Daily Inspiration
Bless Your Life
Monday through Sunday
Presented by Beth McLendon
The Words
Let's honor the Lord
this week
by hearing his Word.
Monday April 3, 2023
The Words of Jesus in the last few hours of his life.
John chapter 14
Highlighted verses
Jesus said:
"If you love me, you will obey my commandments."
John 14:15
Jesus said:
"Those who accept my commandments
and obey them
are the ones who love me."
John 14:21
Dear Lord,
I want to honor you this day.
I will seek to obey your commandments.
Thank you for dying for me.
John chapter 15
Highlighted verse
Jesus said:
"I am the vine."
John 15:5
Dear Heavenly Father,
Your Word says that
Jesus is the vine, and I am a branch.
Your Word tells me to abide in the vine.
I declare that I will abide in the vine every day.
I will read the Bible every day.
And I will seek to obey your commands.
I need you
than I even know.
And consider our page about John 15 - click here
To see more about the Greek word
scroll to the bottom of the page.
John chapter 16
John chapter 17
Jesus was - not - teaching us to embrace
the ecumenical movement
that is currently forming
that teaches that
all religions are worshipping the same god.
Many in the ecumenical movement are using verses in John chapter 17 to try and get people to join them.
Those who are part of the ecumenical movement are not following many of the important teachings of the Bible.
The Bible warns us that one day there will be
a one world religion -
and the Bible says
that the
one world religion is not of God.
All mainline denominations are (slowly or quickly) falling away from the vital doctrines in the Bible. Be careful in these difficult days. Believe the Bible no matter what.
Believe what Jesus said. His words are our daily bread.
And please join me in praying that our churches will experience a revival and will then seek with a whole heart to follow the words of the Bible instead of the words of the world.
And many false prophets and teachers are coming to draw Christians into supernatural experiences. They try to get Christians to focus on supernatural experiences and their feelings more than Scripture. Beware of those teachers and prophets who are continually talking about their angel encounters and telling you about their going to heaven. Beware.
Not all supernatural experiences are from God!
God did not say to seek supernatural experiences.
Eve was fooled by an angel - the devil - and we have to realize that we can be fooled too.
If you believe that you could never be fooled -
then you are already fooled.
2 Timothy 3:16 tells us:
is given by inspiration of God,
and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof,
for correction,
for instruction in righteousness.
Consider visiting our page:
John chapter 18
Please consider completing the book of John
by scrolling below
for the last few chapters.
Highlighted verse
Jesus said:
"Whoever belongs to the truth
listens to me."
John 18:37 b
John chapter 19
John chapter 20
John chapter 21
After you finish this page,
consider visiting other pages:
John 19:14 -
many scholars think that the "sixth hour"
means the sixth hour of the trial
not the sixth hour of the day.
"Abide" is Strong's Greek number 3306 (see definition by scrolling down.)
Abide is used 11 times in John chapter 15.
3306 // menw // meno // men'-o //
AV - abide 61, remain 16, dwell 15, continue 11, tarry 9, endure 3,
misc 5; 120
1) to remain, abide
1a) in reference to place
1a1) to sojourn, tarry
1a2) not to depart
1a2a) to continue to be present
1a2b) to be held, kept, continually
1b) in reference to time
1b1) to continue to be, not to perish, to last, endure
1b1a) of persons, to survive, live
1c) in reference to state or condition
1c1) to remain as one, not to become another or different
2) to wait for, await one
The word "abide" is used often in the book of 1 John.
For example Abide (3306) is used 2 times in 1 John 3:24.
he who keeps His commandments abides in Him,
and He in him.
And by this
we know that He abides in us,
by the Spirit whom He has given us."
1 John 3:24 NKJV
This page covers events at the first Easter.
For more Easter pages click: here
First presented the week of March 30, 2015.
Inspirational Videos
chosen by your host Beth McLendon
A week of -
God's Word
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