Daily Inspirational Thoughts
to bless your life.
Monday through Thursday
Topic this week:
Powerful life-changing words
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Also see the
at the bottom:
Keys to
Creating a
Great Relationship
with God.
Monday June 14, 2021
"You are either going forward with the Lord
or you are going backward.
You never stay the same."
Ora Mosley
"Emotions should provide awareness,
but not necessarily direction."
Carl Smith
Your words are powerful -
"You either belong to the building crew
the wrecking crew."
Larry Wade
To Love:
A simple command but a challenging assignment.
Permission was obtained for all quotes.
The Highlighted Bible Verse
for the week is:
Listen to this wise advice; follow it closely,
for it will do you good, and
you can pass it on to others:
Trust in the Lord.
Proverbs 22:17-19 TLB
I am going to share two basic requirements needed to
create a really great relationship with God.
Number one:
To create a great
relationship with God
we need the ability to receive his love.
We need to be able to feel loved by God. We need to be able to receive that love and to believe that love.
We need to KNOW that he really loves us and that he really cares about us and that he delights in us.
God thinks we are adorable. We are his adorable kids -his precious kids - his beloved kids.
One of the biggest stumbling blocks to receiving God’s love
is a low self-image.
I love to help people in this area. I have had a great relationship with God since I was a little girl. I know God loves me. I know he cares about me.
I know he thinks of me as his beloved child.
I find joy in helping other people to realize that he feels that way about them too.
Many of my prayers on this website are specifically designed to help the reader feel the love of God.
See the Intimacy with God prayer , Prayers for Women, Prayers for Men
Note that - you can be saved without fully receiving
God’s love, but your relationship with God is better if
you know how to receive his love.
So in order to create a really great relationship
with God,
we need to receive God’s love.
Number two:
We need to receive God’s conviction.
Actually, receiving God’s love helps us become strong in our self-image, so that we can better receive God’s conviction.
When we know that God loves us, it is easier for God to tell us something that we maybe don't want to hear.
God is our Coach.
Thinking of God as a coach, sometimes makes it easier to receive instruction from him in those areas where we need his guidance.
We need to refuse to run away from conviction, but instead submit to God’s conviction.
We don’t need to be afraid of reading the Bible or from hearing powerful preaching just because we might be convicted of sin.
Our Coach convicts us of sin so we can repent and then allow him to help us grow strong against sin.
We need to be determined to obey God and choose to seek to please him.
We need to ask God to show us how to obey him more fully.
If we ask God, he will show us the way to walk in his will. His way protects us and gives us his best blessings.
"Just tell me what to do and I will do it, Lord.
As long as I live I'll wholeheartedly obey.
Make me walk along the right paths
for I know how delightful they really are."
Psalm 119:33-34 TLB
Page originally presented November 4, 2013
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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer
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Life-changing prayer for fathers
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Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers
an audio Presentation by Beth
Songs for Children for church and home
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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself
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