Prayers for Men

This "Prayers for Men" page

is written

to encourage men as they daily seek

to walk as

Mighty Men of God.

Also consider our:

Life-changing Prayer for Men


Prayers for Men

Dedication to God

Almighty God,

You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You hold all authority in heaven and earth.

As I approach your throne of grace, I seek to give you the respect you deserve.

I come before you acknowledging the areas of responsibility you have put in my life. You have ordained that I be a leader in my home, in my church, and in my workplace.

I ask you to raise me up to be the best leader I can be this day.

I bow my head, and I bow my will to you today.

By faith, I believe that you are bringing me the wisdom and guidance that I need this day.

I declare that I will cooperate with you as you bring my mind, will, and emotions into agreement with your plans and purposes.

In Jesus' Name,


Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –


God will guide you to your Destiny

Men were made to be


Note that we have a


devotional page for dads


 Inspirational Thoughts for Dads

The Father's Love

The Father's Love is a movement that is drawing men (and women) to a close relationship with Father God.

If you are open to that movement, I encourage you to consider listening to a tender prayer that I wrote several years ago.

Click on the player below to listen to this audio.

Father God loves


of his children

and wants each one of us to know his overwhelming love.


Children of the King

In Luke 18:17, Jesus told us that to enter the "Kingdom of Heaven" you must come as a little child.

The "Kingdom of Heaven" is defined as righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

There are blessings that men

will not receive

if they do - not - reject

ungodly peer pressure

and allow God

to make their heart tender

toward himself and appropriately tender

toward others.


Father God said to Jesus:

" This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. "


Jesus Christ obviously needed to hear,

"This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased."

I say obviously because our Father God gives what we need.


Jesus was

100% God and 100% man.


HE needed to hear it,

how much more do you and every other man

truly need to hear it!

We all need to hear,

"This is my beloved child in whom I am well pleased."

But in our world,

ungodly peer pressure

has tried to tell us

that we don't need to have such things.

The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy.

The enemy of our soul

uses ungodly peer pressure to steal good things from us.

If you want to hear God's blessings

over you as his child

but you feel hindered by peer pressure,

I encourage you to read the following:



was a man's man –

rugged, strong, and courageous.

He was a mighty man.

Who can you name

that is mightier than Jesus?

Yet it was he who said we need to all come as a little child.

Jesus didn't let the opinions of others change him.

He said what he wanted to say.

He didn't let ungodly peer pressures sway him.

Jesus wasn't embarrassed to say that

we all need to come

as a little child.

If we want to gain all the benefits of being a child of God,

we cannot be ashamed

to admit that we want to be his kid!

Important Note

If you have any problems with pornography,

or if you just want to protect your children from it,

please visit our Get Free From Pornography page.

We at Inspirational-Prayers love to bless marriages.

Click here for Romantic Prayer for your Marriage.

Here are all our Marriage Pages

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Info on New Pages

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Daily Inspiration

What are you hungry for?

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Psalm 103:7 Prayer


"If" I get to heaven...


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Hebrew Language

Senior Citizen Fitness

Christian Fitness

Prayer for Time Management


Questions of Life

Explaining How to Get to Heaven


Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles

We have devotions for each of the psalms:

Psalm list


Victory, Power Prayer

Increasing JOY

Overcoming Sabotage in your family

Opposites attract and then...


All our Addiction pages

Help for HOW to Forgive

an audio presentation




for Jesus


Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

goes out

February 18.


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Prayer for Men

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Life-changing prayer for fathers

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Prayer for Women

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The Truth about Evolution

Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers

Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

Songs for Children for church and home

Prayer for my Adult Daughter

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Prayers for my Adult Son

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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

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MUSIC for adults

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Links to all our pages on the Psalms
