"Prayer for Peace Of Mind"
is written
to provide:
Biblical scriptural wisdom
for those
who are
The Peace of God.
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Also see our page
Prayer for Peace of Mind
Men, please change it to adapt to you.
This Prayer is Personalized
for you
below the video.
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Almighty God and Loving Shepherd,
You are Jehovah Shalom - the God of peace.
Your Word says,
the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need!
He lets me rest in
the meadow grass
leads me beside the quiet streams." Psalm
23:1-2 TLB
Lord, you give us rest and lead us beside quiet streams.
Thank you that you are helping this beloved woman to hear your gentle voice.
Thank you that you are helping her to be able
to follow you to the
quiet streams.
Lord, you say your ways are ways of
pleasantness and
all your paths are peace.
Thank you that you want to
guide this daughter of yours to a new level of peace.
Help her to find your comforting peace and follow your peace.
Show her how to muffle all the noise around her and
rest in
your arms.
Your Word tells
us not to be afraid of people and their reactions.
May she begin to be able to
lessen her anxiety
about what people
(even important people)
Thank you that she is placing
the priorities of her life
in the right
I pray you will help her to keep them in the right order.
May she get a greater sense of your enormous love for her.
May she feel your pleasure as she draws closer and closer to you.
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –
Prayer for Peace of Mind -
Scriptures Verses
Proverbs 3:17 KJV says:
"Her (wisdom) ways are ways of pleasantness
and all her paths are peace."
Jeremiah 1:8 TLB says:
"And don't be afraid of the people,
for I, the Lord, will be with you
see you through."
Personalized Prayer for You:
Almighty God and Loving Shepherd,
You are Jehovah Shalom - the God of peace.
Your Word says,
"Because the Lord is my Shepherd,
I have everything I need!
He lets me rest in the meadow grass
leads me beside the quiet streams."
23:1-2 TLB
Lord, you give me rest and lead me beside quiet streams.
Thank you for helping me to hear your gentle voice.
Thank you for helping me to be able to follow you to the
quiet streams.
Lord, you say your ways are ways of pleasantness and
all your paths are peace.
Thank you that you want to guide me to a new level of peace.
Help me to find your comforting peace and follow your peace.
Show me how to muffle all the noise around me and
rest in your arms.
Your Word tells me not to be afraid of people and their reactions.
I want to lessen my anxiety
about what people
(even important people)
Help me to place
the priorities of my life
in the right order.
And help me to keep them in the right order.
I ask for a greater sense of your enormous love for me
I ask to feel your pleasure as I draw closer and closer to you.
In Jesus’ name I pray,
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –
To be Spiritually minded
Life and Peace.
Romans 8:6 b
Many people,
particularly those with a "C" personality style,
struggle with worry and with over analyzing everything.
I am a "C" personality style.
The "C" style is reserved and task-oriented.
The "C" style is careful, cautious, and
wants to do things the right way.
As a "C",
Proverbs 20:24 has become one of my favorite verses.
By speaking it out loud regularly,
I have gained a tremendous amount of peace of mind.
I no longer have to understand everything.
As I follow God,
I can trust that God is taking me
where I need to go.
"Since the Lord is directing our steps,
why try to understand
everything that happens along the way?"
Proverbs 20:24 TLB
I teach and coach on DISC personality styles.
DISC has changed my life in amazing ways.
It has helped me to gain so much freedom in my life!
I encourage you to explore the information on this site
about DISC.
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