This Prayer for Fear page
is written to
comfort, encourage, and bless you
as you
continue your spiritual walk
toward victory over
We all have fought the feeling of fear.
We all have been hindered and sometimes crushed
by fear.
We all want to learn how to conquer this enemy.
Fear pushes.
Fear drives.
Fearful thoughts torment.
Fear sometimes tries to
keep us
from making
important choices
and decisions.
The following
Prayers for Fear
are written
to help you combat fear
and become strong in the Lord.
A Prayerful Song
By faith I believe that you are strengthening me.
And when I am afraid.....
Prayer for Fear
Dear Lord,
I need you. I need your help.
I have fear in my life. The emotion of fear is getting more and more overpowering. I need your strength to combat this enemy of fear.
Father, you said that fear has torment. I see that.
You also said that you didn't give me a spirit of fear.
So this fear is coming from the enemy. You said that you give me power, love, and a sound mind. Lord, you gave me those things. Help me to learn how to access them.
Lord, I need you to teach me how to conquer this fear.
Lord, I know I need to refuse to listen to fear. Help me.
Lord, I will make a dedication today to set my face like flint against fear. By faith, I declare that I will have less fear tonight when I go to bed than when I got up this morning.
Fear has started a war with me. I will come against fear and win this war! I will not be dismayed if I don't win every single battle but I declare that by the power of God - I WILL win the war!
Lord, I'm going to stand up in your name and speak strong words against fear.
In the name of Jesus, I say to fear, "I am not going to let you run my life anymore. I am going to stand up against you. I am going to do what God wants me to do even if I must do it afraid."
Father God, thank you for guiding me this day. Thank you for providing for me this day. Thank you for teaching me this day. I am becoming stronger in you. I praise your name.
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of
Another Prayer for Fear
Dear Lord,
Fear has pushed me when you wanted me to be led by your loving hand.
Fear has tormented me when you wanted me to enjoy your soothing peace.
Fear has stolen from me when you wanted me to possess more than enough.
I will stand against fear.
I will conquer fear in the power of Jesus Christ.
Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of
Peace Be Still
Prayer for Fear
Dear Lord,
Thank you for your guidance in my life.
Thank you that
fear is decreasing and faith is increasing.
Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of
Also note that
we have a page called
Inspirational Thoughts about Fear
Consider also learning how to put on the armor -
(found in Ephesians 6:10-17)
in a way that brings strength and encouragement
to your spiritual live.
We have many pages of prayers and devotions
about the full armor of God.
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