Daily Thoughts

Daily Inspirational Thoughts

to bless your life.


5 Day

Monday through Friday


Written by
Beth McLendon

This week's topic:

Pulling Down Walls

Monday November 1, 2021

Breaking Down Walls

with other people

that hinder a good relationship

Today's devotional comes from

an episode


the old TV show

"The Courtship of Eddie’s Father"

Quick note:

Think about a turtle and his shell.

Young Eddie

was thinking about turtles.

Eddie asked his television father (Bill Bixby),

“Why don’t people wear shells to protect themselves?”

Bill Bixby answered, “Some people do.”

Eddie then asked, “How do you get them open?”

Bill said, “You talk them open.”

Many people have been wounded during this life.

Good communication can help relationships.

And.... check out my page:

The secret to Great Relationships


Breaking Down Walls

inside ourselves

Waiting for your Cat to Bark 

Awhile back, I ran across a book title:

Waiting for your Cat to Bark.

I did not look inside the book.


that title

grabbed my attention and has continued to

promote lots of deep thoughts.

Do you have  walls  inside yourself

that are keeping you

from something

God wants you to do?

Is there something

you need to be doing for God

but you are waiting

for your cat

to bark?

What I am trying to say is - 

Are you are waiting for something

to happen

that is never going to happen?

If you wait for perfect conditions,

you will never get

anything done.

Ecclesiastes 11:4 TLB


Breaking Down Walls

between ourself and God

God wants to create a


love story


you and him.

God tells us about his vision

for this

Love Story


Song of Solomon 6:3.

That verse says:


I am my beloved and my beloved is mine.

Song of Solomon 6:3


God wants me to see that verse in a very personal way.

God is my beloved


I am his beloved.


What a beautiful picture

of a great relationship with God!

Here is a great response to give God:

But as for me,

I get as close to him [God] as I can!

I have chosen him


I will tell everyone

about the wonderful ways he rescues me.

Psalm 73:28 TLB

Consider visiting our pages:

Feeling the love of God

Falling in love with God

Allow the walls to continue

to fall

just as the leaves do

in the

fall season!


September 6 we started the Jewish month of Tishri.

Before that

we were in the Jewish month of Elul.


Tishri began this new Jewish year 5782.

For the Jewish people,

the month of Elul was a time of repentance

and drawing close to God

in preparation for the new Jewish year.

The Hebrew letters in the Hebrew word




are often thought of

in the Jewish community as -


an acronym


  Song of Solomon 6:3.


* * *

I am my beloved and my beloved is mine.

Song of Solomon 6:3

* * *

Yet, even though many Jewish people

are drawing closer to Father God,

they still need to know

Jesus as Messiah.

Breaking Down Walls

with people we may not like

Many Christians have a wall up

between themselves and the Jewish people.

During this week

as we are pulling down walls,

let's also begin pulling down any walls

we have against the Jewish people.

In Romans 10:1,

Paul teaches us

what God's will


for us to pray:

Brethren, my heart's desire


prayer to God

for Israel


that they might be saved.

Romans 10:1 KJV

Please join me in praying:


I pray that

MANY of the Jewish people


recognize Jesus as their Messiah -



Consider our

Psalm 122 Prayer page

for Israel.


The walls we have talked about all week

are harmful walls.

Today we talk about

Good Walls!


Let's Strengthen


Good Walls

we have erected

against the



against sin!

Napoleon I

An encyclopedia speaks about Napoleon I in this way:

“He developed a principle of war

that formed the basis of his future campaigns.

He learned to

seek a weak point

in the enemy’s line


throw all his strength against it

at the decisive hour of battle.

With that point broken or weakened,

the enemy collapsed.”

That sounds like the battle plans of the satanic forces

that come against us. 

Let's Strengthen our

Good Walls!

God tells us that

putting on the

Full Armor of God

strengthens us!

God tells us to put on the

Full Armor of God

and come against evil.

Power   Prayer

Please join me in putting on

The Powerful Armor of God!

Consider printing out this prayer.


Mighty God,

Thank you for giving me your armor.

Thank you for explaining to me how Powerful it is.

Thank you for telling me to meditate on your Words.

I see good fruit growing in my life from yielding to your guidance.

So today.......

I put on the Helmet of Salvation.

Thank you for your saving power that rescued me from hell and positions me under your everlasting protection and provision.

I put on the Belt of Truth.

Thank you that as I read your truth, I understand your truth better and better.

Thank you that as I read your truth, my faith in you - and in your Word  - grows.

I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.

Thank you for giving me the righteousness of Christ.

I will show respect and honor to you by seeking to follow you in every way.

I put on the Shoes of Peace.

Thank you for your divine peace that guides me beside the still waters.

Your peace is comforting and calming. Show me how to receive more of your peace this day.

I pick up the Shield of Faith.

Thank you for my strong Shield of Faith that assures me that I am loved and accepted By You.

My shield gives me confidence that I am Powerful and Mighty In You as I follow your Word.

I pick up the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.

Thank you for a sword that is Powerful.

Thank you for a sword that is Mighty.

My sword changes things in the natural world.

My sword destroys the works of the enemy.

I will speak out your Words this day!


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

Note that we have


Spiritual warfare prayers

that highlight the Full Armor of God:

Links to all Full Armor Prayers

Spiritual Warfare Prayers

Happy Autumn!


Info on New Pages

Beth's Blog

Newest Page:

Rescue me, God

Daily Inspiration

Prayer for Persecuted Christians

Prayer for
Care Givers


Full Armor Victory Prayers


"If" I get to heaven...
for all those who are uncertain


Prayers when you hear an ambulance


Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles

We have devotions for each of the psalms:

Psalm list


Questions of Life

Explaining How to Get to Heaven


Victory, Power Prayer

Increasing JOY

Overcoming Sabotage in your family

Opposites attract and then...

Hymns that Heal


All our Addiction pages

Help for HOW to Forgive

an audio presentation




for Jesus


Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

went out

February 18.


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Questions of Life

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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer

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Secrets for Husbands

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Prayer for Men

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Life-changing prayer for fathers

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Prayer for Women

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The Truth about Evolution

Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers

Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

Songs for Children for church and home

Prayer for my Adult Daughter

- -

Prayers for my Adult Son

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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

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MUSIC for adults

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Links to all our pages on the Psalms
