Enjoying a Healthy Self-Image

 Daily Inspirational Thoughts

to bless your life.

Monday through Friday



These are written by

your host

Beth McLendon

Thoughts to Ponder


Proclamations to say


Prayers to Pray


Please join me in this proclamation:

I will cultivate a healthy self-image.


Prayer for Healthy Self - Acceptance

Loving Father,

Your Word tells me that you love me.

Your Word tells me that you go before me and you follow me.

Your Word tells me that you place your hand of blessing on my head.

Your Word tells me that you accept me.

But I haven't accepted myself.

I rarely allow myself to receive compliments and encouragement.

I rarely see the best in me.

I often focus on my weaknesses.

I repeatedly replay my failures in my mind.

Father, teach me to give grace 




Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational – Prayers.com

A Prayer of Delighting in God and in His Love!

Loving Lord,

You have filled the oceans with countless creatures that proclaim the beauty of your thoughts. Galloping sea horses, fan-tailed flounder, and sleek stingrays make their homes amid the salty depths. Waddling walruses and whiskered sea lions delight to dive into their liquid playgrounds. Lord, you notice each hungry creation as it spots its savory supper. You keep a watchful eye on all of them.

You take great interest in every marine creature, but your loving gaze is reserved for me.

Your enjoyment of the sea is always eclipsed by your desire to closely follow the course of my movements.
I am refreshed as I realize that the tiniest part of my day has not escaped your thoughtful gaze. The promise of your strength, the promise of your intellect working for me, the promise of your goodness and mercy, they are producing confidence in me this day.

I will be nourished today by your Word and thoughts of you.


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of Inspirational – Prayers.com

Join me each day this week

as we

SOAK in God's Love.


consider visiting

this page about self-acceptance: Here

Also consider our pages:

Psalm 136 - A Psalm of Love

God's love.

Prayers for Women

Prayers for Men


Please join me in this proclamation:

I will encourage


in my small steps of growth.

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God will guide you

as you read God's word and yield to him.

And today

rejoice that

The God of Heaven and earth delights in YOU!

The Bible says in Zephaniah 3:17 that

 God sings over you and me.

He gets so excited about you

that he sings over you.

In fact, he is madly in love with you.

 He wants you to feel toward him

like he feels toward you.

He longs for you to stop and talk with him.

He longs for you to see the glorious things

that he has put in your life – as gifts.

I invite you to pray with me...

My Lord,

Today I will celebrate your love for me!


Consider our page:

Falling in Love with God


                  Please join me in this proclamation:

I will not continually

replay my failures in my mind.


We are supposed to


from our mistakes


not live in the past.


God gives us a new start each day!

Morning Prayer

Creator of the Morning,

The new rays of morning light remind me of the streams of love that you are sending toward me today.

I will meditate on the many facets of your love that sparkle more beautifully than the most brilliant diamond. I will meditate on your compassion, your mercy, your forgiveness, and your faithfulness; they are all reflected in the beauty of your love.

I look out my window and observe the beauty of the trees that reach their limbs up to you in praise.

Lord, I lift up my heart, and I lift up my hands to you in praise.*

You are worthy of my praise.


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers.com

* Psalm 63:4 - relates to 

Taken from our Morning Prayers page

Also consider our Champions for Jesus pages for inspiration and encouragement for each day.

And we have: Prayers for Past Mistakes


Please join me in this proclamation:

I have lots of great strengths and talents!

I am fearfully and wonderfully made. 

Psalm 139:14

Click on the player below to listen to this audio prayer for you.

Consider visiting our pages:

Psalm 139

Feeling the Love of God

Father God's Love

Self - Acceptance

Psalm 63 - Warmth with God

Warm prayer of intimacy with God


THE Secret

We all want to improve but... without self-acceptance

and self-love

we sabotage ourself.

People who will love themselves unconditionally

and embrace a good self-concept,

have an easier time

working on their weak areas!

It is my prayer that you will

open your heart

and begin to love yourself more abundantly

this week and in the weeks to come.

Sometimes our pain hinders us.


If you are interested in pages on

healing from abuse, shame, and on

"healing from our woundedness"

on receiving "comfort" from God,

and on healing from emotional pain


Go to our Bible devotion and articles page and then

press and hold down the "control" button

on your keyboard

while holding down the " F " button.

A search box will appear.

Type in the word you are looking for.

It is best to type one word in the box.

Our Highlighted Bible Verse


"David encouraged himself

in the Lord his God."

 1 Samuel 30:6b KJV


Below is an excerpt

 from our Bible Devotion

Self  - Acceptance

Millions of people struggle with

a lack of Self-Acceptance.

Poor self-image

is an epidemic

in our nation and in the world.

Self- condemnation is stealing the happiness of multitudes of people.

Many people believe

that it is honorable and admirable

to cultivate a low self-concept.


They believe that having a good self-image

is a synonym for being self-absorbed or arrogant.

I submit to you that

being arrogant

lands you into one ditch


having a low self-concept

lands you into another ditch.

Neither ditch is healthy.

It is important to realize


being humble

is not

the same as a poor self-image.

We all have a desire for self-acceptance.


is a gift we give ourselves.

To read more, click   Self-Acceptance.

Info on New Pages

Beth's Blog

Miracle Testimonies

Daily Inspiration

Springtime Prayer

Guiding Teens toward Blessings

Newest Page:

Forgotten Women

Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles

We have devotions for each of the psalms:

Psalm list


Explaining How to Get to Heaven

Questions of Life


Victory, Power Prayer

Increasing JOY

Overcoming Sabotage in your family

Opposites attract and then...


All our Addiction pages

Help for HOW to Forgive

an audio presentation




for Jesus


Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

went out

February 18.


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Understanding the Trinity

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Questions of Life

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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer

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Secrets for Husbands

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Prayer for Men

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Life-changing prayer for fathers

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Prayer for Women

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The Truth about Evolution

Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers

Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

Songs for Children for church and home

Prayer for my Adult Daughter

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Prayers for my Adult Son

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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

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MUSIC for adults

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Links to all our pages on the Psalms
