God's love is more fully available than you ever thought possible!

God's love is waiting for you to enjoy.

Find out how to relax and enjoy the love of Father God.

This is Part Three
of a 3- Part Teaching on
Receiving the Love and Acceptance of Father God.

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Part One and Part Two established that we were:

Born to be loved and accepted by God and

Born to feel a sense of belonging and rest.

Part One is God's Promises.

Part Two is God Promises.

Part One and Part Two review:

The church has two types of thinking: Sonship thinking and Orphan thinking.

Sonship thinking leads to a sense of belonging, relaxation, and freedom.

Orphan thinking leads to insecurity, rejection, and restlessness.

In the first two parts, there were comparisons between sonship thinking and orphan thinking. The first two parts help you realize the roots of any orphan thinking that you have developed.

Take note that there is a

God's Love prayer

near the bottom of this page.

God's Love

We were born to receive the love of God and enjoy God's presence.

We need to learn how to receive love from God.

We were born to receive God's love and give it away.

We cannot fully love until we receive the love of God in abundance.

We need to learn how to receive God's love.

The 11 Step Progression
into Orphan Thinking

Where did Orphan Thinking come from?

Here is a short teaching on the ways in which orphan thinking was created.

1. We focus on the faults we see in authority figures.

(Parents, teachers, coaches, boss, pastors, church leaders, etc.)

We focus on their faults rather than the good they have done.

2. We receive their faults as discouragement or rejection.

3. We lose basic trust in authority figures.

We don't want to be hurt again.

4. We begin to develop fear of receiving comfort, love, or affirmation.

So, if someone hurts you, you put your guard up.

It becomes hard to touch your heart.

5. Our spirit closes to people.

6. We settle for superficial relationships (news, sports, and weather topics).

We think, "If we aren't open to new things, we won't get hurt."

But there are also many blessings we cannot get if we aren't open to others.

7. We develop a stronghold of thought that says, “I am on my own.”

This causes negative emotional responses.

Next we continue this list

while adding DISC Personality Information.

DISC Personality Insights

As an expert in DISC personality styles,

I want to add information
about the 4 personality styles
to this Bible devotional page.

The “D” personality style will react to the insecurity of being completely on their own by becoming hard and unyielding. They develop an independent, self-reliant attitude. They can feel consumed with the desire to control people and to control their world.

“I” style will struggle with feeling alone, rejected, disliked, and ignored.

The “S” will mainly struggle with fear from being left out and feeling ill equipped, insecure, and unstable.

The “C” will mainly struggle with worry. They are concerned about finding out what the rules are. They want to understand their world. They sometimes feel overwhelmed with the strong feeling of responsibility to take care of themselves and those they love. The feeling of being “on your own” to them means that you have to figure out how to do everything by yourself. You are responsible for everything. You have to find out how to do everything perfectly so you feel secure in your world.

8. We start controlling relationships. Control helps to guard against pain.

Each of the four styles has ways of trying to control relationships. The “D” style is the most obvious and this style is usually the style that demonstrates the most destructive ways of controlling people. They can become extremely demanding, and they easily overlook the needs of others. They forcefully seek to control.

The “I” style will control by manipulation. Many times people don't even realize they are being controlled.

The “S” style will control by being passive aggressive. These normally easygoing and peace-loving people can become insecure enough that they finally react with a stubborn defiance.

The “C” style controls with their “should” mentality. The “Cs” analyze a situation and decide on a standard of behavior. (They develop rules about each life situation which are developed and kept in their mind.) Then they place those rules on others. Their verbal words and nonverbal looks of disappointment can be devastating. They frequently use a person's “failure to attain their high standards” as a good reason to withdraw outward signs of love.

9. We live life like a spiritual orphan. We isolate. We tend to develop more of a "taking" attitude and less a "giving" attitude.

10. We begin to chase counterfeit affections such as passions of the flesh, and by gaining:

* money
* possessions,
* positions, and
* power.

We seek these to: anesthetize the pain we feel, make us feel important, make us look impressive, make us feel in control, make us feel happy.

11. We fall into victim mentality.

Everyone else is to blame.

(This is a general example of what happens not a rigid absolute progression. We all react in unique ways as unique people.)

The Answer
to Orphan Thinking

The Answer is to realize that

we have an inheritance;

we have a home;

we are a son;

we belong;

we can rest.

God's love is available to us.

King David and Mephibosheth

Mephibosheth was a son of Jonathon and grandson of King Saul.

Jonathon was best friends with David, and Jonathon had a covenant with David.

When David became King, Mephibosheth believed the lie that King David wanted him dead.

Mephibosheth believed that King David wouldn't want any of the house of Saul alive to threaten his kingdom.

The Truth

The truth was that King David was glad to open his home to Mephibosheth.

Mephibosheth had an orphan mindset.

When King David found out that Mephibosheth was alive, he brought him to his house and showered Mephibosheth with blessings.

Like Mephibosheth, you can accept the blessing of being a son.

At this point, I pray that you realize that it is important

to choose sonship thinking.

It is a choice each day.

As we choose sonship each day,

our mind will grow more and more renewed.

God's Love Prayer

Loving Lord,

Thank you for your love and acceptance. Thank you for telling me the truth about my sonship with you. Thank you for helping me understand that I belong.

Thank you for helping me understand that I have an inheritance.

I ask that you would heal my mind and my heart from insecurity, abandonment, rejection, and fatherlessness. God, please help me to have the heart of a son. Please help me to be open to understanding the areas in my life that are wounded. Please heal those areas and make me whole. Please help me to forgive everyone who misrepresented your love to me. Please forgive me for ways that I have misrepresented your love to others.

Lord, I want to receive your love in abundance and to the fullest. I want to learn to receive your love more fully, and I want to learn to give it away to others.


Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

Jack Frost - The Father's Love

Jack Frost has done a lot of speaking on the Father God's Love.
In one of his messages, he discusses "Orphan Thinking."

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