Prayer for a Sick Child

Presenting Powerful Prayer

for a Sick Child

Watching a child suffer
is one of the hardest things we can do.

Praying and standing in faith
is one of the things we need to do.

This page is written to help you do that.

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Also note that we have other prayer for children

and prayer for illnesses.

All our prayers are listed on our page
Prayers for all Occasions 

First Prayer

Lord God,

I praise you for your compassion and your goodness.

Marvelous are your healing mercies.

Lord, as sickness has invaded my little one's world, I stand by watching and feeling helpless. But Lord, I am reminded that I am not helpless but powerful in prayer.

I lift up to you my precious child, and I ask for your healing power to fully permeate every part of my child's body.

Lord, I ask that my child's body be quickly transformed into radiant health as you respond to prayer and your healing promises in your Word.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of


"I will not stop praying.

I will not stop standing in faith until my child is healed!"

Second Prayer for a Sick Child

Lord God,

You are the Great Physician.

My child is sick and needs your healing touch.

Lord, you are the healer of weaknesses, colds, flu, fevers, viruses, chronic conditions, tumors, cancer and other diseases, and you are the healer of my child.

As I ask you to heal my child, I will declare by faith that my child IS receiving your abundant healing power right now and that my child's health IS steadily improving.

I declare that I will not look at what my eyes see, but I will look at what my faith sees.

I will feed my faith concerning the healing power that is bringing health to my child.

I will stand strong behind your biblical words:

"By his stripes, we are healed." *

Thank you, Lord, for bringing your awesome healing power into my child's body.

Lord, I will praise you for healing my child.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of

* 1 Peter2:24, Isaiah 53:5

As a Faith Builder,

we suggest that you add the specific illness or condition
that your child suffers from
to the list included in the above prayer.

Powerful Proclamation

“Lord, I will speak out the powerful healing verses
that you have written in your Word.”


There is great benefit in speaking out Scripture

To help you to speak out the healing verses found in the Bible, We will give you a few to get you started:

Psalm 103

Psalm 107:20

Psalm 29:11

We at Inspirational-Prayers believe in the healing power of Jesus Christ, and therefore, we pray aggressive prayers.

Nevertheless, please note that we cannot promise that if you pray our prayers, you will see a healing miracle.

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