Romance Tips for Men

Learn about the


of Romance

This page will

Inspire YOU


try a little


Let's Get STARTED!

Let's Get MOVING!


Don't Forget




Easy First Steps

If you have never really tried any romance,

then start with simple things.


Romance can be something

very small and easy.

Try this

A husband often walks up to his wife and
gives her a kiss.

Next time,

after you kiss your wife,
put your lips near her ear
"I love you."


Try this

Send your wife an e-mail or a text that says,

"I miss you - you are awesome!"

Add some Romance!

It is normal

for women

to love


For Beginners

Romance is taking the time

every few days

to let your wife know

that you still think about

how wonderful she is.


A wife needs to know

that she is still considered

valuable and precious in her husband's eyes.

Some women have more of a
need for romance and some have less.

But most women NEED some Romance.


Red Hearts

Romance is about Red Hearts.

Romance is about whispering compliments.

Romance is about

giving little notes with a simple sentence like,

"You are Beautiful."

Romance is about helping your wife put on her coat.

Romance is about spending quality time with your wife with your cell phone turned off.

Romance is about presenting a flower and a kiss to your wife.

Romance is about taking the time to look at your wife and think of
all the things you love about her.
Then pick one and share it.

Romance is about happily helping your wife with something she needs help with around the house.

Romance is about making sure you tell your wife that you couldn't live without her.

This page

has lots more stuff


before we continue...

We want to alert you that this site has

LOTS of Romance pages.

For our introduction to romance click:

Romantic Ideas

For Creative Fun Ideas visit:

Summer Romance Ideas

Springtime Romance Ideas


Important  Information:

Deep in her heart,

a woman


to have

a good relationship

with her husband.


sometimes she greatly fears that her

husband no longer loves her.

Make sure your wife


you love her.

Tell her through WORDS and ACTIONS.


Consider asking her,

"Do I make you feel loved?"

If she says, "No."

Humble yourself and say,

"Oh Honey, I've got to fix that. Help me."


Check out our page

Lots of ways to say: "I love you"

God wants to help your marriage

to be



The Secret to Divorce



Click here to get

great tips on a great marriage!

The following video

has a great ending full of wisdom.

The Five Love Languages

There are 5 ways

to show love to your wife.

If you don't show her

in her favorite way,

she will not feel loved!

Gary Chapman wrote a book about those

Five Ways.


Gary Chapman's

The Five Love Languages

I give the highlights of the book on this page:

The Five Love Languages.

Full book here:

take note


Tell a funny "joke" about your wife in public. 

More than likely,

your wife will not think the joke is funny. 

No woman has wonderful


about being the brunt of her husband's jokes.

Wounding your wife

never produces good things.

Husbands and Wives

need to say 

You will sacrifice

happiness and intimacy in your marriage

for a

couple of laughs from your friends.


is an excerpt from this article:

Things men say


they tell a joke about their wife....

“I don’t mean it.” -  Yes, you do.

“She doesn’t care.” -  Yes she does.

“Women think it’s funny.”  - No we don’t.


a little piece of advice—stop making fun of your wives.

Even if she

can’t cook, can't drive well or can't add,


air her faults in public. ...

 A majority of comments meant in jest are just poorly thought through comments hoping for a cheap laugh.

The intent is rarely evil,

but men still need to stop it. 

The reward is not worth the risk.


More articles:



Wounded Wives Section

Most women LOVE romance


easily respond

to any romance from their husband.


If your wife is wounded,

romantic overtures

may not be as joyfully received.

Hopefully your wife will be wise enough

and strong enough

to respond in a joyful way.


prayerfully consider

continuing to gently romance her.

And read the next section.

If your wife has wounds

from your lack of romance,

you may have to be bold and brave


find a calm, quiet

time to apologize.
- -
Consider getting on one knee.

Tell her,

"I have been thinking about how much I love you.

I have been thinking about how special you are to me.

You deserve
to be treated like
the awesome woman you are.

You deserve some romance in your life.

Would you forgive me for not being romantic?"

If she says, no, then say.... "Well, I still sincerely apologize, and I hope one day you will forgive me."

Then if she is quiet, you just nicely and gently get up and walk out of the room in a loving way.

If she says, Yes, then say....

"I want to learn how to be
a more romantic.

If I try some simple romantic things,
will you overlook my awkwardness and
encourage me while I learn?"


If she says, "Yes" then you are ready to go!

If she says, "No" then you are getting a wake-up call that your wife may have some woundedness
that needs your prayers and compassion.

If she says, "No" then say something like,
"O.K. -  Thank you for hearing me out
about this topic.
Even though you don't want romance right now,
I hope you realize that I love you very much."


be gentle with your wife,

give her time,

and she will probably begin to heal.


The good news is that

women are responders.
Over time,

they almost always warm up

to love expressed by their husband.

Women love to feel heard

"My wife said I never listen to her... or something like that."

 Improve your listening and improve her response.


And, women need to realize that men can't

listen for long periods of time.

The Good News

You will never slide effortlessly

into a better marriage.

But the GOOD NEWS is .....


If you pick the right resources,

you can get a HUGE amount of "Better"

without a HUGE amount of work.

But you do have to put forth determined effort.

Love is a VERB - an action VERB.

Visit our page:

Men & Women keep score Differently

This website has great tips, resources,

and golden nuggets of understanding

that will make


Differences in your life.

We hope you will take time to review them.

Jump to the top of Romance for Men

Info on New Pages

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Miracle Testimonies

Springtime Prayer

Guiding Teens toward Blessings

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Forgotten Women

Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles

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Psalm list


Explaining How to Get to Heaven

Questions of Life


Victory, Power Prayer

Increasing JOY

Overcoming Sabotage in your family

Opposites attract and then...


All our Addiction pages

Help for HOW to Forgive

an audio presentation




for Jesus


Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

went out

February 18.


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The Truth about Evolution

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Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

Songs for Children for church and home

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Prayers for my Adult Son

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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

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