Bible armor
Explaining God's Ephesians 6 Armor!
We have Fun videos, Songs, and Crafts!
Nine Devotions
to do with your Children
your host Beth McLendon
We have teen activities -
and the 9 th Day is all for teens.
Let's Get Excited about God's Word!
Our page topic:
Putting on the Armor of God
Put your armor on
so you will be strong in the Lord.
This week we will learn more about
God's Armor
Part 1
God gives us the
Helmet of Salvation,
Belt of Truth,
Breastplate of Righteousness,
Shoes of Peace,
Shield of Faith,
Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
Mighty for Jesus!
Armor Activity
For Younger Children
For Teens and Older Children
Part 2
Bible armor for Children and Teens
God gives us a cool
to help us grow more like Jesus.
God tells us that
the Bible is our sword.
We use our
by speaking out verses in the Bible!
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For example,
if you feel fear, you can say,
"The Lord hasn't given me the spirit of fear
but of
power, love, and a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
Saying a verse once doesn't
normally make a lot of difference.
God expects us
to say verses
over and over
as we confront
By saying verses
over and over,
we become changed people.
We become more like Jesus!
So... by saying the "Fear" verse over and over,
we begin to find that
we feel
less fearful
and more courageous.
God wants us
to feel safe.
The devil wants us
to feel afraid.
One of the most important things
that Bible verses do
Many young Christians and adult Christians
look exactly like nonChristians
because they have no CHANGE in their life.
They have no victory over anything.
But is we follow Jesus closely....
we often have
to use our SWORD
God's sword CHANGES us
God's sword CHANGES our life!
Let's get excited about
Word of God.
Sword of the Spirit
Fun video
Sword of the Spirit
the enemy down to size.
The following video
gives you another example of how to use
your armor.
Full Armor
For Teens
consider our page:
Teens should be able to handle almost every page on this site.
Part 3
The Shield of Faith
It is a shield of confidence
God's Word is True.
Let's proclaim that
We Have
Follow Jesus.
God doesn't stop every bad thing from happening in our life.
But the Bible promises us that:
No matter what happens in our life,
God will help us handle it.
He will never leave us or forsake us.
Deuteronomy 31:6
Joshua 1:5
1 Chronicles 28:20
Isaiah 42:16
Hebrews 13:5
Bad thoughts are like arrows
that try to keep us
from living
the way God wants us to live.
I've got my
Shield of Faith!
We encourage teens to visit our page called:
Part 4
God gives us
The Helmet of Salvation.
Putting on
the Helmet of Salvation
my mind.
Let's make a commitment
to think
God's thoughts and
resist the bad thoughts of the devil.
Submit to God
Resist the devil
and he will flee from you.
James 4:7
Thinking like God
makes me a strong Christian!
I learn
to think like
reading the Bible.
Our Helmet of Salvation
protects us.
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It also represents our commitment
to following Jesus.
Make an
Helmet of Salvation
Teens consider our page:
Part 5
God tells us to
put on the
Shoes of Readiness.
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Our shoes are also called
The Shoes of Peace
The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace.
Please preview this video.
Our Armor of God
protect us.
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Our shoes remind us
of many things
that are important.
For Example:
> Being ready to go where God directs
> Standing firm with God
> Living in peace with God
> Following Jesus closely
> Taking the Good News of Jesus to our friends
~ ~ ~
Our Bible Shoes help us
to move
away from evil ideas and evil forces.
Shoes of Peace
Please join me and say...
I have my Armor Shoes
and I walk with
Teens consider our page:
Part 6
God tells us to put on
The Belt of Truth
God's Word tells us what is true.
We need to take time to learn God's Word.
Truth is found in the Bible.
Please say with me:
I will live
like the Bible teaches me to live.
I will speak truth.
I will not tell lies.
Activity Idea
Consider asking your child
if he or she would like
to make a video of a
Bible topic.
Teens consider making a Bible video
to encourage and inspire
your family.
Part 7
God tells us to put on
The Breastplate of Righteousness
~ ~ ~
The Breastplate of Righteousness
protects our heart.
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When we put on the Breastplate,
God helps us to learn to protect our heart from bad things.
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Some of those bad things are
meanness, selfishness,
hard heartedness, and unforgiveness.
I'm a follower of Jesus Christ!
I'm Motivated!
I'm Mighty!
The video below
is for older children and teens.
We encourage teens to go to our page:
Part 8
God tells us to put on the
Full Armor of God
We add something to the armor.
Let's pray to God every day!
Full Armor of God
A Great Song to often play in your house
A mellow tune
For Teens
Below is a
Prayer for Putting on the Armor
I hope you will put your armor on today!
God of Creation - Mighty and True,
I come before you to thank you for giving me your strong armor.
I praise You for the power and authority you give me to use for your purposes.
Today I put on the Helmet of Salvation. Thank you, Lord, for saving me from hell and providing a heavenly home for me.
Lord, You designed my helmet to protect my thoughts. I will cooperate with You this day. I will allow godly thoughts to flow through my mind this day, and I will reject ungodly thoughts.
Thank you for my Shoes of Peace.
When I allow godly peace to guide me, I feel so good inside.
I put on my Shoes of Peace. They cushion each step that I take. These shoes help to reduce the friction and irritation that can naturally come as I live in this ungodly world.
I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.
I want to be right with You.
Lord, I invite You to speak to me about any sin that I need to confess and ask forgiveness for. I want to feel totally comfortable with You.
Thank you for your wholehearted forgiveness toward me. And thank you for this breastplate that covers my heart - which is the very inner part of me.
Wearing this breastplate reminds me that You want ME to guard my heart. You want my heart to be tender and protected from impurity. I will make decisions that will protect my heart from sinful things.
I put on the Belt of Truth.
Today I renew my dedication to Your truth.
I will live within the boundaries of Your truth. I want to follow you more closely each day. I will tighten my belt so that I can feel it restraining me and protecting me from sin.
I pick up my Shield of Faith.
I will recognize doubt darts, and I will quickly respond.
I declare that every doubt dart that is fired at me will be met with faith and trust in You, Lord, and in Your Word.
Thank You for the Sword of the Spirit.
I pick up the Sword of the Spirit, and I give voice to the Word of God. I will become more and more comfortable speaking out Scriptures.
I will remind myself that when I speak out Your Scriptures, Your power is unleashed.
Now I am dressed and ready to live a life of dedication
to You, Lord,
in my words and in my actions.
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of
Part 9
Today is only
For Teens
For the Teens!
Sign Language Presentation
we have some information
about our spiritual enemies.
The Devil is Satan.
Satan is a fallen angel.
He can only be at one location at a time.
He is busy directing the demons that follow him and busy
working to influence world leaders.
Satan tells the demons to tempt us.
And since Satan is their leader,
we sometimes say things like,
"The Devil is tempting me."
We encourage you to read our page called:
every day in my personal devotions,
I physically do the movements to
put on
the full armor of God.
I act like the pieces are visible and
As I put on each piece,
I say words that show my respect
for God and words that will ignite my determination to follow God.
The reason I choose to do this so often is because this activity always gives me a great blessing.
Again today
I encourage you to do a
Prayer for Putting on the Armor.
and put on your Armor
Pages for children
Pages for Teens and Adults
The Full Armor of God (Power Proclamations)
Achieving Victory - a week of insights
Spiritual Battle (Secrets to Winning)
Power Words for Winning our Battles
A Spiritual Warfare Strategy - Stay Amazed
Stay Amazed - weekly thoughts (based on the above page)
Quick jump to the top of Bible Armor for Children
page originally presented July 25, 2015
Guiding Teens toward Blessings
Newest Page:
Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles
We have devotions for each of the psalms:
Explaining How to Get to Heaven
Overcoming Sabotage in your family
an audio presentation
Click here for Links to ALL our marriage pages
Men and women keep score differently
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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life
went out
February 18.
Sign up below for
which is called
The Inspirational Life
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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer
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Life-changing prayer for fathers
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Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers
an audio Presentation by Beth
Songs for Children for church and home
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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself
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Links to all our pages on the Psalms