Addiction Spiritual Warfare Prayer

Addiction Spiritual Warfare

Power Prayer

No one needs help with spiritual warfare

more than

those who are fighting an addiction.


We have additional pages you might like to visit such as

Prayers for Addiction  and  How to Stop Drinking

or prayer to help you feel loved such as God's love.

This Page contains

Full Armor of God Spiritual Warfare Prayer

that will

get you focused


keep you focused

on the power of God and on godly living.

You may want to skip the first prayer.

The first prayer is a prayer you might want to say once
or twice...


you haven't said such a prayer
if you haven't come to terms with your addiction
are still in need of prayer to be ready to move forward.

Note that in the first prayer,
we do refer to
addictions as sin and not as a disease. 
We do that because
as far as we can tell the Bible does that.
For those who disagree, please do not let offense hinder you from other help you might find on this page.

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The second prayer

is written

to be said on a

regular basis

in order to help you


receive the mighty power of God

in your life!

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The third prayer is a mini-prayer to bring steadiness.

The fourth prayer is a mini-prayer for loved ones.

And also thoughts on Restoring Trust.

Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayer


Addiction Spiritual Warfare Prayer

Note: if you have never asked Jesus to be your Savior

see our  Prayer for Salvation  page.

Lord God,

You are the all - powerful One. You are my Creator and my Sustainer.

You are able to do all things – even impossible things.

I come today to recommit myself to you – to recommit my life to you.

Forgive me for choosing to follow sin and becoming addicted.

Forgive me for what I have done to my mind, my emotions, and my body.

Forgive me for setting my will on sinful things.

Forgive me for allowing the enemy to have a stronghold in my life.

Forgive me for the relationship problems that I caused because of my addiction.

Lord, I will seek to heal my relationships.

I will humble myself and admit my responsibility for damaging my relationships. 

Lord, I ask you to help those I have hurt. I ask you to heal each of them.

I ask you to strengthen them, restore them, and bless them.

Thank you, Lord, for your everlasting Love.

Thank you for your ever-present Encouragement.

Thank you for your ever-stable and powerful Words contained in the Bible.

You are setting me free. I am learning to walk in freedom.

All praise and glory goes to you, Lord God, Maker of heaven and earth!


Copyright © 2008 Beth McLendon of

Daily Addiction Spiritual Warfare Prayer


Addiction Spiritual Warfare Prayer

Below you will find
an addiction spiritual warfare prayer
that is based on putting on the full armor of God.

Personally, I recommend
that you actually go through
the motions
of putting on the armor
so that you are more aware of
of the weapons
that you have.

Consider printing

this prayer out for

Daily Praying!

Father God,

I praise you. I give glory and honor to your name.

Lord, here are my godly prayer proclamations which I present to you:

I will love the Lord my God with all my heart.

I will turn away from evil and seek the will of God for my life.

I will put on the whole armor of God in order to become more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus.

I will put on the Belt of Truth.

I will face the truth about my addiction and about all areas of my life.

I will tell myself the truth.  And I will tell others the truth.

I will love truth. I will live in truth. I will enjoy telling the truth.

I will remember that truth is my friend and lies are my enemy.

I will put on the Helmet of Salvation.

I am saved from _________ and from thoughts of wanting ________.
                            (name of addiction)                                           
( my addiction)

I am saved from self-pity, and I am saved from pride.

I am saved from selfishness and self-centeredness.

I am saved from rebellion. I declare that I will not rebel against the Lord my God.

I am saved from deception. I will not deceive others.

I will walk in wisdom this day.

I am saved from lack of motivation.

I declare that I am strongly motivated to do the will of God this day.

I will be strongly motivated to resist __________.    
(my addiction)

I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.

I will focus on making right choices each day.

I will put on the Shoes of Peace.

I will live in peace with God and with myself.

I will enjoy walking along God's paths for me. I am eager for the world to see the wonderful changes God is making in my life.

I pick up my Shield of Faith to defend myself against the firey darts of the enemy.

This day I will increase in faith.  I pick up confidence that I am growing in my faith in God and in his Word. 

I pick up the Sword of the Spirit.

I will speak out the Words of God and God's Words will transform my life.

I declare that my mind is being powerfully renewed.

Every day I find myself thinking more like God. 

I pick up confidence that I can resist the enemy this day.

Today I have been redirected, refreshed, and renewed.

I now walk in the power, purpose, and peace of Jesus Christ.


Copyright © 2008 Beth McLendon of

Gaining Strength

Mini-Prayers for Addiction Spiritual Warfare

Third Addiction Spiritual Warfare Mini-Prayer

Powerful Lord of all Creation,

My desire is to please you.

I declare that every time I stumble or even if I fall, I will get back up and become stronger.

I declare that mighty is my God, and mighty are the weapons God gives me to pull down strongholds.


Copyright © 2008 Beth McLendon of

For the Lord has said,

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds,

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."

2 Corinthians 10:3-4 KJV

Fourth Addiction Spiritual Warfare Mini-Prayer

Merciful God,

I have asked you to forgive me of all my sins, and you have abundantly forgiven me.

I now ask you to help all those who have been hurt by me. Help them to forgive me, Lord.

I will be patient. I will pray for them and give them abundant time.

In your loving name I pray,


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of

Issues  of  Trust


If your actions have caused your loved ones not to trust you, it is important that you give plenty of time to them.

Trust has to be built back through a lot of work on your part.

When someone destroys trust, that someone is responsible to show long-term good faith in order to restore trust. 

Do not show negative emotions when your loved ones want to verify your actions.

Be more interested in blessing your loved ones and
making them feel comfortable
than in protecting your emotions or your ego.


We have prayer to build you up and help you feel God's love.

We suggest our

NEW Psalm 139 page and our God's love page

and our warm Intimacy with God page.

We also encourage you to visit our

Spiritual Warfare prayers and our

Prayer for Strength page.

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Rescue me, God

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Full Armor Victory Prayers


"If" I get to heaven...
for all those who are uncertain


Prayers when you hear an ambulance


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Psalm list


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Explaining How to Get to Heaven


Victory, Power Prayer

Increasing JOY

Overcoming Sabotage in your family

Opposites attract and then...

Hymns that Heal


All our Addiction pages

Help for HOW to Forgive

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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

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February 18.


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