Daily Inspirational Thoughts
to bless your life.
A Daily Devotional
Monday through Friday
by Beth McLendon
The topic this week is
Enthusiasm for
Life-changing Prayer and Music
The only thing stopping your life changing - is you.
Monday June 10, 2019
Years ago, I often heard people say,
"I want to be on-fire for Jesus."
I rarely hear that now.
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If you want to be on-fire for Jesus,
consider praying the following prayer with me:
Dear Lord,
You are the awesome Ruler of the Universe.
You are the Merciful and Mighty One.
You deserve my total devotion and praise.
Keep me on fire for You.
Keep Your light burning brightly inside of me.
Draw me ever closer to You and Your will for me.
In Jesus’ name I pray,
Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Strengthen me
to glorify your name.
want to be more dedicated to you.
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Lord of heaven and earth,
Rearrange the priorities of my life today.
Refocus my attention.
Renew my devotion to you.
Today I declare that you are:
Lord over my mind and over my actions.
I will focus on you.
I will pursue you.
I will become more like you.
Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
The following song
is about the
Power and Fire of God
Breathe on me.
Fill me with what I lack.
Reawaken what I already have.
I turn up my flame of zeal for you.
As sin used to abound, now godliness will abound in me.
In loving devotion I pray,
Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
I have set my face like flint to do his will,
and I know that I will triumph.
Isaiah 50:7b TLB
In Ephesians chapter six,
God tells us to put on the Full Armor of God.
Let's put it on today - afresh and anew!
The Powerful Armor of God!
Lord - God of Power and Might,
Thank you for your Armor!
I put on the Helmet of
you for my eternal salvation!
And thank you for increasing my zeal to follow
Thank you for saving me from the way I have always been and taking me to the
way I CAN BE through
the power of Jesus Christ!
you for making me into a
Powerful Freshly Focused Follower of Jesus Christ!
I put on the Belt of Truth.
Thank you that your Word reveals
and explains truth.
I will read your Word, and I will follow your truth.
I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.
you for taking my sins and giving me
your righteousness.
I will honor you this day by seeking to obey you.
I put on the Shoes of Peace.
you that it is your will that I walk in peace.
Thank you that it is your will to help me to expand
my capacity to receive your peace.
I pick up the Shield of Faith.
pick up confidence in the Word of God.
Thank you for your Word.
It protects me from discouragement, distractions, and destructive influences.
I will grow into the strong, mature,
godly person that you are calling me to be.
I pick up the Sword of
the Spirit.
Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God.
There is power in the 66 books of the Bible.
I am going to speak out that power every day!
life is going to be transformed by the Word of God!
I will do amazing things because I serve an Amazing God!
I am now dressed and ready for VICTORY!
I will shine for Jesus this day!
Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Take note
The more excitement and enthusiasm
that you use
to read out-loud the above words,
the more uplifted and motivated you will feel!
Let's Get
Praying for the Unsaved!
Tender my heart
for the salvation of the nations.
Our Prayer at this website
is that
each person would consider
giving his/her life to to
the Savior of the World - Jesus Christ - this year!
Consider visiting our page called
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First presented Feb. 8th 2016
Guiding Teens toward Blessings
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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer
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an audio Presentation by Beth
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