the moment, trying to put together my own book of prayers, and found this website very helpful. When I have …

Click here to write your own.

Our free inspirational prayers are written to
encourage you and uplift you.

Daily Prayer is important. May we suggest visiting our Morning Prayers?

Take note that we at Inspirational - Prayers believe in the power of prayer, but we cannot guarantee any specific type of results from our prayers.

Thank you for visiting our Christian Prayer site!

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Info on New Pages

Beth's Blog

Daily Inspiration

When you feel surrounded

New Page:

Talking to the Dead is Forbidden 

New Page:

Full Armor Prayer for the Family of Addicts


Prayers for the family of

Sorry - new correct link

Jesus, the Good Shepherd

Proverbs 17:22 Laughter

The Bible verse of Champions

Communion Prayers

October 31


We have devotions for each of the psalms:

Psalm list

Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles

Explaining How to Get to Heaven

Victory, Power Prayer

Overcoming Sabotage in your family

Increasing JOY


All our Addiction pages

Help for HOW to Forgive

an audio presentation

Opposites attract and then...




for Jesus


Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

Our autumn Newsletter 
went out

October 2.


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Understanding the Trinity

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Questions of Life

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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer

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Secrets for Husbands

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Prayer for Men

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Life-changing prayer for fathers

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Prayer for Women

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The Truth about Evolution

Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers

Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

Songs for Children for church and home

Prayer for my Adult Daughter

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Prayers for my Adult Son

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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

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MUSIC for adults

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Links to all our pages on the Psalms