Daily Prayer
for my
loved ones
who are not
living for Jesus.
There are over a month of prayers
our loved ones...
God commands us to Pray.
Some prayers on this page
are specifically written
for a son or daughter.
Please adapt to your loved ones.
I hope you will find some that you like.
I hope at least some of these prayers will touch your heart
in a special way.
Consider copying the ones you like and pray them often.
January 15, 2025
Beth says...
"Today this prayer came out of my heart
for a male loved one."
Please adapt for your loved one.
Loving Heavenly Father,
I lift up my loved one who does not know you deeply.
I approach your throne of grace and I call out to you for him.
God of Mercy,
provide help to him
so that he will
more easily make his way to you.
Clear confusion, clear distraction,
clear misunderstandings about you,
clear all hindrances
he may be able to
know you.
And by knowing you -
may he choose to
deeply love you.
I pray that
will soon
yield to you
through his newfound dedication to you,
will pursue
a close, spectacular relationship with you -
now and forevermore.
I pray these things in the Merciful name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2025 Inspirational - Prayers Team for Inspirational-Prayers.com
January 5, 2025
Beth says...
I was in my kitchen making breakfast and praying....
praying for
my loved ones who are not right with God.
My heart
was yearning
for fulfillment
for all
my loved ones'
greatest need –
to be
right with God.
I started singing,
“May they adore You!
May they a-dorrre You!
May they adore You...
Oh, God, may they adorrre YOU.
That is my prayer for 2025 –
May my loved ones all adore YOU, Lord.
Click here for a page
Explaining How to Get Right with God.
These prayers were written in 2017.
I also have prayers
that are more recent at the bottom of the page.
Friday October 20, 2017
Prayer for loved ones
who are not right with God.
Lord of Amazing Miracles,
I come to you with a fervent prayer for my loved ones who are not right with you.
I see them growing deeper and deeper in love with the world and what it has to offer.
Shout to them the danger.
Wake them up.
Expose the lies that they are believing.
I pray that soon the light and love of Jesus will fully fill each of them.
Lord, I pray that today the love of the world will begin to grow cold in them and that soon it will totally disappear from their heart.
I pray these things in the name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
We have Salvation Scripture Prayer
Thursday October 19, 2017
Prayer for loved ones
who are not right with God.
Shepherd of my Heart,
I fervently pray
that each of my loved ones
will become
about steadfastly
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Wednesday October 18, 2017
Prayer for loved ones
who are not right with God.
Lord of all Knowledge,
Take note of the beats of my heart.
Take note of its somber tones.
Father, my heart of love cries out for my loved ones who are not right with you.
Stir my loved ones to take seriously the path they find themselves on. Make plain the destination they are walking toward.
Call to them to stop them from going farther and farther away from you.
Light up the path that will take them into your arms.
I ask these things in Jesus' name,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Don’t be weary in prayer;
keep at it;
watch for God’s answers,
and remember to
be thankful when they come.
Colossians 4:2 TLB
Tuesday October 17, 2017
Prayer for loved ones
who are not right with God.
Loving Lord,
You are my Creator, and you are my Sustainer.
You are my teacher and my coach.
You are my loving Heavenly Father.
I am so glad that I have followed you for all these years.
Today, I cry out to you on behalf of my loved ones who are not right with you.
Reveal yourself more fully to them.
Whisper your love to them.
Give them another opportunity to give their life to you.
In Jesus’ name I pray,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Monday October 16, 2017
Prayer for loved ones
who are not right with God.
Merciful Lord,
I come to your throne room praying for my loved ones who are not right with you.
Please Lord, fashion a road for each one to walk that leads to the cross.
May they each soon say, “Yes” to following you closely and “No” to following the world.
In loving devotion I pray,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Are we feeling
Deep Sorrow
Those who are not right with Jesus?
Sunday October 15, 2017
Prayer for loved ones
who are not right with God.
Lord of Perfect Love,
I lift up my loved ones who are not right with you.
I lift up __________, _________, _________, _______, and __________.
My loved ones have continually refused the free gift of a right relationship with you and have instead chosen to love the world and what it has to offer.
They have become mesmerized by the world.
They don’t see that you are worth their devotion and dedication.
They don’t see you as The Pearl of Great Price* * .
Father God, expose the lies they believe. Expose the truth they need to know.
Have mercy on them and give them another opportunity to choose you and to live for you.
I pray these things in the Merciful name of Jesus Christ,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
* * Matthew 13:45-46 - The Pearl of Great Price
Love - not - the world,
neither the things
that are in the world.
If any man love the world,
the love of the Father
is not in him.
1 John 2:15 KJV
Saturday October 14, 2017
Prayer for loved ones
who are not right with God.
Dear Lord,
You are our Creator, and you are our Salvation.
Yet many of my loved ones
will not
acknowledge you
put you
in your rightful place
in their life.
Lord, I lift each one up to you.
I lift up ________, __________, _________, ________, and _______.
Stop them from continuing
to walk farther and farther away from you.
Bring circumstances and situations
to draw their attention toward you.
Whisper your love to them.
Make plain the truth of
their need
for life-changing salvation
repentance and then dedication
to Jesus Christ.
I ask these things
in the name of
Savior and Lord – Jesus Christ!
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Friday October 13, 2017
Prayer for loved ones
who are not right with God.
Father of Mercy and Lord of Love,
Today as I come to you in prayer, I am thinking of Jesus on the cross.
I know that it wasn’t nails that held Jesus on that cross.
It was love that held Jesus to those beams.
It was love that gave us salvation.
And it is love that propels me to pray for my loved ones.
It is love that draws me to your throne room day after day.
Here I am today, Lord, lifting up my loved ones who are not right with you.
Hear my heart crying out to you.
Hear my fervent prayer that you would bring each of my loved ones into a solid, growing relationship with you.
Lord, remind me that Prayer is Powerful.
Remind me that you love them more than I do.
Re-assure me that you ARE reaching out to them and seeking to draw them toward you.
I ask these things in the Mighty and Transforming name of Jesus Christ,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Thursday October 12, 2017
Prayer for loved ones
who are not right with God.
Lord of Everlasting Love,
Your Bible words are precious to me.
John 3:16 says that you desire every person to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord.
You want to rescue every person from the darkness of sin and bring each one into your kingdom of light and life.
I cry out for my loved ones who have not accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord.
I cry out for my loved ones who are not right with you.
I call out their names - asking you to stir them again and give them another opportunity to give all of their heart to you.
I call out __________, __________, ____________, _____________, and _________.
Lord, remind me to pray Powerful Prayers for my loved ones.
I ask these things in Jesus’ name,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Wednesday October 11, 2017
The following prayer is written for a daughter.
For a son or other loved one,
please adapt this prayer.
Dear Lord,
You are the God of Salvation.
My child needs your life-changing salvation.
My child needs to surrender her heart and her life to you.
Open my child’s eyes to see how much she needs you.
Keep my child’s attention focused on the next right thing she needs to do.
Guide her step-by-step into a solid, growing relationship with you.
I ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Tuesday October 10, 2017
The following prayer is written for an unsaved teen or adult child.
For another loved one,
please adapt this prayer.
Dear Lord,
My child is on my mind.
I cry out to you to rescue my child from a life without you.
Bring your words of tender love and your sentences of persuasion to my child.
Guide my child to the foot of the cross where the miracles of sincere repentance and new life in Christ are found.
I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Monday October 9, 2017
Prayer for loved ones
who are not right with God.
Lord of all Mercy,
Stir my loved ones with the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Stir them up today – and every day!
I call out their names asking you to save them: _____, ____, ____, _____, and ______.
I pray that they will vividly see their desperate need for you.
Give my loved ones every opportunity to repent and receive eternal life.
I ask these things in Jesus’ name,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Sunday October 8, 2017
Let’s Get Passionate
Praying for our Loved Ones.
The following prayer is written for a daughter.
For a son or other loved one,
please adapt this prayer.
I cry out to you in the quiet of the night.
In the quiet of the night there are no distractions; there is nothing to draw my attention away from my daughter and my fervent prayer request for my daughter.
I call out to you, but there are no answers to my questions.
Why isn’t she turning her life over to you?
Why isn’t she running into your arms?
Why doesn’t she want to live for you?
Let your compassion run all over the place.
Pour your compassion on my daughter.
Pour your compassion on the longing of my parental heart of love.
I wait, Lord.
I cry out for my daughter – day after day.
I ask again that you would bring my daughter into a solid, growing relationship with you.
I pray this prayer in the Mighty and Transforming Name of Jesus Christ,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Saturday October 7, 2017
The following prayer is written for a daughter.
For a son or other loved one,
please adapt this prayer.
Lord of my Life,
I pray that my child will soon call you - Lord of her Life.
I long to hear my daughter say that YOU are the most important thing in her life.
I cry out to you to awaken my daughter’s heart to the Gospel message.
You created her to be a Mighty Woman of God.
You created her to Stand Strong on your every Word.
You created her to live each day giving you glory and honor.
Do miracles, Lord, so that she will run to the foot of the cross and be forever changed by your love.
In Jesus’ name I pray,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Friday October 6, 2017
In the following prayer,
fill in the blank
with a loved one
who is not right with God.
I fervently pray that today ____________
would get revelations
ponder thoughts
that would change his/her life
bring him/her into a right relationship with you.
In Jesus’ name,
Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Thursday October 5, 2017
The following prayer is written for a son.
For a daughter or another loved one,
please adapt this prayer.
God of Mighty Miracles,
I come into your throne room seeking your help.
My child needs to get right with you.
I fervently pray for your mercy and for your miracles.
Stop my child in his spiritual tracks.
Hinder him from going farther away from you.
Stir his heart.
Point out the dissatisfaction and emptiness he feels from not having a vibrant relationship with you.
Turn my child around and get him moving toward you.
Bring my child into a solid relationship with you.
I ask these things in the Victorious name of Jesus Christ,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Wednesday October 4, 2017
Dear Lord,
Today I lift up to you my loved ones who are not right with you.
I ask that you would reveal yourself to each one again this day, and send them a sense of urgency that they need to get right with you.
Give them an understanding of - how - to find their way into your arms.
Thank you for giving each one another opportunity to choose you, Lord.
Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers.com
Tuesday October 3, 2017
Heavenly Father,
I lift up my loved ones to you.
Help me not to be satisfied with where my loved ones are with you.
Help me to be stirred up to pray
that they come into a
deeper relationship with you –
Deeper passion for you,
Deeper commitment to you,
Deeper revelations about you.
God, give me a passion to pray for my loved ones.
Give me a passion to love them in more selfless ways.
Strengthen me and encourage me to be a Prayer Warrior for my family and friends.
In Jesus’ name,
and in loving devotion I pray,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Do you weep over your loved ones
who aren't right with God?
In Philippians
Paul says he weeps over
those who are rebellious toward God.
Philippians 3:18-21 says:
18 For I have told you often before,
and I say it again
with tears in my eyes,
that there are many whose conduct
shows they are really
enemies of the cross of Christ.
19 They are headed for destruction.
Their god is their appetite,
they brag about shameful things,
and they think only about
this life here on earth.
20 But we are citizens of heaven, where
the Lord Jesus Christ lives.
And we are eagerly waiting for him
to return as our Savior.
21 He will take our weak mortal bodies
and change them into glorious bodies
like his own, using the same power with
which he will bring
everything under his control.
Monday October 2, 2017
Dear Lord,
I lift up prayer for my loved ones who are not right with you.
God help them.
Give them the thoughts they need to hear. Give them the emotions they need to feel.
Please God. I don't know what to pray, but I am willing to pray.
Give me your words.
Turn my love for them into prayer action.
I will pray!
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Sunday October 1, 2017
The following prayer is written for a son.
For a daughter or other loved one,
please adapt this prayer.
Heavenly Father,
I pray for my son.
Get my son’s attention,
make him well aware
of how far away from you
he really is.
Whisper to him the consequences
of a life
lived without you as Lord.
Create in him
a strong desire to be right with you.
Give him a sense of urgency.
I pray these things in Jesus’ name,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
The Bible says:
And how can we be sure
that we belong to him?
By looking within ourselves:
are we really trying to do what he wants us to?
1 John 2:3 TLB
Saturday September 30, 2017
The following prayer is written for a daughter.
For a son or another loved one,
please adapt this prayer.
Dear Lord,
Let today be the day that my daughter acknowledges her need for you.
Help her to realize how much she needs you every day – every moment.
Stir her heart to get down on her knees and cry out to you.
Bring her to the cross of Jesus.
Inspire her to give her heart - and her entire life - to Jesus.
Give her a revelation of your love, your compassion, and your mercy.
Guide her into a strong, solid relationship with you.
I fervently pray,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
If you would like to understand more
about the Trinity of God
see our page: Understanding the Trinity
Friday September 29, 2017
In the following prayer,
fill in the blanks
with your loved ones
who are not right with God.
Dear God,
I ask that you would bless _____, _____, and _____ with the knowledge that they need in order to get right with you.
I ask that you would bless them with the urgency they need in order to get right with you.
And then, I ask that you would bless them with the steadfastness they need in order to stay right with you.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers.com
Thursday September 28, 2017
Gracious Lord,
I fervently pray for my child.
Stir my child
to ponder thoughts
that would change his/her life
bring him/her into a right relationship with you.
In Jesus’ name I pray,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Wednesday September 27, 2017
The following prayer is written for a daughter.
For another loved one,
please adapt this prayer.
Lord of Everlasting Love,
I reach out to you in prayer.
My daughter is on my heart.
Bless her today.
Whisper words of wisdom to her.
Stir her to draw closer to you.
Make stale the things of the world.
Make fresh and exciting the things of you.
In Jesus’ name I pray,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Tuesday September 26, 2017
The following prayer is written for our children.
For another loved one,
please adapt this prayer.
Shepherd of my Soul,
Today I come boldly to your throne - carrying great needs, yet full of the knowledge that you are the answer to every one of them.
I thank you for your goodness and grace. I thank you for your love and mercy. Your compassion is intertwined in everything you do.
My request of you, Lord, is for my children. I pray that love would fill their hearts and salvation their desires.
Grant me, Lord, that you will move heaven and earth, if necessary, to reach out to my children with salvation.
Give them every opportunity to repent and receive eternal life.
In Jesus mighty name I pray,
Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Monday September 25, 2017
The following prayer is written for a son.
For a daughter or other loved one,
please adapt this prayer.
Dear Lord,
Visit my son with your miracles.
Visit my son with your wisdom.
Visit my son with your life-changing love.
May he turn from his sins and his spiritual apathy - and yearn for a right relationship with you.
Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of Inspirational – Prayers.com
Sunday September 24, 2017
The following prayer is written for a son.
For a daughter or other loved one,
please adapt this prayer.
Heavenly Father,
My child needs you. He needs to give his life to you.
Give my child help.
Give him thoughts that will help.
Give him scriptures that will help.
Give him circumstances and situations that will help.
Speak life-changing thoughts to him.
Bring life-changing people into his life.
Provide life-changing experiences for him.
Direct his attention.
Move his heart.
Guide his steps.
Send the miracles that he needs.
I fervently pray in Jesus' name,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Saturday September 23, 2017
The following prayer is written for a son.
For a daughter or other loved one,
please adapt this prayer.
Lord of Miracles and Mercy,
I lift up praise to you for you are my rock of stability and steadiness as I move through my day.
And Lord, you are my fountain of hope and encouragement as I pray for my son.
My heart cries out for my son. Direct his attention toward you. Open his eyes. Guide his steps. Shower him with wisdom.
Move people out of his life - and move people into his life - in order to protect him, bless him, and direct him.
May your desires for his life become his desires.
I pray these things in Jesus’ name,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Friday September 22, 2017
The following prayer is written for a son.
For a daughter or other loved one,
please adapt this prayer.
Almighty God,
I pray for my son.
I pray that he would hear you calling him to salvation.
I pray that he would experience you in such awesome ways that he could not reason them away or turn away from the obvious fact that you are intricately and intimately involved in his life.
I pray that all the good seeds that have been planted inside him would begin to grow incredibly quickly and produce good fruit. I pray that you would use every experience in his life, every Sunday school teaching, every Scripture that he knows, and every emotion he has experienced that is tied to faith and trust in you.
Touch him in such a way that he would know the unmistakable call of Jesus on his life. I pray that he would hear you calling him to repentance and that he would know it is you. I pray that he would submit - willingly, then lovingly, then enthusiastically.
Thank you that he is being drawn to you with your merciful cords of love.
Copyright © 2004 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Thursday September 21, 2017
The following prayer is written for a son.
For a daughter or other loved one,
please adapt this prayer.
God of Miracles and Mighty Wonders,
I pray for my son.
You have a plan for my son to SERVE YOU!
Thy will be done!
You have a plan for my son to surrender his life to you.
Thy will be done!
You have a plan for my son to love You and love Your Scriptures.
Thy will be done!
You have a plan for my son to walk as a Mighty Man of God.
Thy will be done!
Father God, I pray YOUR WILL for my Son!
Bring him life-changing thoughts this day.
Bring him life-changing experiences this day.
Move heaven and earth to bless my son this day.
In Jesus’ name I pray,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Wednesday September 20, 2017
The following prayer is written for a son.
For a daughter or other loved one,
please adapt this prayer.
I lift up a heartfelt prayer to you for my son.
I ask that you would give my son revelations so that he would reject every thought that you are far away or not opinionated about his life or that you do not do miracles today.
May ungodly beliefs be exposed and conquered by the power of Jesus Christ.
Fill him so full of your truth that lies would not tempt him.
Copyright © 2007 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Tuesday September 19, 2017
The following prayer is written for a son.
For a daughter or other loved one,
please adapt this prayer.
Heavenly Father,
I lift up my son.
I cry out to you to bring my son
into a
right relationship
with you.
Touch his heart in a powerful way.
Remove every stumbling block
that hinders his relationship
with you.
Expose the lies he believes.
Shower him with your love and your truth.
Protect him from cloudy thinking.
Help him to experience
crisp, clear, godly thinking.
I pray that people
- who love you and are mature in you -
will be
attracted to him like a magnet.
I pray these things in Jesus’ name,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Dear Lord,
You are the Shepherd of my Life.
Thank you for drawing me closer to you. Thank you for helping me to be in harmony and unity with your will for my life.
I pray that my loved ones would realize the beauty and the benefits of following you closely.
I pray for my loved ones that you would expose every lie that they believe that keeps them snared and hindered from a great relationship with you.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-prayers.com
I have added more prayers from
2019 to 2024
Let's make this Year a...
Lord of Power and Miracles,
Give us a passion to pray for the spiritual life of our loved ones who aren’t living for you.
Give us a passionate focus on crying out to you on their behalf.
They don’t have a fire in their heart for you.
They don’t have a zeal to live for you.
They don’t have a passion to spread the Gospel to those they love.
They don’t bend their knee and cry out to you for more strength to follow YOU!
Lord, I cry out for you to speak to them - shout to them. They need a heart change.
You have to wake them up.
I cry out to you!
Lord, get in their face and show them how far away their heart is from you.
Expose the lies they believe.
Expose the emptiness of their days.
Expose how you grieve for them and for the unfulfilled godly destiny that they continually ignore.
God, their spiritual emptiness drives me to MY knees. Give me the prayer words I need to pray!
God speak to them in the day. Speak to them in the night. Speak to them so much that they can't help but realize that you are talking to them.
Bring your thoughts and your passions into their mind for their consideration.
Make bland the life they now lead.
Make bland the things they used to think were so much fun.
Make everything but you BLAND.
Lord, you are the center of the universe. Why can't my loved ones see that? Why don't they love you like I do? Help me. Help them.
I pray in Jesus' name,
Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Prayers of Love
Prayer for a Male loved one
Please adapt for a Female loved one
Lord of Mercy and Compassion,
I cry out for __________.
He needs to give his heart and his life to you.
Turn him around and get him moving toward you.
My heart cries out these fervent words:
Let it be you that grabs his attention each day.
Let it be you that his heart yearns to know better.
Let it be you that ignites his enthusiasm and his excitement.
Let it be you that he wants more than he wants anything else.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Lord of Amazing Miracles,
Touch my loved ones with your love, your power, and your truth.
Do mighty things in the lives of my loved ones.
May each one soon be
saved, set free, and serving you!
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Dear Lord,
I want my loved ones to live for you.
Guide them, enable them, and stir them to be Strong Followers of Jesus Christ.
They each need to be right with you every day of their life.
They each need to be on-fire for you every day of their life.
Father God, do a mighty work in each of their lives.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
God of Miracles, God of Love,
Lord, I lift up my loved ones who are not right with you. I lift up _______, ________, and _______.
Lord, heal and remove the wounded emotions and thoughts that are keeping them from a right relationship with you.
Lord, remove the lies that are keeping them from a right relationship with you.
Remove the lack of knowledge that is keeping them from a right relationship with you.
Remove ALL the stumbling blocks that are keeping them from a right relationship with you.
Come, Lord, and do ABOVE and BEYOND what I can think or ask.
Do Mighty Miracles. Answer long-awaited prayers.
Today, Lord, show forth how Great, MIGHTY and awe-inspiring you are.
In Jesus' name and
in Love and Dedication I pray,
Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Lord of Amazing Miracles,
I lift up my loved ones who are not right with you.
I lift up __________, _________, _________, _______, and __________.
Touch their thoughts and emotions in ways that you have never touched them before.
Help them in ways that you have never helped them before.
Do more for them tonight when they are sleeping than you have ever done for them in a night before.
Call to them to open up their heart to you.
Open up new healing for them.
Open up new understanding, new hope, new dreams, new opportunities, and new miracles.
Be to them new adventures in salvation and in dedication to you.
You are a Mighty God.
I pray that you will bring them to a place of being Mighty in You.
May they discover that their deepest desire is to be right with you and to live in harmony with you.
In Jesus’ name I pray,
Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Miraculous and Merciful Lord,
I give you praise this day.
I lift up my loved ones who are not right with you.
I pray that they will become tender toward you and tender toward their loved ones.
I pray that they will become more and more teachable.
I pray that they will hear
what they need to hear
learn what they need to learn
to become
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Heavenly Father,
As I come before you today, my heart is full of love for ________, _______, and _________.
I overflow with prayers for your protection and your guidance in their
I overflow with prayers that they will respect your wisdom and seek your wisdom each day.
I overflow with prayers that they will draw closer to you.
I overflow with prayers that your Word will be their beloved companion.
I overflow with prayers that they will hunger for purity in their romantic relationships.
May ______, _________, and ________ be wise enough to realize how wonderful you are.
May they be wise enough to make you a priority in their life.
And may they often stop and take time to enjoy the company of the One who loves them totally, completely and perfectly.
In the precious name of Jesus I pray,
Copyright © 2021 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Lord of Everlasting Love,
I lift up my loved ones to you who need to get right with you.
Today, may they feel your love in a powerful way.
I ask that you stir them to prayer.
I ask that you stir them to pick up a Bible and read.
Father, I pray that one day they will have strong faith in you and a strong hunger to read your Word.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2021 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Lord, |
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Heavenly Father,
I ask that you give _____, _____ and ______
an encounter with your love
that will solidify and sustain them
in a close relationship with you
all through their life and
up until the day
that they come into your presence.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2021 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
God of Miracles, God of Love,
I lift up my loved ones
who are not right with you.
They are believing lies
- about sin and about you -
that are keeping them captive.
I ask that you would
uncover and expose those lies.
Fill them with the knowledge
of the truth that they need to know.
And remind me to pray for them.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2021 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
God of 2022,
I lift up in prayer
my loved ones
who are not right with you.
I pray that this year
they will become
fully dedicated to you.
Draw them away from
anything that you don't want
in their life.
Draw them away from pursing things that will take
them away from you.
I pray that they will soon
place you in the center of their life.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2022 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Lord of Spectacular Love,
Thank you for each of my loved ones.
I lift up ______ , _____, and ______ in prayer today.
May they become more aware of the
mind-blowing blessings of following you closely.
May they become more aware of the incredible value of following you closely.
May they become more aware of the powerful protection of following you closely.
May they become more aware of the future joys that come from following you closely.
Remind them of things they know that they need to re-think and ponder.
Awaken them to things that they don't know, but they need to know.
I pray that their faith in you will increase
and their focus on worldly things will decrease.
Bless my loved ones in ways that will surprise and delight them. May they see your hand in their life and realize it is you and your love for them that is blessing them.
In the Life-blessing name of Jesus, I pray,
Copyright © 2022 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Lord of Endless Love,
Communion with you is a great blessing.
I pray that all my loved ones will see it
as a great blessing.
Thank you for all you are doing to bless my loved ones.
In the Miraculous name of Jesus I pray,
Copyright @ 2022 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Shepherd of my Life,
I lift up _______ and _____ and _____.
I pray your blessings upon them.
I pray that they will
increase their confidence
that life would be better
if they let you lead and they follow you.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2022 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Shepherd of my heart,
I lift up my loved ones who are not right with you.
May they come to
your garden in the cool of the day,
wanting to hear from you.
May they come to
your garden in the cool of the day,
wanting to drink from your word.
May they drink - encouraging words.
May they drink - life-giving words.
May they drink - the words that they need.
May they drink
your words
and may they find
full satisfaction
in knowing that you
love them
and that
you want to guide them each day.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2022 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Now then,
we are ambassadors for Christ,
as though
God were pleading through us:
we implore you on Christ’s behalf,
be reconciled to God.
2 Corinthians 5:20 NKJV
2023 Prayers
Heavenly Father,
I lift up my loved ones who are in need of a right relationship with you. I lift up ______, ______, _____, and ______.
I pray that you will whisper thoughts to them about their need to get right with you. I pray that you would also stir up an urgency in their emotions.
May the thoughts they think today, lead to a solid commitment to Jesus tomorrow.
May they turn their back on worldly pursuits and turn their attention to you.
May the decisions they make this week and this month, lead to a pattern of behavior that strengthens their relationship with you.
May they find great joy as they learn to walk with you each day.
In the Merciful Name of Jesus, I pray,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Gracious and Merciful Heavenly Father,
I give thanks and praise for what Jesus did on the cross for me.
The story of the old rugged cross is still emotionally stirring to me.
Your Amazing Grace still finds me Amazed.
My heart is still soft and tender toward the sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary.
I pray it will soon become so with all my loved ones.
When Jesus arose, you removed the stony obstacle in front of the tomb so the disciples could know that Jesus had risen.
And for each unsaved person, you desire to remove every stony obstacle that is present in their heart that keeps them from knowing Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Today I am thinking about the stony heart condition that keeps some of my loved ones from loving you and serving you.
I call out in prayer for those I love
who are distant from you.
I call out prayer for ______, ______, ______, and _____.
I lift them up to you.
Come to my loved ones and minister to them.
Come to those who have wandered outside your will.
Come to those who have rebelliously stood outside your will
Come to all those who have found sin to be so appealing.
Come and loudly speak truth to them.
Come and loudly speak urgency to them.
Come and loudly call to them about the dangers they are facing.
May today begin a new season for them where they allow your love and forgiveness to soften their heart.
May this new season be a time where they allow your lovingkindness to saturate their heart and bring repentance and your gift of eternal salvation.
I pray these things,
in the
Gracious and Merciful Name of Jesus Christ,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
2024 Prayers
Heavenly Father,
I lift up in prayer
my loved ones who need to get right to you.
I lift up
_____, _____, ____, _____, _____, _____, ___.
I pray that they will have abundant opportunities
to increase in wisdom.
I pray that they will have abundant opportunities
to be around people
who will make them thirsty for you.
I pray that they will have encounters and experiences
that cause them
to want to make room in their heart
for your Word.
May they soon come to see you as the
valuable and needed
Friend, Shepherd, and Savior
they desperately need directing their life.
In Jesus' glorious name I pray,
Copyright © 2024 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Heavenly Father,
You love _____, ___, and _____ because they are your creation.
However, they are living their lives without the peace of God.
I come to you today with a heart that is heavy because of my concern for their salvation.
Today I pray that you would soften each one of their hearts and draw them to you.
They are living in turmoil without the peace that you can bring into their lives.
The enemy has hardened their hearts and blinded their eyes to what they need in their lives.
Lord, today I ask you to remove all obstacles that are preventing _____, ___, and _____ from seeing and experiencing the truth and beauty of your love.
Lord, open their eyes to see the error of their ways, so they can turn their hearts over to you.
Lord, remove all distractions in their lives. Remove influences which are leading them in the wrong direction.
Lord, in Ezekiel 36:26-27, you spoke promises to anyone who calls out to you with a heart of repentance.
You say,
I will give you
a new heart and put a new spirit within you;
I will take
the heart of stone
out of your flesh
and give you a heart of flesh.
27 I will put My Spirit within you
cause you to walk in My statutes,
you will keep My judgments and do them.
I pray that _____, ___, and _____ will call out to you with a heart of repentance and that they will receive these blessings.
I pray _____, ___, and _____ will open their heart and accept your gifts of grace and forgiveness.
I ask that you would remove all guilt and shame that they may be dealing with.
If they feel unworthy of your love, I ask you to convince them otherwise.
Lord, create a hunger and thirst in them for the truth of your Word.
It is your desire for all people to be saved.
I have faith in your ability to bring about this transformation in their lives.
Lord, I pray that you would surround each of them with people who will lovingly guide them in the right direction.
Lord, today I ask that you would use someone as an instrument of your grace and love in their lives. I pray that that encounter would influence ____, ___, and _____ in a mighty way. I pray the encounter would lead them forward on their journey to salvation.
Father, may the power of the Holy Spirit give that individual the words to say that will bring a true change into their lives.
Lord, I ask you to use your Word to bring truth and repentance into their heart.
You wrote in Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God
is living and powerful,
and sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing even to the division of soul and spirit,
and of joints and marrow,
and is a
discerner of the thoughts and intents
of the heart.
Thank you for your mercy and compassion.
I offer this prayer with a heart full of hope and faith.
I end this prayer for _____, ___, and _____
with Jeremiah 24:7 in which you say,
I will give them a heart to know me,
that I am the Lord.
They will be my people, and I will be their God,
for they will return to me with all their heart.
I pray these things in the Powerful name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2024 Inspirational - Prayers Team for Inspirational-Prayers.com
Loving Lord,
I ask that TODAY each of my loved ones
would move forward
in their relationship with you.
In the miraculous name of Jesus, I pray,
Love one another
one another.
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