Welcome to Beth's
Christmas Blog!
It is filled with great
Christmas videos,
Christmas Thoughts
4 weeks
sharing my
Christmas thoughts with you.
Note that we also have:
Christmas Dinner Prayer and Special Christmas pages.
And a page for teens and children called:
Inspirational Teens and Children
If you feel sad at Christmas,
we minister to you on our
December 14th
blog entry.
December 25
I pray that you would have a
Merry Christmas.
December 24
I will not forget...
Dear Lord,
I will not forget the reason for the season.
Even though I am busy decorating with bells and bows...
Even though I am shopping and baking and eating...
Even though I am giving presents and opening presents...
I will not forget
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational – Prayers.com
Celebrating the Savior
Celebrating with those who praise Him in public.
Christmas Flash Mob
December 23
O Come Let Us Adore Him
O come all ye faithful joyful and triumphant
O come ye O come ye to Bethlehem;
Come and behold Him born the King of angels;
O come let us adore Him;
O come let us adore Him;
O come let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.
Prayer based on the song:
"O Come all ye Faithful"
Dear Lord,
I come today to adore you.
You are my most precious Christmas gift.
Lord, I want to be even more faithful to You and Your Word -
this day and in this new year.
Guide me, Lord.
I will follow.
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational – Prayers.com
December 22
Ring Christmas Bells
Merrily Ring
Tell all the World
Jesus is King
Teach me how to tell the world about you.
It is not just people
who don't know Jesus
that need your attention.
You can help your friends and family to take a break from the
hectic season and focus for a few moments on Jesus by
e-mailing them a link to a Christmas Youtube song or
sending them a little devotional about Christmas.
Consider reaching out with Christmas cheer today.
May we as Christians
give and receive
compassion as
brothers and sisters in the Lord.
Dear Lord,
I pray for those who face a difficult family situation at Christmas.
And I pray for those who face family members who are unkind.
Lord, I pray that you would give each one strength and comfort as they live through difficult holiday gatherings.
I ask for supernatural ability and overcoming grace to help them through unpleasant encounters.
Remind them that you are with them. Help them to visualize you right by their side.
In the powerful name of Jesus I pray,
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers.com
December 20
When Jesus was born, he was
100% God
100% human.
"What Child is This."
December 19
Christmas Joy
Dear Lord,
Christmas time is such a joyous time.
me to truly soak in the joy that is all around me - the excitement of
the happiness of carolers, the warmth of twinkling lights.
Remind me to value the precious moments that I spend with my loved ones.
The memories we make are priceless gifts you give me.
Thank you, Lord.
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational – Prayers.com
December 18
What Jesus wants for Christmas
is the salvation of those he loves.
Morning Prayer
I pray that today
as people run to and fro
at work or play,
their attention is directed to the Christmas songs
playing in the background.
And I pray that those who live their life
far away from you
will ponder
with new interest
the message of the birth of the Savior.
I pray that this Christmas
lost sheep will recognize
the Good Shepherd
and begin to follow Him
and Him only.
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers.com
Consider sharing this prayer with your family
and praying it together.
December 17
Praise to the Lord my God
Ruler of the Universe.
You astonish me with your love.
How many kings, stepped down from their thrones?
How many lords have abandoned their homes?
How many greats have become the least for me?
How many gods have poured out their hearts
To romance a world that has torn all apart?
How many fathers gave up their sons for me?
Only one did that for me.
December 16
Paul wrote:
Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God
for Israel is,
that they might be saved.
Romans 10:1 KJV
Paul wrote those words under divine inspiration of God.
Those words are in God's heart.
In a few days
starting on Christmas Eve
Hanukkah begins.
Would you join me in praying for the Jewish people?
To find out more about
please visit our page called: Hanukkah
Dear Lord,
I pray that many Jewish people will find salvation as they enjoy Hanukkah this year.
Lord, your desire is that all Israel is saved.
I join with you in prayer for that desire.
Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Dear Lord,
I pray for the Jewish people during this Hanukkah season.
I pray that their families would draw close to one another at this joyous time, and that each person would draw closer to you.
During this Festival of Lights, I pray that the Light of the World, Jesus Christ, would be revealed to each one as his or her Messiah.
During this year, may all the Jewish people have the opportunity to recognize and accept Jesus as their Messiah.
Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
I want to shine for you.
Dear Lord,
I thank you for the miracle of the Hanukkah menorah lights.
Lord, remind me today to shine out my light of love in this dark world.
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
December 15
He came
He came to give.
But only the wise follow Him
receive from Him.
December 14
Many people feel sad at Christmas.
Today I want to minister to them.
If this is not you -
will you pray for those who visit this site
who are sad this Christmas season?
If you ARE sad this Christmas season,
I have two short prayers below
an entire page dedicated to you called:
Prayer for Sadness at Christmas.
A Simple Prayer
Dear Lord,
Everything is wrapped in red.
But I feel blue.
Help me, Lord.
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
For some people,
Going Home for Christmas
means going back in time
to a Christmas long past.
Many people long to go back to a brighter Christmas -
one that was less complicated, more peaceful, or one that
was filled with loved ones who are missing this holiday season.
A Yesteryear Christmas Prayer
Dear Lord,
Take me home for Christmas.
Draw me to yesteryear.
Refresh the faded memories.
And let the past seem near.
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
We also have a page available called
Christmas Prayers for Soldiers.
It deals with the sadness of soldiers away from home at Christmas.
December 13
Anna and Simeon were among
the first ones to see baby Jesus.
Taking a closer look at the meaning of the Greek words in that story will give us
some new and
amazing insights into that Bible story!
I have given those insights on a previous
"Daily Inspiration" page.
Here are excerpts of that page:
So now that I had seen something
special in the names of Anna and Simeon. I was really getting excited.
So I looked to see if there were any other names mentioned in the story.
Verse 39 says, "And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser [or Asher]."
I looked up what the name "Phanuel" means. It means "the face of God."
Now that fits the story!
After Jesus was born, we see "the face of God."
Mark Lowry wrote a song about the majesty and wonder of Jesus coming to earth. The song is called "Mary, Did you Know?" In it, the lyrics have these words directed to Mary,
"Did you know that your baby boy
has walked where angels trod?
And when you kiss your little baby,
you kissed the face of God!"
If you would like to read all of that Bible study,
please click here: Anna and Simeon
When Jesus was born,
there was no room
for Him at the inn.
But when you are born again,
There is more than room
enough in Him!
Copyright © 2013 Yolanda Kelly
December 12
The following is a Christmas devotion
that captures the sights, sounds, and emotions
of the first Christmas.
Mary the Mother of Jesus
Let’s begin by thinking about Mary and the journey she took.
Here was a young woman who was about 9 months pregnant when she and Joseph set off toward Bethlehem.
This young woman was great with child, and yet she was faced with being put on a donkey and riding for days.
Those who have been 9 months pregnant
would cringe at the thought of such a journey.
Bouncing to Bethlehem
Mary spent mile after mile on a donkey - being tossed up and down and back and forth. This uncomfortable ride was endured every moment from her hometown of Nazareth to Bethlehem.
Female Support
Every woman who is ready to deliver seeks female support.
Imagine the emotions of this young first-time mother-to-be. Each step the donkey took brought her farther and farther away from her mother, her aunts, her sisters, and all the other familiar women of her village.
Mary realized that she was going to have to give birth in a far-off town not knowing if there would be any women available to help her. The only help she could depend on was a man - who she had no intimate history with. A man who she had just begun her life with.
Yet Mary lived out her commitment to the Lord by following her husband to this far-off town. She bravely made the difficult trip and quickly got settled in a stable - a cold, smelly stable.
(Certainly not what she imagined for a birthing room.)
To read the rest of the devotion click: Christmas Devotion
December 11
This Christmas,
are you still amazed?
Dear Lord,
I love you so much.
This Christmas,
I will proclaim to the world
that you amaze me.
I will proclaim your amazing grace and love.
If you are amazed, will you join me and
find a way to share your amazement?
Perhaps just a few simple words to someone -
Maybe to your Sunday school class,
to your neighbor, to your son or daughter
December 10
Christmas songs are playing everywhere.
Lord, may their message
draw a hurting world closer to you this Christmas.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the message of Christmas.
Thank you for entering the world through a lowly stable. Thank you for the teaching and for the healing that you brought to the world. Thank you for the love that you shared as you walked this earth.
And thank you that during this time of year, the Good News is actually heard and explained through Christmas songs.
I can hear songs about your birth as I shop at the grocery
at the department store, and at the pharmacy.
Lord, I ask that this year,
you would use Christmas songs to
capture the attention
of those who don’t know you.
I pray that through listening to the
they would begin to open their heart to you.
May this be a Christmas where multitudes of people follow the Christmas star and find the Savior of the world.
God, I am asking you to change hearts and
change the world
this Christmas.
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Please consider visiting our
December 9
Dear Lord,
We come before you to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We celebrate the miracle of God coming as a baby - coming to live among us, coming to love us, and coming to show us the way to eternal life.
During this Christmas season, help us to experience the story of the birth of Christ as though it were the first time we ever heard it. Bring to our thoughts a sense of wonder and awe at what took place two thousand years ago.
Allow us to watch, as wise men who daily commanded great respect, humbly traveled to a stable and knelt with gifts in hand before a baby who was Christ the King. Let our imagination hear the rustling animals and see the young couple who lovingly take turns holding our promise in their arms.
us to remember to live our life proclaiming the loving message of that
night in our words and most importantly in our actions.
We magnify your holy name this day.
Copyright © 2004 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers.com
The above prayer is taken from our Christmas Prayers page.
December 8
Happy Birthday to Jesus
Children are a Christmas joy.
December 7
My Christmas Prayer
December 6
Hope was born in a humble stable.
December 5
Everything I need is wrapped up in Jesus.
Everything I need was wrapped up in a manger.
Away in a Manger
December 4
Christmas is full of warm inspiration.
December 3
There is no better time than Christmas
to accept and rejoice in God's love for YOU.
Tis the Season
Tis the Season to feel God's love.
One of my goals is to help people feel God's love. I want to help people receive God's love and acceptance in a greater way than they have felt before.
I have posted a teaching about: God wants us to feel like his sons and daughters but too many people feel like orphans.
It is an awesome teaching that will draw you closer to God if you will take the time to read it.
Click: God's promise of Love
Here is a prayer I wrote for that teaching - please adapt the prayer if you are a female.
Loving Lord,
Thank you for your love and acceptance. Thank you for telling me the truth about my sonship with you. Thank you for helping me understand that I belong.
Thank you for helping me understand that I have an inheritance.
I ask that you would heal my mind and my heart from insecurity, abandonment, rejection, and fatherlessness.
God, please help me to have the heart of a son.
Please help me to be open to understanding the areas in my life that are wounded.
Please heal those areas and make me whole.
Please help me to forgive everyone who misrepresented your love to me.
Please forgive me for ways that I have misrepresented your love to others.
Lord, I want to receive your love in abundance and to the fullest. I want to learn to receive your love more fully, and I want to learn to give it away to others.
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Prayer for Others...
Dear Lord,
I pray
that as
Shoppers Shop,
they will hear
the songs of Christmas
warmly think of YOU.
December 2
Today I highlight the song "We Three Kings."
The kings followed the light of the Bethlehem star
to find
The Light of the World - Jesus
The lyrics include:
Glorious now behold Him arise
King and God and Sacrifice.
Alleluia, Alleluia,
Earth to heav'n replies.
King and GOD and Sacrifice -
This song proclaims the deity of Jesus.
What a great message to proclaim!
If you would like help explaining to your children or teens
that Jesus was God, click here:
Understanding the Trinity (scroll to the bottom of that page)
I loved to sing that song as a little girl.
There is such a feeling of royal pomp and circumstance in that song.
One day in heaven
the bride of Christ will experience
magnificent pomp and circumstance
dedicated to the King of Kings.
Recently I have pondered the great pomp and circumstance that we will experience as the bride of Christ during the great Lamb's Supper Feast feastivities - I mean festivities!
No earthly king will ever have such an amazing ceremony as our King of Kings will have.
O Star of wonder, Star of night
Star with royal beauty bright
Westward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to Thy perfect light
The Perfect Light
O Holy Night
It was a Holy Night
because the Holy Lord was born.
December 1
We are starting the season
by celebrating the birth of Jesus.
The name Jesus brings us warm thoughts
and peaceful feelings.
This devotion is also posted as Matthew 6.
The Bible gives us many names for Jesus.
For example, he is called the Bread of Life, the Door, and the Good Shepherd.
The Bread of Life
Jesus is called The Bread of Life because people at the time of Christ ate bread virtually every day. This name helped people to realize that Jesus is essential to every day of our life.
The Door
Jesus is called The Door because people understand that a door is the entrance into a place. This name helps us understand that the entrance to heaven is entered through faith and acceptance of Jesus as Savior and Lord of our life. Without him there is no entrance into heaven.
The Good Shepherd
Jesus is called The Good Shepherd. This name helps people to realize that Jesus loves us like a good shepherd loves his sheep.
All these names are poetic ways of speaking about Jesus while teaching us something.
When we read that Jesus is The Bread of Life, we realize that Jesus isn't literally bread. Yet some of the names of Jesus are literal.
Jesus also has names that aren't just symbolic and poetic.
Some of his names are literal.
Think about water.
We understand that water IS H2O.
Water = H2O.
It isn't that water is similar to H2O. Water literally is H2O.
Water actually is 2 atoms of Hydrogen and 1 atom of Oxygen.
One of the names of Jesus is TRUTH
Just like water literally is H2O -
Jesus literally is Truth.
Just like water is H2O -
Jesus IS Truth.
Jesus = Truth.
Just like water is H2O -
Jesus IS Holy.
Jesus = Holy.
The Bible teaches us that we are to LOVE Jesus.
The fact is: Jesus loves us.
The question is: Do we love Jesus?
If we LOVE Jesus, then we LOVE truth.
If we LOVE Jesus, then we LOVE holiness.
No one can serve two
for either he will hate the one and love the other,
or else he
will be loyal to the one and despise the other.
Matthew 6:24a NKJV
If truth is your master,
then you will not lie.
When someone lies, they are in total opposition to truth.
Many people choose to lie when it seems convenient or when it seems necessary. In doing so, they choose to be in opposition to truth.
If a person deeply LOVES Jesus,
they LOVE truth, and they will not lie.
Therefore a person who deeply LOVES Jesus will not lie.
If a person deeply LOVES Jesus, they LOVE holiness.
Therefore a person who deeply LOVES Jesus
will not live an unholy lifestyle.*
*For example, a person will not live with someone out of wedlock.
I need to seriously look at my life...
If I LOVE Jesus, I will be actively learning to hate sin.
John 3:9 says, "The person who has been born into God's family does not
make a practice of sinning, because now God's life is in him, so he
can't keep on sinning."
Either Jesus
or sin
will sit on the throne of my life.
I will love one and hate the other.
Jesus taught us:
No one can serve two
for either he will hate the one and love the other,
or else he
will be loyal to the one and despise the other.
Matthew 6:24a NKJV
Jesus is the master that we urged to love
in Matthew 6:24.
I am either growing in my LOVE for Jesus
and in my hate for sin
I am growing in my LOVE for sin
and my hate for Jesus.
That is a hard thing to hear but that is what Jesus taught us.
Matthew 6:24 tells us:
You cannot serve two masters -
you will love one and hate the other.
Matthew 6:24
Matthew 6:24 shows us
that we can not follow sin and Jesus at the same time.
We WILL love one and hate the other.
Jesus taught many hard things. In John chapter 6 at the end of the chapter, it tells us of a time when everybody left
because Jesus taught a hard teaching.
Jesus teaches us in Luke 9:23-24
that if we want to follow him,
we must be willing to give up things
that God tells us to give up.
We must try to conform fully
to his example
and his ways.
And He [Jesus] said to all,
If any person wills to come after Me, let him deny himself [disown himself, forget, lose sight of himself and his own interests, refuse and give up himself] and take up his cross daily and follow Me [cleave steadfastly to Me, conform wholly to My example in living and, if need be,
in dying also].
For whoever would preserve his life and save it will lose and destroy it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he will preserve and save it
[from the penalty of eternal death].
Luke 9:23-24 AMP
Many in the church have forgotten to teach the important messages of Jesus.
For example:
Jesus said the way to heaven is narrow.
Matthew 7:14
pray this entry inspired and challenged each reader to always be
determined to stay close to God and obey God as best you can.
I pray there are some Sunday school teachers that read this message and decide to give this message to their class.
We need the message that God loves us.
And we need the message that we must love God.
Newest Page:
Prayer for Persecuted Christians
"If" I get to heaven...
for all those who are uncertain
Prayers when you hear an ambulance
Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles
We have devotions for each of the psalms:
Explaining How to Get to Heaven
Overcoming Sabotage in your family
an audio presentation
Click here for Links to ALL our marriage pages
Men and women keep score differently
* *
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* *
Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life
went out
February 18.
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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer
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Life-changing prayer for fathers
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Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers
an audio Presentation by Beth
Songs for Children for church and home
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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself
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Links to all our pages on the Psalms