Prayers for Soldiers

Protection and Provision


for Soldiers

This page is dedicated to

our country’s men and women in uniform.

Life can be very difficult for our military personnel

and their families.

We acknowledge, on this page,
that our service men and women
daily deal with
the enormous challenges involved in
protecting our country.

We are reminded that life can be very hard for those who serve far away from their family and far away from the benefits of coming home at night to their personal residence.

Each soldier is facing his or her own personal unique challenges each and every day. Many are living in difficult surroundings doing a job that is extremely taxing. Moreover, many are working in harm's way -  placing their life on the line each day. Often those they serve are oblivious to most of the hardships that they face. Nevertheless, our soldiers continue to do their best even under harsh conditions and circumstances.


Prayers for Soldiers


Please protect our soldiers

when they are in dangerous situations. 


Next - More Prayers for Soldiers

For Our Soldiers in their daily life


We come to you proclaiming that you are all powerful and all loving. You are our tower of strength. You are our ever - present help in times of trouble.

We come to you with thankful hearts for all the blessings you have given our country.

Our hearts are also filled with thankfulness to those who serve our country in the armed forces. Their love for our country and for our people is inspiring.

Father, we are reminded that our soldiers fight many personal battles, and we ask that today you would intervene in their lives and help each one individually.

Lord, we know that there are times when each one suffers from loneliness, homesickness, exhaustion, sadness, fear, extreme weather conditions, personal physical conditions, and a myriad of other difficulties. We ask that every need would be ministered to this day. We ask that you would come to each one and ease their personal challenges and give each one renewed hope and cheer. We ask that you would refresh each one this day in every way.   


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of

Prayers for Soldiers - Next Prayer

 "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!

For His mercy endures forever."

Psalm 136:1


We give thanks to you for our brave men and women in uniform.

We pray for your love to lead them and your wisdom to guide them each and every day.


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of

Next Prayer for our Soldiers


We lift up prayer for those who lead and direct our soldiers.

May their daily decisions bring powerful protection and abundant provision to our men and women in uniform.


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of

See our Scripture at the end of the page...

See also our Prayer for Veterans Day

And our Christmas Prayer for Soldiers


"Blessed be the Lord my rock,

Who trains my hands for war,

And my fingers for battle -

My lovingkindness and my fortress,

My high tower and my deliverer,

My shield and the One in whom I take refuge." 

Psalm 144:1-2a  NKJV

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