Marriage Prayers

These Marriage Prayers are designed

to get you focused

on the Lord and

on the wonderful person you married.


This page is presented to stir up

your thoughts of love.

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This page will help to remind you of all the things
that made you fall in love.

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(Click here for prayer for a troubled marriage)

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Click here for Romance pages

We pray that you will allow these prayers

to bring joy and excitement

into your heart.

Also note: There is a Devotional

at the bottom of the page.

Fall in love all over again - Every day!

Marriage Prayer for a Wife:

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are amazing and wonderful.

Your unchanging love surrounds me and protects me.

You bless me, and you bless my marriage.

Thank you for my husband. What an impressive man he is.

You gave me the man of my dreams.

He is a mega-man, and he is mine.

Teach me to love him and value him as I should.

Show me how to be the kind of encourager that he needs.

Continually guide our hearts toward each other and toward you.

In Jesus' name, I pray,


Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –

Marriage Prayer for a Husband:

Dear Lord,

I just talked to the sweetest person and the prettiest lady in the whole world.
I am glowing like a lighthouse in the
most wonderful part
of your creation.

Lord, the wife you gave me is my treasure.
She is the most important thing
in my life.

Help me keep my heart ever tender toward her and her needs.

Help me to learn how to nourish her with kindness and understanding.

Show me how to become
the faithful, loyal, wise man
that you created me to be.

Lord, protect and guard my marriage.

Strengthen our dedication to each other and to you.

In Jesus' name, I pray,


Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –


Almighty, Infinite Father,

I pray that you will bring

new sparks of romantic love


new bursting fireworks of passion

into the marriages

of those who read this page.


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –

Marriage Bible Devotion

Couples generally begin their marriage

with happiness, hope, and excitement.

Drawing nearer to God while also praying marriage prayers helps keep the hope and harmony alive.

It also keeps the husband and wife focused on attitudes and actions that promote marital happiness.

Prayer will ...

  1. Strengthen weak areas in a marriage
  2. Remind us of our mate's fabulous qualities
  3. Make us more aware of the important things in life.

God wants to help us to hinder attitudes that might one day lead to divorce.

Note that it is almost impossible for two people to get a divorce if they are tender toward God and tender toward each other.

Therefore, through prayer and seeking to understand their mate, couples can strengthen their union and bring more friendship, fun, and peace into their relationship.

In Mark chapter ten, Jesus explains that divorce is caused by a hard heart.

Speaking marriage prayers out loud stirs up compassionate love for your mate and brings husband and wife closer together. Spending time praying together is ideal but God will do powerful things with any prayer given to him. God loves marriage!

Our heavenly Father

is the ultimate marriage coach and counselor.

He is always ready to help us improve our marriage.

God's favorite way of

Blessing your Marriage

We invite you to look at our Marriage Bible Devotions.

A quick jump to the top of Marriage Prayers

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