Champion Prayer for my Son

Champion Prayer for my Son


Strengthen and Solidify

his walk with

Jesus Christ.


Lord of Everlasting Life,

You are Love; You are Mercy;

You are Truth; You are Strength;

You are Wisdom.

You are God

to whom all thanksgiving is due.

I come before you lifting up my son to you in prayer.

I pray that he would

Stand Solid in You -

Strong in You -

Immoveable and firm against sin.

I pray that he would

be aware of the weaknesses

that are poised to take him down.

I pray that he is

actively dealing with

those weaknesses

in consultation with You and Your Word.

Guide him to see himself

as a

Champion for Christ


Powerful Armor

and mentored by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 

May he see his Bible as his greatest treasure.

May he love Your Word and read it daily.

May his dedication and devotion to Jesus,

be easily seen by others


noted by them

for its

love, joy, peace,

patience, kindness, goodness,

faithfulness, gentleness,



I pray these things

in the name of


Lord and Savior

 Jesus Christ,


Copyright © 2024 Beth McLendon of

Galatians 5:22-23

The Fruit of the Spirit


More Prayer for my Son

Prayers for my Adult Son

 Prayers for my Adult Child during Difficulties

Prayers for my married son who has children

Prayer for my Adult Son's Friends

Morning Prayer for my Son



Prayers for my Adult Daughter


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Champion Prayer for my Son was presented May 2024.

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