Coronavirus Prayer for our Leaders

This Prayer is written with the United States in mind.

Please adapt to your country

and its leadership



Also note, we have another Coronavirus Prayer page.

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Almighty God,

We come to you today asking for help during this coronavirus  situation. We cry out to you for our health needs, our physical needs, our economic needs, our mental & emotional needs, and our social needs. 

Lord, you are the ultimate source of healing, protection, and provision. And it is wise and it is morally right that we pray to you and lean on you for help - and not lean - on flawed human beings.

Even though that is true, we read in your word that you command us to pray for our leaders. You even tell us that their actions can and do affect us.

So Lord, we lift up our leaders in prayer.

We lift up our President and his advisers, our Federal Senate members, our Federal House of Representative members, our State Governors and their advisers, our State Senate members, our State House of Representative members, Mayors and their advisers, and ALL those in authority over us. 

We pray that each of our leaders would daily yearn for the wisdom that only you bring. We pray that each one would show respect for you and your wisdom by spending time on his or her knees each day during this crisis - and that they will seek to gain greater humility, compassion, guidance, and wisdom from you. 

Lord, we ask that you would stir the heart of each of our leaders to sincerely seek to make wise, godly decisions that would benefit the people of our country. Strongly convict them and redirect them when they begin to operate with a selfish heart or a heart filled with party politics. 

And Lord, in closing, we ask that you would comfort us and help us to learn HOW to gain more of your peace in our daily life. Jesus said that he gives us his peace.* Yet, we need to gain a greater understanding of HOW to yield to you and receive that peace more fully.

In Jesus name we pray,


Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of

*John 14:27

Below we have Scripture and we have links to prayer pages

for our leaders. 

The Lord will keep him in perfect peace, 

whose mind is stayed on God: because he trusts God.

Isaiah 26:3


Teach us more about how to keep our mind "stayed" on you.

Living each moment in communion and harmony with you and with

your Bible words.


 Prayer for our President

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Prayer for our Country

National Day of Prayer 2017

National Day of Prayer 2013  -      643 Facebook likes

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