Amazing Dating Tips
for Women
and Teens!
- Women of all ages -
For links to all our dating pages: Click here
The second most important decision
you will ever make is:
Who you choose to marry.
who you choose
- to date -
determines who you marry.
You date the act;
You marry the react.
Before this page continues,
take note that we have lots of dating pages
on this site.
Here is a link to all our dating pages.
Scroll down to the section called "Pages for Women."
What does a man of God look like?
Why do you.......?
When you are dating a man, there are times when you want to ask him why.
For example: Sometimes you want to ask him why he is doing something that seems so foolish.
So you say....
"Why do you do such and such?"
Expressing it in those words or in a similar way may make a man feel on the spot. He may get defensive. He may feel that you are questioning his intelligence or his reasoning ability.
A Better Way to Ask...
A better way to ask a man a question
about something
that he is doing that
you do not think is being done right is:
"I am curious.
I see that you are doing such and such.
Why do you choose to do it that way?"
When asked in a kind, gentle tone,
this is a nonthreatening way
of communicating
and will be more likely
to create an environment
where a man will open up to you.
Sometimes a woman wants to ask
just because she wants to get to know the man better.
Also in this instance, "I'm curious..." is a nonthreatening way to ask a man a question.
When a man you are dating says,
"You look pretty"
your best reaction choice is
to smile
and say,
"Thank you."
Most women are wired
to need to
feel pretty
in the eyes of the man they love.
It will bless your marriage if your husband often tells you that you are pretty...
So, start off
when dating
accepting compliments
Show confidence in Yourself
Men like to have a confident woman
as the object of their affection.
That means...
that men will be more attracted to you
if you
accept compliments with a confident
"Thank you" -
instead of saying
that you are not pretty
trying to disagree with him
discourage him from giving you a compliment.
Only date men who LOVE Jesus!
Pick a man who is actively walking with Jesus.
The man that a godly woman
really wants
is a man
who loves God with all his heart.
That kind of a man
will love
with all of this heart!
That is the miracle of God.
Is the man you are dating
The Bible says:
Kindness makes a man attractive.
Proverbs 19:22 TLB
What do YOU say?
Do you need to - renew your mind - on this topic?
The man who tries to be
finds life, righteousness, and honor.
Proverbs 21:21 TLB
Will you Decide to only
Nice Guys?
Would the man I am dating
a good father?
Your husband will become
the father of your children
the stepfather of your children.
Is the man you are dating
a good candidate
for being the father of your children?
For example:
Is he kind and understanding?
Is he teachable?
Does he care about the feelings of others?
Does he have a tender heart?
Right now - in his present state -
would the man you are dating
make a good father?
If not, move on.
As a single woman,
for a man
who would make a good father.
Your children will be very glad you did!
Wise people
to have
Any man who will dump you
instead of waiting
for sex
is a man who is
going to be a good, loving husband for you
father to your children.
Sex before marriage
is about
lust not love.
If he truly loves you,
he will wait
if you tell him he must wait.
Further down
movies about purity in dating.
Take Note:
In men,
Sex before marriage promotes a selfish kind of love and
waiting till marriage promotes a unselfish kind of love.
After you finish this page - Consider our page:
Purity comments from men and women
We have a lot more
in our
So keep scrolling down!
This is a very important section.
Please - Please
take some time and consider this section
In the video below
Mark Gunger
powerful reasons
on why you should
to have sex.
His amusing title is:
Sex makes you stupid.
We have a great page
with testimonies about
- -
Staying Pure
in an impure World
Below is a must-see movie
about two people
who aren't virgins
but decided that
- this time -
they will
wait until marriage!
The movie above
shows the way (clumsy sometimes)
that a man
travels the road to dating
in a pure way.
- -
This movie has a great uplifting ending!
- -
The man - had led
- a sexually impure life
but is determined to change.
The movie shows the emotional scars
stumbling blocks
that his
impure past
has done to him.
the movie gives
shows the
that can be in your future.
Both main characters have a sexual past
to overcome.
Both find
- and choose -
the beauty of purity.
- -
This movie is very real.
It shows courage in handling
the challenges of
staying pure
it shows
the heartache of dealing
with an impure past.
The movie
those who aren't virgins
and those who are
to be able to always choose purity.
What an awesome ending!
Here is another great movie that motivates
singles to
for marriage!
You are going to watch a movie soon -
why not watch
a movie
that will entertain you while it motivates you to wait.
I urge you to consider watching
the two movies above
Here is one of my favorite movies
of all time:
Undercover Bridesmaid
No matter how old you are,
or how experienced you are...
I can pretty much guarantee
you will hear
you never heard
about sex
- if -
you listen to the next video.
If you are in a hurry
to get to the
main part,
then skip to 12 minutes.
Men and Women
don't understand
the dangers of
Please consider our
Pornography pages:
**Porn-free info for kids and teens and adults
The second most important decision
you will ever make is:
Who you choose to marry.
The MOST important decision
you will make
a decision to follow Jesus
not to follow Jesus.
And to have a great life
we must decide every day
to follow Jesus - this day!
More Tips on Men
Jump to the top of Amazing Dating Tips
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Explaining How to Get to Heaven
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Overcoming Sabotage in your family
an audio presentation
Click here for Links to ALL our marriage pages
Men and women keep score differently
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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life
goes out
February 18.
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which is called
The Inspirational Life
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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer
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Life-changing prayer for fathers
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Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers
an audio Presentation by Beth
Songs for Children for church and home
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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself
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Links to all our pages on the Psalms