Full Armor of God Prayer


Full Armor of God


Putting on the Full Armor of God


This page has

FIVE day devotional with


for putting on the armor


other Prayers and Proclamations!

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ALL our

Full Armor Prayers

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Monday or Day 1


You tell me in Ephesians 6:13

to put on

the full armor of God so that

I can resist my spiritual enemies.

So I am going to put it on!

The following prayer includes

putting on the Full Armor of God:

Lord of all Creation,

You are mighty, and you are powerful! There is no one who can defeat you. No one can rise above you.

Father, I realize that I need to draw closer to you. I need to receive the strength and power that you have planned for me to walk in. I need to become mighty and powerful, so I can live a life of victory against sin, and so I can defeat the thoughts and emotions that are pulling me down.

I can only become a victorious overcomer if I put on your armor and dedicate myself to your Word and to your will and your ways.

I will put on the Full Armor of God today.

I put on the Helmet of Salvation. I celebrate the salvation that Jesus suffered and died to give me. Thank you, Lord, that you stand ready to save me from the habits that are hindering me and keeping me from receiving the fullness of your blessings.

I put on the Belt of Truth. I see that you want your Biblical truth to surround me like a belt. You gave me the Bible, so I could learn Biblical truth. You want me to become wise, so that I can experience your covenant blessings. I will read your Word this day.

I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness. I celebrate that the righteousness of Christ protects me from the eternal wages of sin and death. As I read Psalm 23:3, it tells me that you, Lord, are ready to guide me along paths of righteousness in my daily life. Today I will yield to you. I will seek to follow you and enjoy the blessings of drawing near to you and drawing near to your plans for me.

I put on the Shoes of Peace.  Thank you for your peace. Help me to learn to yield to your peace and allow it to establish its rule and reign in my life. I want to position myself today so that your peace rules over and replaces my anxiety, stress, tension, and fear.

I pick up the Shield of Faith. Lord, you intend for me to daily pick up my shield and resist the enemy and all his tactics and strategies. You tell me in James 4:7 to submit to you, resist the devil, and he will flee from me. I will remind myself that each day demons want to pull me into sin and make me satisfied with lukewarm obedience to you, Lord. So today I stand up with my Shield of Faith in hand, and I declare that I WILL submit myself to you, Lord. And today I WILL resist the devil and his demons. I WILL stand up and say, "NO," to their suggestions.

Today my spiritual enemies will find new resistance when they come to bother me. In Jesus name, I declare that they are going to end up beaten, blocked, bound, and bewildered. The power of God is going to leave all my spiritual enemies confused, confounded, cornered, and conquered.

I pick up the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. I pick up the 66 books of the Bible and all the authority and power contained in them. As a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, I declare that I will love, honor, and respect the Word of God. Lord, I will find your promises, and I will speak them out. I will gain strength from your Word. And through your Word, I will develop deeper faith and confidence in you.

My sword will pin my spiritual enemies to the ground and destroy their power against me. I will stand strong, and I will live in the power of God as I yield and respect your attempts to instruct and guide me.

Now I am ready dressed and ready to be a victorious overcomer. And I am dressed and ready to live a life of devotion to you, Lord.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

Colossians 3:15   Peace


Proclamation Prayer for the Armor of God

Tuesday or Day 2

Ephesians Chapter 6 Proclamations

Helmet of Salvation

I will put on the Helmet of Salvation.

I will praise God for my eternal salvation.

Belt of Truth

I will put on the Belt of Truth.

I will recognize truth this day, and I will follow truth.

Breastplate of Righteousness

I will put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.

I will stand for righteousness.

Shoes of Peace

I will put on the Shoes of Peace.

I will walk in peace and be ready to share the Gospel.

Shield of Faith

I will pick up the Shield of Faith.

I will increase my faith and confidence in God this day.

Sword of the Spirit

I will pick up the Sword of the Spirit.

I will speak out Scripture this day. I will submit to God and resist the devil, and he will flee from me.

Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

James 4:7

A morning prayer

Lord of all Creation,

You are worthy.

You are worthy of my time. You are worthy of my attention. You are worthy of my devotion.

I will live my life for you.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com


Wednesday or Day 3

Power Proclamation:

I have great motivation today

to do the will of God.

Please join me in putting on the Full Armor of God.

Belt of Truth

I will put on the Belt of Truth.

The Belt of Truth assures me of the truth that God loves me.

Breastplate of Righteousness

I will put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.

The Breastplate of Righteousness assures me of my right standing with God.

Shoes of Peace

I will put on the Shoes of Peace.

The Shoes of Peace assure me that I am walking with God.

Helmet of Salvation

I will put on the Helmet of Salvation.

The Helmet of Salvation assures me that I am saved from the traps of the enemy.

Shield of Faith

I will pick up the Shield of Faith.

The Shield of Faith assures me that, through faith in God, I will walk in victory.

Sword of the Spirit

I will pick up the Sword of the Spirit.

The Sword of the Spirit assures me that I have the power and authority to speak out the Words of God. I will speak out God's Words, and I will see God's results.

Now I am dressed and ready
to show forth my dedication to you, Lord,
in my words and in my actions!


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com


Thursday or Day 4

Dear Lord,

I ask you to take me to the place where I am comfortable

being around the right things

and uncomfortable being around the wrong things.

I ask you to take me to the place

where I am comfortable doing the right things

and uncomfortable doing the wrong things.

Turn my heart toward you.


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

Thursday continued:

Today I am again going to lead us

in putting on the Full Armor of God.

I encourage you to do this regularly. I believe it will change your life!

Each day I use different words. You may want to do one of mine for a few days and then venture out and begin creating your own. 

Note that Friday (Day 5) 
I am going to do something
totally different.

Will you join me in saying the following?

I will put on the Full Armor of God today.

I put on the Helmet of Salvation

Thank you, Lord, for saving me from hell and an eternity separated from you.

Today I will remember and put on gladness for all the times when you saved me from sicknesses, difficulties, and trials.

Lord, I will praise You and Your goodness this day.

I put on the Belt of Truth.

Thank you, Lord, for revealing truth to me through your Word. Thank you for teaching me the truths that will set me free.

I proclaim that:
Word is truth, and I can stand on it and rely on it.

I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.

Thank you, Lord, for taking my sin and covering me with the righteousness of Jesus.

I proclaim that:

I will praise the holiness of my Lord!

I put on the Shoes of Peace. 

Thank you, Lord, for your peace. Thank you that you want to surround my steps with your peace and calmness.

I will seek to yield to peace this day. I will allow your peace to flow over me and be absorbed in me.

I pick up the Shield of Faith.

Thank you, Lord, for my shield of faith which protects me from the fiery darts of the enemy.

When the enemy gives me doubts and other ungodly thoughts, I will lift up my shield of faith in you and respond with Scripture.

I proclaim that:

Today my spiritual enemies
will be victims of the power of God.


I pick up the Sword of the Spirit.

Thank you, Lord, for the Sword of the Spirit which you tell me is the Word of God.

I will use the Sword of the Spirit to overwhelm, overturn, and obliterate all the plots and plans of the enemy against me this day.

My sword is a sword of triumph.

I proclaim that:

I am the head and not the tail.

I walk above the enemy and not beneath him.

I have put on the full armor of God, and I am dressed and ready for miracles. I will do things today that are far beyond my capabilities. I will do awesome things, because I serve an awesome God.

Today I declare that I will serve the Lord with gladness and walk victoriously in the supernatural strength of God.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

Deuteronomy 28:13


Note that sometimes the miracles I see

are miracle changes in me!

Friday or Day 5

The Lord's prayer teaches us to pray:

Deliver us from evil.

Matthew 6:13

We are to pray for God to deliver us.

We are to resist the plans of the enemy.

We are to give all glory to God.

Day 5 Thoughts:

Today I have some tips on resisting the enemy.

First, take note that I am directing you to another page which I have previously done. On that page I will lead you in putting on the armor of God.

Come back here to finish the Daily Inspiration of today.

Click here:
Full Armor of God Prayer Proclamations.

Day 5 Thoughts continued:

It is important to stand against the devil and his demons. While we do that, we need to remind ourselves that we must keep our focus on God.

(Click here for the page - Who is the devil?)

It is important to put our attention on God and not on the devil and his demons. That doesn't mean that sometimes it isn't helpful to verbally position ourselves as the head and not the tail - above and not beneath. (Deuteronomy 28:13 KJV)

God's will is that we are victorious overcomers.

Sometimes when I find my emotions are being attacked and I feel the opposition of the enemy forces, I go get my handy dandy
A - Z  Defeating the enemy page.

I got the idea for the A - Z  Defeating the enemy list a couple of years ago.

Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. One of God's names is The Alpha and Omega.

I get my list and I say:

"The Alpha and the Omega has defeated my spiritual enemies. So my enemies are ____________________."

To give you an example, I have chosen some words off my  "B" and "C" list:

"The Alpha and the Omega has defeated my spiritual enemies. So my enemies are beaten, blocked, bound, and bewildered by the power of Jesus Christ. They are confused, cornered, and conquered by the Lord Jesus Christ."

I encourage you to make your own list. When I start reading off my list, my mind and emotions are elevated to the place where I am ready to resist the devil and his demons, and walk in the power of God.

I use the list to speak out what the Lord does to my spiritual enemies as they attack me.

I suggest that you do not disrespect the devil and his demons.  We are not to poke at them and mock them. They are powerful, and the Bible never tells us to disrespect them. But I can speak out God's opposition to their plans. I can declare that God saves me from their plans.

God is the only one who can defeat the enemy.
All power and authority comes from him.
God does require me to show up for the battle,
put on the Full Armor of God,
speak out Scripture, submit to him, and resist the enemy.

I almost never say the word "Satan" or "Lucifer" or even "devil." I usually only refer to the devil and his demons as "the enemy."

I believe often using their name just attracts their attention and gives them glory. I do not want to give glory to any evil being.

God does not want us to be: always talking about what the devil is doing. God wants us to focus on Him.

So I do not use this list every day.

"A - Z  Defeating the enemy"

I have made a list of A-things and B-things and C-things - all the way to Z-things.

Then I also have some proclamations that I use with my list.

Speaking these things puts me in an OVERCOMER mind-set.

God tells ME to resist, and HE does the power stuff!

Here is one of my TIPS:

When my spiritual enemies come against me, I say the following:

"The Alpha and Omega, the Lord God Almighty, defeats my enemies. When my spiritual enemies come against me, their

T - Thoughts are jumbled.

I -  Ideas are unworkable.

P - Plans are destroyed.

S - Strategies are defeated.

Power Proclamations against the Enemy

I stand up and resist the enemy.

I will not allow the enemy to ruin, pollute, or control my life.

I will speak out your powerful words, and I will see your powerful results.

Thank you, Lord, that the enemy's plans are pulverized as their plans are pelted with the Word of God.

Thank you, Lord, that through your power, my enemy's:

Goals are Blocked,

Results are Ruined,


Glory is Gone.

At the bottom of the page

is Power Music.

Spiritual Enemies

Note that on this website, I frequently refer to Satan and his forces as "the enemy."

Satan is the ruler of the enemy forces that come against us. Satan can only be at one place at one time. He sends demons to steal from us, distract us, and destroy us.

The demons want to keep us distant from God.

They want to keep us from God's will and from receiving our covenant blessings.

They want to confuse our mind, upset our emotions, and influence our will.

They want to contaminate and ruin our relationships.

They want to keep us from wisdom and encourage us to procrastinate making good choices.

They want to keep us trapped in selfishness by continually drawing  our attention to ourselves instead of to God and to others.

Ephesians chapter six

tells us that we need the Full Armor of God

to be victorious.

So let's put it on!


A Sample of our other
Spiritual Warfare Pages

List of all our Full Armor of God prayers

Spiritual Warfare Prayer

Prayer for Strength

Full Armor of God

The Full Armor of God (Power Proclamations)

Spiritual Battle (Secrets to Winning)

Power Words for Winning our Battles

A Spiritual Warfare Strategy - Stay Amazed

Stay Amazed  - weekly thoughts (based on the above page)

Power Music

Let's get excited about the Lord!

Shouts of joy and victory

resound in the tents of the righteous of the Lord.

Psalm 118:15

Let's get excited about the Lord!

Portions of several Psalms

beginning with Psalm 68.

That was Messianic Jewish Music.

Messianic means:

they believe Jesus is Messiah.

The God of Israel -

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

has grafted me, a Gentile, into his family!

Everyone is either a Jew or a Gentile.

Whether you are Jew or Gentile,

Let's Praise the Lord Together!

This Full Armor of God prayer and achieving victory page was first presented as a Daily Inspirational page for the week of October 6, 2014.

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