Prodigal Son

Prayers for our



Luke 15 tells the story

of the Prodigal Son.

This son desired to separate from his father and

seek after his own selfish pleasures.


The prodigal's father had to experience

the heart-break of his son's rejection.


Many loving parents share the heart-break

of having a prodigal son or daughter.


This page has several prayers for prodigals.

And at the bottom is

A Musical Video to encourage Praying Parents!


Shattered Dreams

A Prodigal Son or a Prodigal Daughter

shatters our dreams.

The greatest dream for our children

is for them

to experience the salvation of God.

Knowing that our children have given their heart to

the Lord

is our greatest joy and comfort.

For those who have not experienced that comfort,

there is great sadness.

When your child rejects you, it creates tremendous emotional pain.

When your child rejects God, well, that can be downright scary.

This first prayer

is written for a son, and

then rewritten for a daughter.

Scroll down for more prayers.

Prayer for my Prodigal Son

(Scroll down for a daughter)

Holy God,

Everlasting Lord,

My love for my child is like the water from a well that is continuously fed by a great underground river.

Thank you for giving me my precious child.

The first time that bundle of love was placed in my arms, I felt a tidal wave of love enter my heart. My child has been my joy, my delight - the sunshine of my day.

Seasons have changed. As the leaves of the tree mature, so has my child. I look and no longer see a child, but an adult. The heart that was so open and eager to hear my thoughts now is cautious and closed. The gift of salvation is not a gift in my child's eyes.

Of all the things I have desired for my child, salvation is the greatest, yet it feels the most elusive. Lord, my child’s rejection of you - the coldness - it creates such an ache in my heart.

Even so, I will not look at what my eyes see. I will look at what my faith sees. I will believe by faith that you are directing my child’s pathway back to you.

I will rejoice that the compassionate God of my salvation is not missing one opportunity to draw my son to his side.

Thank you that you are bringing into his remembrance your words, your mighty deeds, and especially your love. Thank you that you are bringing into his life, certainty to every area of uncertainty about you.

Thank you that he will feel your drawing today. Thank you that he is becoming tender toward you and tender toward your Word. Thank you that every good seed that he has heard about you and your Word is growing anew inside him. Thank you that the truths that he knows about you are becoming fresh and meaningful.

I declare by faith that my son will return from his prodigal journey. He will be a mighty man of God.

I pray this prayer for my son in the mighty name of Jesus Christ,


Copyright © 2007 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –


More prayers after 

Prayer for my Prodigal Daughter

Holy God,

Everlasting Lord,

My love for my child is like the water from a well that is continuously fed by a great underground river.

Thank you for giving me my precious child.

The first time that bundle of love was placed in my arms, I felt a tidal wave of love enter my heart. My child has been my joy, my delight - the sunshine of my day.

Seasons have changed. As the leaves of the tree mature, so has my child. I look and no longer see a child, but an adult. The heart that was so open and eager to hear my thoughts now is cautious and closed. The gift of salvation is not a gift in my child's eyes.

Of all the things I have desired for my child, salvation is the greatest, yet it feels the most elusive. Lord, my child’s rejection of you - the coldness - it creates such an ache in my heart.

Even so, I will not look at what my eyes see. I will look at what my faith sees. I will believe by faith that you are directing my child’s pathway back to you.

I will rejoice that the compassionate God of my salvation is not missing one opportunity to draw my daughter to his side.

Thank you that you are bringing into her remembrance your words, your mighty deeds, and especially your love. Thank you that you are bringing into her life, certainty to every area of uncertainty about you.

Thank you that she will feel your drawing today. Thank you that she is becoming tender toward you and tender toward your Word. Thank you that every good seed that she has heard about you and your Word is growing anew inside her. Thank you that the truths that she knows about you are becoming fresh and meaningful.

I declare by faith that my daughter will return from her prodigal journey. She will rejoice in being a mighty woman of God and a beloved daughter of the King.

I pray this prayer for my daughter in the mighty name of Jesus Christ,


Copyright © 2007 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –

We call out to our loved ones dry bones -

Come Alive!


Make my child's way back to you

as smooth as it can be and

as rough as it has to be.


Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of
Inspirational –

Prayer for my Child

Dear Lord,

My son needs to think different thoughts in order to be right with you.

Help him to think different thoughts.

Guide his thoughts and his heart toward you.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –

Another Prayer for a Lost Loved One.


This next prayer is written for a son,
but could be rewritten for a daughter
(or any other prodigal relative or friend).

Dear Lord,

Visit my son with your miracles.

Visit my son with your wisdom.

Visit my son with your life-changing love.

May he turn from his sins and his spiritual apathy - and yearn for a right relationship with you.


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –

Before we present a final video...

Consider more heartfelt prayer

addressing our children's spiritual needs.

Please visit:

Prayer for our Children

And consider a page celebrating children
and dedicating ourselves to parenting:

Prayers for our Children

Back to the top of Prodigal Son

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Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

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MUSIC for adults

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