Inspirational Courage

Daily Inspirational Thoughts

to bless your life.


A Monday through Thursday devotional


This week the daily thought is about:



A Powerful Testimony of God

Nick was born with no arms and no legs.


A Powerful Testimony of God

Bethany Hamilton has shown courage in tragedy
after she survived a shark attack.

Take note that a movie was made about Bethany's experience.
It is called Soul Surfer.

I recommend this inspiring movie.


Nick and Bethany:

Two courageous examples of

Loving and Serving God.


A Powerful Testimony of God

Dave Roever:

An American Hero and A Christian Hero

Dave Roever

When drafted in 1968, Dave had no idea that he would come home from Vietnam badly injured and disfigured from a grenade that exploded next to his face, severely burning most of his body.

While his body was still on fire, Dave jumped into a river. After surfacing, his next words were, “God, I still believe in you!” A buddy of his, realizing what had just happened, became aware of the reality of faith and gave his heart to God right there.

The grenade incident was incredibly horrific and painful.
Yet because of his foundation in faith, Dave chose to trust God and
believe that he had a divine destiny.

The resulting disfigurement and scars did not overcome God’s purpose for Dave’s life. Dave shares with people that during his time in the hospital, he began to realize that his life would never be the same. But in the midst of that reality, he knew that God was going to turn his tragedy into triumph.

Dave's message is that no matter how tough things get,
don’t give up on yourself,
because God can use any of us in a mighty way if we let Him.

Below is a quick ad from Dave

to a church he would be speaking to soon.

Here is another quick video from Dave.

Note that there are lots of videos of Dave on Youtube.

Concluding our Courage Week

Nick has been a large part of this week's devotions.


To end our week, we have one last video from Nick.

(You might want to consider watching this for a Friday devotional.)

This is a life-changing video!

A Powerful Testimony of God

A Message of Courage for our children and teens.

Please consider sharing this
with your friends and with your church leaders.

Nick says, "Wanna know what tough is? 

Go to the people you teased and tell them, 'I'm sorry.'"


Nick says, "Encouragement takes me closer to all I can be,
and discouragement takes me away."


Please consider sharing this page
with your older children and grandchildren.

Let's inspire our children and teens
to live a life of courage!

The Highlighted Bible Verse is

Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord,
and in the power of his might. 

Ephesians 6:10 KJV

Prayer for Courage

King of Creation and Mighty Lord of my Life,

You are my rock and my fortress. I will put my confidence in you.

I come to you today positioning myself to hear you and obey you.

I will put into practice the things you teach me.

Thank you, Lord, for bringing me new boldness and courage.

I will become the mighty overcomer you have destined me to be.

You have provided miraculous steps for me this day. I will take one remarkable step of faith after another.

My mind will be calm with no confusion able to enter it.

Worry and fear will flee from me.

Thank you that you are giving me great power to do great things this day.

I will live in the courts of the miraculous.

The only thing I cannot do is live without you.


Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of

The above prayer is from our Prayer for Courage page.

Also consider visiting our

Bible Devotions


Originally the week of March 24, 2014

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"If" I get to heaven...


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Victory, Power Prayer

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Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

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How to
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