This "Prayers for all Occasions" page
the prayer pages
on the Inspirational Prayers website.
We have many
kinds of Christian prayers,
so we encourage you to scroll
all the way down the list.
Most visited page:
For a list of all our Full Armor Prayers:
Powerfully Putting on the Armor
** Our list of Prayers **
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friend or child or addict or daughter - etc.
3 Newest Pages
Full Armor Prayers for Victory
Prayers when you hear an ambulance
Prayers to pray for your high school child
Praying Prayers for Young Children
Prayer for Difficult Situations
Prayers for the family of addicts
dealing with the weariness
Full Armor Prayers for the Family of Addicts
Uplifting Prayer for feeling weak
Prayers for Married Couples to Pray Together
Prayer when something is wrong with a loved one
(recent changes in personality)
Healing Prayers to Send Friends
For a mother-in-law....
Praying for my Daughter - in - law
to Strengthen & Solidify his walk with Jesus
Armor of God Prayer for Daily Walking with Jesus
Woman's Prayers for unmet desires
Prayer for my Adult Son's Friends
Prayer for my Adult Daughter's Friends
Inspirational Prayers for my Marriage
Jesus Prayer for our Family and Church
Summer Prayers to Bless my Friends
Prayers for my Married daughter who has children
Prayers for my Married son who has children
Salvation Scripture Prayer
to pray for your loved ones who are not right with God.
Prayers for unsaved loved ones
Prayer for Moving to a new job in a new town
Birthday Prayer for Aging Parents
Prayers for loved ones as they sleep
Scripture Prayers for Grandchildren
Powerful Waiting on God Prayer
Prayers for Abused friends and family members
Amazing Prayers of Love for Family & Friends
Prayers for Revival for my church
Morning Prayer for my Son (Teen or Adult Son)
Morning Prayer for my Daughter (Teen or Adult Daughter)
A New year of Blessings for my Friends and Family
Healing Prayer for Covid for a friend
Springtime Prayer for a Friend
Prayers for Pets - Prayers and Celebrations of Pets
Prayers for my Adult Child during Difficulties
Protection Prayers for our Daughters and Granddaughters
Guide me, Lord - Prayers, Music, Blessings
Prayers for Healing Emotional Pain
Prayer for a Friend who is fighting a long illness
Corona Virus Prayer for Strength & Provision
Corona Virus Prayer for our Leaders
Prayers to Conquor Unforgiveness
Prayers for my FamilyLinks to our pages for those who are married
Praying for a loved one who is a hoarder
Prayer for my child in the military
Prayers for dealing with strife and upset with someone
Prayer for Selling a house (for yourself or your friends)
Prayers for Sexual Purity for our teens and unmarried adult children
Prayers for our Church and Church members
Prayer and Music to comfort those whose child is dead
Prayer for YOUR state or country
Prayer for Healing from Spiritual Abuse - Abuse from ungodly clergy, etc.
Praying for Widows and Widowers
after a recent death
Prayers to pray for College Students
Prayers for Emotionally Wounded Friends & Family
Daily Prayer for Unsaved Loved Ones
Prayer after a Difficult Diagnosis such as Cancer
Prayers for my Addicted Husband
Addiction Spiritual Warfare Prayer
Prayers for Healing and Strength
Powerful, Victorious Women prayer and inspiration
Full Armor of God Prayer for Wives
Full Armor of God Prayer for Women to pray
Full Armor of God Prayers for Men to pray
Psalm 103 Prayers and Short Devotions
Remind me, Lord Prayer for a Great Day!
Life-Changing Prayer for Husbands & Fathers
Prayers for our loved ones who are far from God
Prayer for loved ones in an ungodly lifestyle
Prayer in Times of Crisis (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Prayer for a Troubled Marriage (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Prayer for the Weary (Not on the Nav Bar)
Prayer for Greater Dedication to God
Prayers for Vacation Bible School
Retirement Prayers for my friend
Revelation + Motivation = Transformation
Prayer for a Friend - various topics (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Justice Prayer for a Friend (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Prayer for Protection for a Friend (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Prayer for those suffering from mental illness (Not on the Nav Bar)
Prayer for Preventing Disasters (Not on the Nav Bar)
Gratitude Prayer (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Prayer for Unsaved Loved Ones (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Healing Cancer Prayer (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Healing Prayer for high blood pressure
Prayers for my Husband (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Prayers for my Husband's job (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Prayers for those who have lost their Pets (also prayer for friends to pray)
Prayers to celebrate God and His Goodness (Not on the Nav Bar)
Wedding Prayers (Not on the Nav Bar)
Prayers for Meetings and Ceremonies
Prayer for a Sick Child - 2,300 Facebook likes
Invocation Prayer- prayer for meetings
The Shield of Faith - Prayer and insights
Prayer and Tips for Rebounding Exercises - mini-trampoline
Sample Prayers - Prayer for a difficult situation and prayer for healing
Daily Prayers - Refreshing and Relaxing
Prayer for Justice - Prayer and wise insights
Prayer for Faith - Subtitle: Prayer for Difficult Times (Not on the nav Bar)
Bedtime Prayers (Not on the Navigation Bar)
More Bedtime Prayer (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Money Prayer found on the Making a Budget Page
Father's Love Prayer- (also called God's Love)
Intimacy with God (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Prayer of Adoration - Music and Prayer to worship and adore the Lord
Marriage Prayers
Marriage Prayers - to bring fun into your marriage
Wedding prayer for engaged couples. (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Powerful Prayers for Marriage Restoration (Not on the Nav Bar)
Prayer for women in an abusive marriage (Not on the Nav Bar)
Self-Acceptance (Prayer and Devotion) (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Help for those who grieve after suicide
Prayer for Provision (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Prayer for Despair (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Prayer for Emotional Pain (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Pray for Israel Praying Psalm 122 (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Cowboy Prayer - Prayer about thankfulness written for Cowboys
Prayer against Pride (Not on the Nav Bar)
Prayer for Persecuted Christians (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Prayer for Children - for guidance and for salvation
Springtime Prayers (Not on the Nav Bar)
The ones in this section are not on the Navigation Bar....
Prayer & Encouragement about God Daily Leading us
Prayer for Courage Prayer for Teachers to pray
Prayer for Generational IssuesRetirement Celebration Prayer
Personality Styles Insights and Prayer
Prayer - Save me from This....Prayer and Worship
The Secret to Great Relationships - Developing a Tender Heart - Devotion and Prayer
Prayer for single women that ministers to the emotions of those who are wanting a husband.
Prayer for single women - prayers for singles - who want a husband and child. This prayer ministers to the emotions.
Hannah's Prayer - Prayer asking God to bring pregnancy and to protect the baby
Infertility prayer to bring understanding and to minister to the emotions of women who long for a baby.
Firefighter Prayer - Prayer and Tributes to Firefighters
Graduation Prayer for Graduating Seniors
Prayer for our Church - Prayers for the Local Church body
Prayer for Strengthening our Churches
Prayer and Teaching about Healing
Prayer for fighting Depression
Prayer to Celebrate and Honor the Men in our Church (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Christian Fitness - Prayer to Promote Exercise (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Senior Citizen Fitness Prayer (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Prayer and Amazing Insights to become sexually pure (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Prayer for Patience - prayer for waiting on God and
prayer for an even temper
Prayers of Joy (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Parenting Prayers - A general parenting prayer
Johnny Appleseed Prayer - A fun prayer to pray with your children.
Prayers for Children (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Prayer for Prodigal Sons and Daughters (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Parenting Prayers for “D” Parents (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Parenting Prayers for “I” Parents (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Parenting Prayers for “S” Parents (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Parenting Prayers for “C” Parents (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Graduation Prayers (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Graduation Poem Prayer (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Bible Wisdom (Not on the Navigation Bar) Teaching and Prayer
Prayers for Grieving Spouses (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Funeral Prayer (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Funeral Prayers - Prayer and tips on comforting the family
Prayer for the Death of a Beloved Marine (Not on Nav)
Prayers for Pet Owners whose pet has died (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Birthday Prayer - A special prayer page that highlights God's love to you.
Prayers for Soldiers - Lifting up our U.S. soldiers (Not on the Navigation Bar)
Several of our Psalm pages
have prayer.
Here are some of them -
Psalm 4 Prayer for Comfort and Guidance
Psalm 61 - Prayer and insights for tough times
Psalm 20 - A model prayer for help
Psalm 92 - Simple Prayer - Great for kids & teens
Psalm 27 - Prayer and Insights
ARMOR of God
Full Armor Belt of Truth Prayer
Helmet of Salvation Prayer and Insights
Shoes of Peace Prayers and Insights for feeling peaceful
Breastplate of Righteousness Prayer and Insights
Shield of Faith Prayer and Insights
Sword of the Spirit Prayer - Week-long devotion
Shoes of Peace - Armor Shoes Prayer (Zip, ZIP, ZING!)
Links page to all our National Day of Prayer pages
National Day of Prayer 2013 - 644 Facebook likes
National Day of Prayer 2014 - Emphasizing Personal Repentance
All Prayers related to Holidays are on our Special Prayers Page.
All Spanish Prayers are listed on Spanish Page.
Back to the top of Prayers for all Occasions
Guiding Teens toward Blessings
Newest Page:
Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles
We have devotions for each of the psalms:
Explaining How to Get to Heaven
Overcoming Sabotage in your family
an audio presentation
Click here for Links to ALL our marriage pages
Men and women keep score differently
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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life
went out
February 18.
Sign up below for
which is called
The Inspirational Life
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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer
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Life-changing prayer for fathers
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Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers
an audio Presentation by Beth
Songs for Children for church and home
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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself
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Links to all our pages on the Psalms