Daily Inspirational Thoughts
to bless your life.
Monday through Friday
God wants to lead me.
Will I choose to follow him today?
Sometimes the path of God
is rocky and uphill,
the path of God is the best path to take.
When we do not take God's path
we later find ourselves
in a mess.
To know God's will
we need
to know God's Word.
Thy Word is a lamp
unto my feet,
and a
unto my path.
Psalm 119:105 KJV
It is wise to set your face like flint
to follow the will of God.
the Lord God helps me,
I will not be dismayed;
I have set my face like flint to do his will,
and I know that I will triumph.
Isaiah 50:7 TLB
Wednesday Thoughts:
Speaking out
strong, godly proclamations
Bible verses
help to
set our will to do God's will.
are some proclamations for your consideration.
These are
"Daily He leads me Prayer Proclamations."
Consider saying the following
Praise Proclamation
and then
Prayer Proclamations
out loud regularly.
Praise Proclamation:
I praise God -
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Dear God,
I will yield to you as you guide and direct me.
I will rise up when you call me.
I will speak when you nudge me.
I am well able to do what you send me to do.
Teach me to love you in a deeper way - in a more obedient way.
Teach me your truth. I do not want to resist you as you shape me into your vessel of love.
Give me thoughts that bring me into more obedience to you.
Give me motivation that propels me toward your will.
I will choose godly thoughts and actions. I will choose to walk in the destiny that you placed inside of me.
I will pay attention when you convict me and I will repent. I will learn to
follow you more closely.
I will exercise self-control as you redirect me and quiet me.
Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Consider visiting our pages:
Morning Strengthening Scriptures
Walking on God's path produces blessings.
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Peace is like calm, still waters in our soul.
When we follow God,
he will lead us toward peace
in our relationship
with him.
We feel
more peace
as we move closer
to the
Prince of Peace.
All God's ways
ultimately lead to
pleasantness and peace.
In Proverbs chapter three, we find out
God's wisdom produces.
Note that
"God's wisdom"
is referred to as "her."
Her ways
are ways of
and all her paths are peace.
Proverbs 3:17 KJV
Consider visiting our page:
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Following God leads to more joy!
Thou wilt shew me
the path of life:
in thy presence is fulness of
at thy right hand
there are
pleasures for evermore.
Psalm 16:11 KJV
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Goodness and Mercy
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As Psalm 23 tells us:
When I follow my loving Shepherd
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me.
Dear Lord,
Today, I want to rededicate myself
to following your will.
In loving devotion I pray,
Today's entry
is written for those who feel
or know someone who feels confused.
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God tells us that
as we read God's Word,
light come
confusion is reduced.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light
unto my path.
Psalm 119:105 KJV
Dear Lord,
I feel confused and unsure about so many things.
I ask for your help.
I will commit to reading your Word each day.
And I will try to please you.
In Jesus' name I pray,
God's Word
Trust in the Lord
all thine heart;
lean not unto thine own understanding
In all thy ways
acknowledge him,
he shall direct thy path.
Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV
The Bible has the right path
for those who feel confused or lost.
I encourage you to begin with reading
the short 6 chapters
of the Bible book:
My favorite version for this book is
Living Bible Translation.
Here is a link
to cut and paste into your browser:
Follow God's example
in everything you do
just as
loved child
imitates his father.
Ephesians 5:1 TLB
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Daily He leads me Prayer Proclamations, Scripture, and Encouragement
Originally presented June 6, 2016
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Men and Women Keep Score
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Prayers when you hear an ambulance
"If" I get to heaven...
for all those who are uncertain
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Explaining How to Get to Heaven
Bible Devotions
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Overcoming Sabotage in your family
an audio presentation
Click here for Links to ALL our marriage pages
Men and women keep score differently
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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life
went out
February 18.
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The Inspirational Life
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