Prayer for Children

This heartfelt Prayer for Children page is written

to help parents to put into words

their deepest desires for their children.

These prayers are for you to pray for your young and old children:

your son, your daughter, your step-children,

your son-in-law, and your daughter-in-law.

There is nothing more important to Christian parents than

that all their children have accepted Jesus as Savior and

are on their way to heaven.

Click here for those Salvation Prayers.

Click here for our Prayer for a Prodigal Child

We all want our children to choose Jesus as their Savior.

We have prayer for that below.

We all want our children to love God and love his Word.

We have prayer for that below.

We all pray that our children will navigate through life with God

and refuse to ignore help from their loving Lord.

We have prayer for that below.

For these prayers, I have chosen to address it

to a son or daughter.

Please adapt each prayer to fit

the person in your family who needs it.

Guidance Prayer for Children

Lord of  Everlasting Love,

I reach out to you in prayer.

My daughter is on my heart.

Bless her today.

Whisper words of wisdom to her.

Stir her to draw closer to you.

Make stale the things of the world.

Make fresh and exciting the things of you.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of

Dear Lord,

I lift up my daughter to you. She is a great gift from you.

I ask for your protection to be strong in her life.

I ask that you would guide her away from harmful things and guide her toward your blessed will for her life.

May she hunger for the things of you. May she be filled with your richest and best blessings.

I lift up to you every trouble and every trial in her life. I ask for your provision and your wisdom to be sent to carry her through each of them.

May she be aware of your blessings and your miracles in her life. May her love for you grow strong and steady.


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of

Loving Lord,

I pray for your wisdom and guidance for my child.

I ask that you would speak to my child when he encounters a temptation or decision.

Give my child your thoughts.

Put a check in his spirit when he begins to turn away from your path.

Let him feel your peace when he makes wise choices and follows your path.*

May he desire your will above all things.


Copyright © 2003 Beth McLendon of

* Based on the Scripture below:

"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts." Colossians 3:15 NKJV

Note: The Amplified version has a picture of peace being your umpire.


Make my son

Mighty FOR YOU!

Almighty God,

I pray for my son.

I pray for your Wisdom and Power to lead and guide my son this day.

By faith, I declare that my son will become an Overcomer. He will overcome this world’s temptations, and he will experience amazing victories for your glory.

Thank you for flowing your overcoming strength, your overcoming thoughts, and your overcoming emotions into my child.

Lord, help him to see the advantages in choosing to direct his will toward your plans and purposes for him.

May he pick up his destiny and become a mighty man of God.


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of

Dear Lord,

Bless my daughter's every step. May she never wander far from you. May she be so nourished by being close to you that she will not be tempted to stray.

Help her to have faith that every word in the Bible is true. 

May she be comfortable in godly situations doing godly things and uncomfortable in ungodly situations doing ungodly things.


Copyright © 2004 Beth McLendon of

Prayer for a Wayward Child

Lord of Miracles and Mercy,

I lift up praise to you for you are my Rock of stability and steadiness as I move through my day.

And Lord, you are my fountain of hope and encouragement as I pray for my son.

My heart cries out for my son. Direct his attention toward you. Open his eyes. Guide his steps. Shower him with wisdom.

Move people out of his life - and move people into his life - in order to protect him, bless him, and direct him.

May your desires for his life become his desires.  

I pray these things in Jesus’ name,


Copyright ©  2017 Beth McLendon of


Prayer Against Fears

Loving Lord,

My heart is heavy.

My son is being attacked by fears.

Draw his heart toward you.

Surround him with your peace, and let him feel the safety of your arms.

Guide him toward Scriptures that will strengthen him and elevate him above the fears.

Give him thoughts that will raise him up above his circumstances and situations.

Place hope in his heart.

Show him how to receive your power and how to stand strong.

Do miracles, Lord.

I pray in Jesus’ name,


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of

Prayer for Children to love the Bible

Loving Lord,

I thank you for your Word.

I love your Word. May my daughter grow to love your Word.

I pray that my daughter will find your Word refreshing and thought-provoking. I pray that as she reads your Word, she will receive your life-changing wisdom.

I pray that my daughter will see your great love for her sprinkled all through your Scriptures.

I pray that my daughter would enjoy the same kind of intimacy with you that I have with you.

May she feel safe with you. May she be at peace that you have her best interest at heart.

May she run to you in happy times and in sad times.

This is my prayer to you, Lord.


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of

Dear Lord,

I pray that you would draw my daughter into a deeper relationship with you.

I pray that as she hears scriptures being read, she would be given great meaning – deep and life-changing meaning.

May she be Powerfully drawn to you and your Word.

May she eagerly desire to be close to you.

May she kneel before you hungry for a greater relationship with you. 


Copyright © 2007 Beth McLendon of

More Prayer for Children

Dear Lord,

I celebrate the daughter you have given me. She is beautiful, and you have blessed her with awesome talents.

Lord, help her to feel beautiful. Help her to realize that she has many talents. Help her to realize that you have an amazing destiny for her.

Lord, help me to cooperate with you by expressing these truths to her. Guide my words as I seek to minister to my daughter.

In your blessed name I pray,


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of


I lift up a heartfelt prayer to you for my son.

I ask that you would give my son revelations so that he would reject every thought that you are far away or not opinionated about his life or that you do not do miracles today. May ungodly beliefs be exposed and conquered by the power of Jesus Christ.

Fill him so full of your truth that lies would not tempt him.


Copyright © 2007 Beth McLendon of

Next Prayer for Children

Dear God,

Thank you for the strength and determination you give me regarding praying for my children.

I will forever cling to your promises as I firmly stand against all the attacks that come against my children.


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of

Praying for Salvation

The most important prayer


Salvation prayer for children.

First Salvation Prayer

God of Miracles and Mighty Wonders,

I pray for my son.

You have a plan for my son to SERVE YOU!

Thy will be done!

You have a plan for my son to surrender his life to you.

Thy will be done!

You have a plan for my son to love You and love Your Scriptures.

Thy will be done!

You have a plan for my son to walk as a Mighty Man of God.

Thy will be done!

Father God, I pray YOUR WILL for my Son!

Bring him life-changing thoughts this day.

Bring him life-changing experiences this day.

Move heaven and earth to bless my son this day.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of

Second Salvation Prayer

Shepherd of my Soul,

Today I come boldly to your throne - carrying great needs, yet full of the knowledge that you are the answer to every one of them.

I thank you for your goodness and grace. I thank you for your love and mercy. Your compassion is intertwined in everything you do.

My request of you, Lord, is for my children. I pray that love would fill their hearts and salvation their desires.  

Grant me, Lord, that you will move heaven and earth, if necessary, to reach out to my children with salvation.

Give them every opportunity to repent and receive eternal life.  

In Jesus mighty name I pray,


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of

Third Salvation Prayer

Almighty God,

I pray for my son.

I pray that he would hear you calling him to salvation. I pray that he would experience you in such awesome ways that he could not reason them away or turn away from the obvious fact that you are intricately and intimately involved in his life.

I pray that all the good seeds that have been planted inside him would begin to grow incredibly quickly and produce good fruit. I pray that you would use every experience in his life, every Sunday school teaching, every Scripture that he knows, and every emotion he has experienced that is tied to faith and trust in you.

Touch him in such a way that he would know the unmistakable call of Jesus on his life. I pray that he would hear you calling him to repentance and that he would know it is you. I pray that he would submit  - willingly, then lovingly, then enthusiastically.

Thank you that he is being drawn to you with your merciful cords of love.


Copyright ©  2004 Beth McLendon of

We hope you are blessed by our Prayer for Children page.

Before we present a final thought in video form,

consider our other pages.

For another prayer for children page that celebrates children,
click here:
prayers about children.

We also have Parenting Prayer.

Also consider our family section on our Bible Devotions page which has family devotions and other family-related topics.

Prayer for adult children is vitally important. Don't quit praying.

Praying for our Children

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