Jude Speaks
- the half brother of Jesus -
will begin the introduction of this Bible devotional.
Note that this page has teaching and a prayer at the end.
Jude is speaking information
that we need
in our lives
Jude says,
“Some godless teachers
have wormed their way in among you,
saying that
after we become Christians
we can do just as we like
without fear of God’s punishment.
The fate
of such people
was written long ago,
for they have
turned against our only Master and Lord Jesus Christ.”
That was Jude chapter one verse 4 in the Bible.
Jude reminds us
even though we are Christians,
when we sin,
we need to
by asking the Lord for forgiveness of our sins
and making an effort to turn from our sins.
In the book of Revelation
chapters 2 and 3,
Jesus is talking to Christians who are in the seven churches.
The main message of those chapters
Repent and be Obedient.
In Revelation 2:2-7,
Jesus is talking to the church of Ephesus.
Jesus is telling
in the Ephesus church
he tells them of all the great things
they are doing
that please Him,
then he tells them
what they need to repent of.
Jesus says,
“I know your works, your labor, your patience, and
that you cannot bear those who are evil.
And you have tested those who say
they are apostles and are not,
and have found them
and you have persevered and have
and have labored for My name’s sake
and have not become
I have this against you,
that you have left your first love.
Remember therefore from where you have fallen;
and do the first works,
or else
I will come to you quickly
remove your lampstand from its place – unless you repent.”
In those verses,
Jesus is speaking to Christians
and telling them to repent.
Jesus said they had left their first love
and were not doing the first works.
I am not sure
what they were doing wrong.
But I believe I know. Let me explain:
Today there are
Christian organizations
that were created
to do apologetics - which is defending the faith.
These Christian organizations
originally were formed to study other religions
and then tell Christians
where the errors were in those religions,
we could reach people
in other religions
with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Today many of those organizations
have become
ultra critical of their fellow Christians.
For example,
they take end times theories
which are not foundational doctrine
and make one theory mandatory for everyone to believe.
There are times
when we definitely need to expose wrong teaching.
On this site,
I have pages that expose wrong teaching.
Yet we need to stir up love in our heart for those who are wrong.
Several years ago,
my church hosted
one of their meetings.
As I listened to them speak,
all I could think about was
Revelation chapter 2 -
where the Bible speaks of the Church of Ephesus.
The speakers began with teaching us about other religions,
but quickly turned
to teaching about
"heretic" Christians.
I noticed that there was no love or tenderness in their words.
2 Timothy chapter 2 clarifies my point. It says,
"God's people must be gentle, patient teachers of those who are wrong.
Be humble when you are trying to teach those
who are mixed up concerning truth."
Then in 1 Corinthians 13,
Paul gives us information about
how important love is when we are teaching others.
Paul says,
“And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries
and all knowledge and though I have all faith,
so that
I could remove mountains……
but have not love, I am nothing.”
So without love,
our ability to help others is close to nonexistent.
In the book of Revelation, I believe Jesus is trying to say that the people of Ephesus have great zeal for serving Jesus Christ but somewhere along the way they have left love behind and Jesus finds them only interested in cleansing the church.
This does not mean that
we should shy away from teaching
what the Bible says.
It just means that
we need to do our teaching
in love.
we must realize that some subjects - such as the endtimes -
can have a variety of opinions in the church
while each person is still in right standing with the Lord.
Ephesus - type Christians
sometimes continue
until they get to the point where they call everyone,
but those in their small group, heretics.
Here they move away from
clear Bible teaching and move into
their own opinions and preferences.
The Lord wants us to work together
not tear each other apart.
Note that
Jesus compliments those in Ephesus
concerning many things.
The main thing Ephesus members need to focus on is
LOVE - love for others and love for God.
Going back to the book of Revelation,
we need to remember that the verses written to the churches
were not only written for the people in the churches of that day,
but the verses
are also written for every generation.
Revelation 1:3 tells us
that everyone who reads Revelation out loud
or listens to verses being read
will get a blessing!
if we believe the
Word of God
- and if we need a blessing in our life -
we will RUN to the
Book of Revelation
and read it and get a blessing!
As I have studied the 7 churches,
I have seen that each of us living today is -
in essence -
a member of one of the churches of Revelation.
I believe we can all find ourselves in one of the churches
The words to each of the churches
were written specifically
to each of the churches
who were in existence when John wrote down the words.
The words are also applicable to
Christians all through the centuries.
And in fact,
we can even find ourselves
and evaluate our spiritual condition
by looking at the letters to the 7 churches.
Going back to the Ephesus church,
if you are personally acting
as those in Ephesus,
Jesus has a message for you today – repent.
Jesus says to you in verse 5….
“I will come to you quickly
remove your lampstand from its place unless you repent.”
I’m not sure exactly what "removing the lampstand" means, but I know one thing it means. It means you better repent.
This is not to say that only those who find themselves in the Ephesus church need to work on their love walk.
I'm sure the Lord has to speak to all of us at one time or another
about our love walk.
When he does - the correct response is repentance.
Take note that:
The main message Jesus gives to the churches is -
when the Holy Spirit convicts you of sin
Repent means that you ask God for forgiveness AND you work on changing so that you become obedient to God in that area of your life.
Jesus said in the book of John 14:15 that if you love me, you will obey me.
Today there is a new grace message that is preached that is not new and it is not of God. I looked at one of the books of one of its main teachers and
even the “prayer for salvation” in the back of his book did not include repentance of sins.”
Anyone who says that Christians never need to repent, is not teaching what the Bible says.
We are not saved by works
we are called to become
obedient children of our Heavenly Father.
We are justified by faith.
Yet note that
God calls us to participate in our sanctification.
There are 7 churches in Revelation.
I am not going to teach on each of them.
At this point, I highlight the church of Pergamous.
Here is what Jesus said
to those in
the church of Pergamous……
"You hold fast to My name, and did not deny My faith
even in the days in which Antipas was My faithful martyr,
who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.
But I have a few things against you,
because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam,
who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel,
to eat things sacrificed to idols,
to commit sexual immorality.
Thus you also have those
who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.
or else I will come to you quickly and
will fight against them with the sword of My mouth.
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
If you identify with the sins of the church of Pergamous, Jesus says to you - REPENT.
Jesus tells Pergamous People
several things to repent of.
> > > Sexual Sin < < <
One of the easiest sins to highlight
is the sin of sexual immorality.
If you are committing sexual sin,
you probably
fall into this church.
Jesus is saying to you, “Repent.”
> > > Idols < < <
Another thing they are told
to repent of
is eating things sacrificed to idols.
I believe the clear meaning is the main meaning
I also think
it probably means
that we are not to be consuming things
that the devil is producing
for entertainment on our TV and other devices.
We need to be careful what we watch.
God wants us to agree with Psalm 101
when it says,
“I will live a pure life in my home and not tolerate evil.”
Too many times
we entertain ourselves with sinful things.
Jesus tells us,
"As many as I love - I rebuke and chasten.
Therefore, be zealous and
Revelation 3:19
At this point,
I highlight the church of
Here is what Jesus said
to those in
the church of
Revelation chapter 2 beginning in verse 18 talks of the church of Thyatira.
Jesus says to them,
"I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience;
and as for your works, the last are more than the first.
I have a few things against you,
because you allow that woman Jezebel,
who calls herself a prophetess,
to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality
and eat things sacrificed to idols.
And I gave her time
to repent of her sexual immorality,
and she did not repent."
Jesus says a lot more
right after that
about what is going to happen to them if they don’t repent.
I’m not going to include that here,
but I encourage you to read it
for yourself - especially if you or a loved one is in this church.
The people in the Thyatira church
don’t just commit sexual sin in their personal life,
they have people speak in their pulpits that sexual sin is ok.
The Thyatira church
teaches it is ok to disregard Bible commands.
Jesus calls those in the Thyatira church
to repent.
At this point,
I highlight the church of
The Philadelphia Church
This is the church that Jesus wants us to be in.
Jesus doesn’t tell this church to repent,
because people in this church
are regularly evaluating themselves.
The members of this church
live continually with a mindset of repentance.
Jesus says that
the people in the Philadelphia church
Keep His Word –
meaning they continually try to obey the Bible.
Jesus is pleased with the obedience of the Philadelphia church.
Here are the words of Jesus to those in the church of Philadelphia:
"I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door,
and no one can shut it;
for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and
have not denied My name."
Jesus goes on to give them an interesting promise that he doesn't give the other churches.
"Because you have kept My command to persevere,
I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth."
Interesting, Jesus tells this church that they will be given a blessing that apparently no other church will get, because they persevere and continue to try to do what the Bible tells them to do even with opposition.
So how do we get into the Philadelphia church?
We TRY to keep his word.
We stand firm
on what the Bible says
and do not give in to peer pressure.
For example, even if all the world says sexual sin is ok,
the people in the church of Philadelphia
we will obey the Bible
and we will teach others what the Bible says.
Again it is important
to emphasize that
the people in the church of Philadelphia
are not told to repent,
because they live
a lifestyle of
regularly repenting
when God convicts them of sin.
Being in the
Philadelphia church
doesn’t mean
you think you are perfect.
It does mean
that you will
regularly look at yourself and
notice the areas
you need to work on.
We never arrive
but we are continuing
to work on ourselves
Jesus comes back to get us
by death or by rapture.
Jesus tells us,
"As many as I love - I rebuke and chasten.
Therefore, be zealous and repent."
Revelation 3:19
I invite you to pray with me.
Dear Lord,
I come before you,
and I declare that I want to please you.
I want to be right with you.
I am promising you
that when you convict me of sin,
I will not ignore you.
Help me, Lord, to become
the person you have destined me to be.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Is there anything
more important than
reading the verses Revelation about the churches today
at least sometime this week
and making sure that you are right with Jesus Christ?
Note that
when talking to Pergamos in Revelation 2:13,
Satan's throne is mentioned.
It is generally believed that
the words "Satan's throne"
refers to an altar that was in the city of Pergamos.
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