Creating a Great Relationship with Yourself.

Creating something wonderful.


Have you ever thought about the following question?

How do you create a great relationship

with yourself?

One of the keys

to creating a great relationship with yourself

is being able to

accept the truth about yourself.


For some people, two of the hardest truths to accept are:

How valuable they are


How much God loves them.

In order to create a great relationship with yourself,

you need to stay out of the ditch of

devaluing yourself.

Psalm 139:14

tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

God thinks YOU are so valuable

that his loving gaze never leaves you for a moment.

God thinks you are so valuable

that he continually does things to draw you

toward a great relationship with HIM.

Consider visiting our Psalm 139 page.

God draws you with his everlasting love.

How do you respond to God’s love toward you?

Whether you are very, very close to God

or very, very far away from God

(or somewhere in between)

God wants you to know that

he has a deep and abundant love

that he wants you to

accept and enjoy living in

every day of your life.

You were created to feel like God’s much loved child.

In order to create a great relationship with ourself,

we must realize that

we are truly loved by God.

Absorbing the love of God and feeling loved by God

doesn’t happen overnight.

It takes time to sink into us.

It takes reading the Bible and focusing on the verses

about God’s love.

It takes spending time thinking about

how loved and treasured we are by God.


you finish this page

you can find out more about

self-acceptance and the Father’s love

on this website.


can also help us soak in God’s love.

 There are a lot of Christian songs available

that can help us feel the love of God.


We have a page of those songs: click here

Below is a great one

where God sings of his love

to us.

His Love

His love is higher than the highest of mountains.

His love is deeper than the deepest of seas.

His love, it stretches to the farthest horizon.

His love... it reaches to me.

I encourage you to seek out

Christian music

that draws you toward God’s love

and listen to those songs over and over.

Allow the love of God to permeate you and bring you joy.

Having a great relationship with yourself

involves telling yourself the truth about

how incredibly loved you are by God.

It includes reminding yourself

how valuable you are,

and it involves

realizing your best personality traits.

Each one of us has great traits.

God made each of us to be a gift to the world.


Each of us has a GREAT Personality Style.

We are all unique, yet learning about

DISC Personality Styles

can help us

be more aware

of how truly


we are!!

I not only have a seminary degree,

but I also am an expert in

DISC Personality Styles.

A great way to discover the awesome traits you have

is to find out about the

DISC personality styles - an introduction.

Here is a quick two question assessment to get you started.

DISC personality styles.

There is an audio introduction to DISC on this site on our audio page.

And we have many Bible devotions that give information about DISC as part of the teaching.

Each one of us was created

with lots of


personality traits,

and great talents, and great spiritual gifts.

We need to discover these.

Being able to verbally list some of these

great traits

can be a great help when we are fighting emotions

such as discouragement.

In order to create a great relationship with yourself,

you need to stay out of the


of ignoring

all the areas in your life that need growth.

Acknowledging and Enjoying your Strengths,

is a great first step

to working on your weaknesses.

God wants us to have a healthy self-concept.

We help create a

Great Relationship with Others

by saying

nice things to them.


We help create a great relationship with ourself

by sometimes saying

nice things to ourself.

God wants us to have a healthy self-concept.

In fact,

we need a healthy self-concept as a foundation

so that we can properly deal with

the emotions involved in allowing God to show us

areas that we need to work on.

We cannot clearly and openly (without fear)

look at

our weaknesses and at our sins

if we won’t accept and find joy in our strengths.

I remind you that Ephesians chapter 6 tells us to put on the Belt of Truth.

We need to put on the Belt of Truth in order to see our strengths and to see our weaknesses.

When we develop a healthy self-concept, we can accept that we are loved and valuable.


We can also then accept that we aren’t perfect, and we can then move forward to work on areas that need growth
knowing our loving God is there to help us.


A healthy self image

helps us

reduce our fear of

honestly looking at ourself.

Building a Great Relationship

1 John 4:18 says,

“Perfect love casts out fear.”

As we grow deeper in realizing the perfect love

of God

toward us –

fear is reduced.

We need to conquer the fear of

looking at ourselves honestly.

WHEN we can do that, we discover

a huge feeling of freedom.

There is JOY in freedom.

There is peace in freedom.

I am not afraid of looking at my strengths.

I can delight in being me and enjoying my own company …..AND

I am not afraid of looking at my weaknesses

– and yes –

I am not afraid of looking at my sins.

I can look at my sins

- without fear -

because God loves me.

God is my loving Coach

and my loving heavenly Father.

He only wants to help me.

God will convict me

but he will not condemn me.

If I hear words of condemnation,

such as “You are worthless,”

they are not from God.

It is easier for me to grow in an area

when I admit to God

that I need help from him in that area.

And as far as sins are concerned,

I cannot receive the joy of being forgiven of my sins

if I do not admit my sins to God.

Let me be clear. 

We all have weaknesses to deal with,

and we all have sins to deal with.

Weaknesses are not sins.

For example, I have never been very good at math.

Having difficulty understanding math - that is a weakness – it is not a sin.

When I was in elementary school, middle school and high school – it was difficult for me to understand math.

But if I had decided to handle matters

by cheating on a test – THEN that IS a sin.

Cheating on a test is a sin.

You cannot have a great relationship

with someone you are afraid of.

You cannot have a great relationship

with someone you are lying to.

The verses about fearing the Lord

deal with

respecting the Lord.

The Bible wants us to respect the Lord,

but it does not mean "fear" how he feels about us.

God loves perfectly.

God loves more wonderfully than any human.

Too many people live their life -

lying to themselves.


We need to come to the place

where we are 

not afraid to tell ourself

the truth.

Too many people frequently choose the

path of least resistance.

You cannot grow in maturity

on the path of least resistance.

You CAN easily grow distant from God

on the path of least resistance.

Jesus calls himself TRUTH.

So truth is a person not just a concept.

As Christians,

when we don’t repent of our sins,

but instead ignore our sins,

we don’t feel at home in God’s presence –

so we become distant from God.

That has all kinds of implications….

God sees everything we do –

he is our constant companion.

It is important to refuse to ignore the obvious

and be willing to come clean

before God and repent

when we are aware that we have sinned.

Are you born again?

The Bible tells us that we must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven. The way to heaven is accepting Jesus as your Savior and Lord.

If you have not been born again by giving your life to Jesus Christ and receiving his sacrifice for your sins, then I urge you to pray a prayer for salvation today to ask Jesus to be your Savior and your Lord.

(Jesus being "Lord" means that you look to the Bible to determine what is right and what is wrong, and Jesus being Lord means that you put pleasing God as important in your life.)

For those who are born again.....

As a Christian, Jesus has taken your sins and given you forgiveness.

But God doesn't intend for you to continue to sin intentionally. He doesn't want you to ignore the sins you do as a Christian.

God takes sin very seriously and he wants us to take our sins very seriously.

"What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin,

that grace may abound? God forbid. "

Romans 6:1-2a

If you let sins continue to accumulate between you and God for days and days (without asking for forgiveness) – you will become more and more distant from God.


The truth is that sincerely asking for God’s forgiveness washes away the guilt, the shame, and the heavy load.

Next, if we allow ourselves……..we will FEEL clean just like we just had a spiritual bath. All that is left after asking God to forgive us is
to forgive ourself and allow ourself
to feel the freedom of God’s forgiveness.

Are you too hard on yourself in some areas? Do you refuse to give yourself grace in some areas?

Do you have some areas that you need to work on but you are living in denial and ignoring the wisdom of God?

Don’t be ashamed of being human.

Don’t allow shame to interfere in your life. The truth is that all of us have areas we need to work on. And……. all of us sin and fall short of the glory of God.

God is ready to forgive us. He wants to be our loving coach. He wants us to yield to him and receive him as our loving coach.

God wants to teach us to have balance in our life.

When we humble ourself and speak openly about our weaknesses and our sins,

THEN God can teach us and guide us and bring us into greater maturity, greater joy, and greater blessing.

The enemy of our soul and his demonic followers

want us to feel unworthy and of no value.

They encourage those thoughts.

They WORK to focus our thoughts

on negative things such as our weaknesses.

In addition, they tempt us to sin

and then if we do sin – they will rub our nose in it.

They want to tell us that

we can never be loved by God

and that we are not valuable.

The truth is that

we are already loved by God,

and we are VERY valuable.


We don’t have to do anything to be loved and valuable.

We are a masterpiece created by God.

We don’t have to do anything to BE a masterpiece.

We already are.

That is like telling an oak tree that it has to do something to be an oak tree.

It IS an oak tree and nothing it does….. will change that!

I encourage you to put your belt of truth on.

Live in truth.


Receive the good news


you haven’t done anything so bad

that your heavenly Father will not forgive you.

And you haven’t done anything

so bad that you cannot forgive yourself.

Allow yourself to think about

how valuable you are….

soak in thoughts of

how valuable and loved you are.

Consider visiting our prayers for women or

prayers for men page for great prayers!

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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

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