Prayer of Jesus for our Church

Prayer of Jesus

for our Church



based on 

The Lord's Prayer


This prayer is written for

a church prayer team


any church prayer gathering.

Also consider our page: Prayers for Revival 


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The Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in Heaven,

Hallowed be thy name

Thy kingdom come 
Thy will be done... on earth - 
in my life,
in our church members' lives and all our families' lives
as it is in heaven. 

Lord -  you said,
Give us this day, our daily bread.

Heavenly Father, as we join together to pray this prayer today, we personally ask for daily bread for ourselves, and we also ask for everyone at our church, and for all our family members.

We pray for physical bread and spiritual bread.

Lord, your Word is our Spiritual Bread. As we pray this prayer today, we personally dedicate ourselves to daily reading your Word with a teachable heart.

Lord, we ask that you would bless us and our church body
stirring up in the heart of each of us -
  the Bread of the Word
 that we already know.

Remind us this day of Bible verses that we need.

Encourage us to daily
enjoy and desire
Your Bread of Life. 

each of us
lifts up a special request
for our individual family members,
and we emphasize  - the ones who are not right with you.

We ask that you would use their current needs
to compel them
to come to your Word
for answers and for strength
their challenges and difficulties.

Lord -  you said,
And forgive us our debts ** 

Lord, we come before you asking for our own personal forgiveness.

We personally call out to you for forgiveness of every thought, every action, and every attitude that was not pleasing to you.  May we always be quick to ask for your forgiveness when we sin. We desire to walk close to you.

We also come on behalf of those in our church body who need to come to you in repentance.  We pray that they will be open to hearing your conviction of sin - and may they quickly repent, and then refocus on your will for them.

May we, our church body, and all our loved ones...

Value Your Forgiveness 


Value Your Wisdom 


Value Your Friendship. 


Lord - you said...
And forgive us our debts - 

As  - we forgive our debtors.

Lord, as we personally pray those words, we come before you  -determined to be people who quickly forgive others. We will anchor ourselves to that decision.

   We pray that our church and all our family members will
 always see the wisdom and value of forgiving others, and that they will develop a determination to quickly forgive others.

Lord, we now highlight the emotional needs of
all who attend our church, and we include our loved ones' needs.
We pray that
 all anger, hurt, offenses, and all unforgiveness of people - is dealt with
so that all these stumbling blocks 
will fade away from each heart.

Lord -  you said...
Lead us not into temptation -

Lord, as we personally pray for you to lead us away from temptation, we also pray that you would strengthen us for each difficult choice that you allow us to encounter.

We ask that you would speak loudly to us as you lead us. We want to hear you. We desire to stand strong against sin.

     And we ask you to lead our church family and all our loved ones away from temptation. 

Protect all of us from deception. Guide all of us toward truth, wisdom, and self-control. 

May we see more clearly WHY your commands and rules are important. 
May we see examples of WHY obeying you is important  - and may we continually choose to obey you. 
   We pray that all of us at our church will desire to stand strong against sin.

Lord - you said...
Lead us not into temptation -

But  - deliver us from evil.

Father God, we pray on behalf of ourselves, our church, and our family members. We ask you to rescue us from all evil that has deceived us. 
Guide us out of any invisible captivity that we are currently in. Deliver us from all addictions, all wrong thinking, and all snares that we are in. Deliver us from any evil strongholds that attempt to steer our life away from your will. 

Give us wisdom and determination 
to recognize and refuse
the lies of the enemy.
May we desire to clearly see truth and follow truth. 

May we, our church members, and our family members grow to want your will so much -  that we will daily follow you closely.

Lord you said,
For thine is the kingdom -

Lord, we speak those Words, and we also respond by proclaiming -
You are the Everlasting God. 
You and Your kingdom are worth all our devotion.  

May we, our church members, and our family members...

Fall in love
With You - And Your will - And Your ways 
so that we may live in beautiful harmony with you each day.

Lord - you said....For thine is the kingdom -

And the Power  - And the Glory

Lord, we speak those Words, and we also respond by proclaiming -

All Power is from God Almighty.
Blessed be the LORD who blesses us with
Overcoming Power
as we read your Word and seek to follow it.
we proclaim that -  all GLORY is rightfully Yours!

                  Lord - you teach us to end the Lord's Prayer by saying,
                                                Forever and ever,

                        Copyright © 2024 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –

** or change to trespasses


For those who need help forgiving others

click here

Also see our page on The Lord's Prayer

You may want to change

debts to trespasses...

You may want to change to "which"

Our Father which art in Heaven

You may want to change to "in"

In earth instead of On earth. 

Our Father who art in Heaven,

Hallowed be thy name

Thy kingdom come 
Thy will be done... on earth - 
in my life,
in our church members' lives and all our families' lives
as it is in heaven. 

Lord -  you said,
Give us this day, our daily bread.

Heavenly Father, as we join together to pray this prayer today, we personally ask for daily bread for ourselves, and we also ask for everyone at our church, and for all our family members.

We pray for physical bread and spiritual bread.

Lord, your Word is our Spiritual Bread. As we pray this prayer today, we personally dedicate ourselves to daily reading your Word with a teachable heart.

Lord, we ask that you would bless us and our church body
stirring up in the heart of each of us -
  the Bread of the Word
 that we already know. . .   
Remind us this day of Bible verses that we need.

Encourage us to daily
enjoy and desire
Your Bread of Life. 

each of us
lifts up a special request
for our individual family members,
and we emphasize the ones who are not right with you.

We ask that you would use their current needs
to compel them
to come to your Word
for answers and for strength
their challenges and difficulties.

Lord -  you said,
And forgive us our debts ** 

Lord, we come before you asking for our own personal forgiveness.

We personally call out to you for forgiveness of every thought, every action, and every attitude that was not pleasing to you.  May we always be quick to ask for your forgiveness when we sin. We desire to walk close to you.

We also come on behalf of those in our church body who need to come to you in repentance.  We pray that they will be open to hearing your conviction of sin - and may they quickly repent, and then refocus on your will for them.

May we, our church body, and all our loved ones...

Value Your Forgiveness 


Value Your Wisdom 


Value Your Friendship. 


Lord - you said...
And forgive us our debts - 

As  - we forgive our debtors.

Lord, as we personally pray those words, we come before you  -  determined to be people who quickly forgive others. We will anchor ourselves to that decision.

   We pray that our church and all our family members will
 always see the wisdom and value of forgiving others, and that they will develop a determination to quickly forgive others.

Lord, we now highlight the emotional needs of
all who attend our church, and we include our loved ones' needs.
We pray that
 all anger, hurt, offenses, and all unforgiveness of people - is dealt with
so that all these stumbling blocks 
will fade away from each heart.

Lord -  you said...
Lead us not into temptation -

Lord, as we personally pray for you to lead us away from temptation, we also pray that you would strengthen us for each difficult choice that you allow us to encounter.

We ask that you would speak loudly to us as you lead us. We want to hear you. We desire to stand strong against sin.

     And we ask you to lead our church family and all our loved ones away from temptation. 

Protect all of us from deception. Guide all of us toward truth, wisdom, and self-control. 

May we see more clearly WHY your commands and rules are important. 
May we see examples of WHY obeying you is important  - and may we continually choose to obey you. 
   We pray that all of us at our church will desire to stand strong against sin.

Lord - you said...
Lead us not into temptation -

But  - deliver us from evil.

Father God, we pray on behalf of ourselves, our church, and our family members. We ask you to rescue us from all evil that has deceived us. 
Guide us out of any invisible captivity that we are currently in. Deliver us from all addictions, all wrong thinking, and all snares that we are in. Deliver us from any evil strongholds that attempt to steer our life away from your will. 

Give us wisdom and determination 
to recognize and refuse
the lies of the enemy.
May we desire to clearly see truth and follow truth. 

May we, our church members, and our family members grow to want your will so much -  that we will daily follow you closely.

Lord you said,
For thine is the kingdom -

Lord, we speak those Words, and we also respond by proclaiming -
You are the Everlasting God. 
You and Your kingdom are worth all our devotion.  

May we, our church members, and our family members...

Fall in love
With You - And Your will - And Your ways 
so that we may live in beautiful harmony with you each day.

Lord - you said....For thine is the kingdom -

And the Power  - And the Glory

Lord, we speak those Words, and we also respond by proclaiming -

All Power is from God Almighty.
Blessed be the LORD who blesses us with
Overcoming Power
as we read your Word and seek to follow it.
we proclaim that -  all GLORY is rightfully Yours!

                  Lord - you teach us to end the Lord's Prayer by saying,
                                                   Forever and ever,

                        Copyright © 2024 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –

** or change to trespasses

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Jesus Prayer for our Church was presented June 2024.

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