Baby Prayer

Celebrating the New Baby in your life

with a Baby Prayer

lifted up to our Heavenly Father.

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A New Baby is Exciting!

A New Baby is Thrilling!

A New Baby is a Blessing of God!


Note that this website also has

Baby Shower Blessings
Prayer for Pregnant moms and their babies
Baby Dedication Prayer

A Newborn Prayer

Heavenly Father,

We pray for your abundant blessings on this little newborn.

We look at this adorable child and by faith we see:

Soft little ears that will one day hear and receive the message of God's love and grace.

Bright little eyes that will one day notice the needs of others, and look for ways to express God's love to the world.

Precious little fingers that will one day reach out with acts of kindness to the world.

Cute little feet with tiny little toes that will one day grow into beautiful confident feet that will bring the Good News of Jesus to the world.**

Lord, we also see a tender little heart.

God, we pray that this child will always  have an open heart to you and to your word.

May this child grow up to be a mighty man or woman of God.


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of

Scripture from the Baby Prayer

** As it is written,

how beautiful are the feet of them that

preach the gospel of peace,

and bring glad tidings of good things!

Romans 10:15  KJV

Five Love Languages

We celebrate the new baby in your family.

We also want to remind you that if this is not your first baby or grandchild, then don't forget to give lots of time and attention to the other children in the family. 

Understanding the five love languages can help you love each child in the way that child wants to have love expressed to him or her.

Understanding the five love languages helps you bless your family.

If you have never heard about the different love languages of children and adults, we invite you to our  Five Love Languages teaching.

This information helps you love each person in your family the way he or she wants to be loved.

We also have a family fun page called Johnny Appleseed Prayer.

And we have Prayers for Parents.

For a list of all our prayers, go to Prayers for all Occasions.

Quick jump to the top of Baby Prayer

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