God's Refreshment and Relaxation
* Refreshing and Relaxing Prayers
* Psalms that Refresh and Revive
* Soothing and Calming videos
A week-long devotional
In the morning I will sing of your love.
Psalm 59:16b NIV
Prayer for Refreshing
Creator of the Morning,
The new rays of morning light remind me of the streams of love that you are sending toward me today. I will meditate on the many facets of your love that sparkle more beautifully than the most brilliant diamond. I will meditate on your compassion, your mercy, your forgiveness, and your faithfulness; they are all reflected in the beauty of your love.
I look out my window and observe the beauty of the trees that reach their limbs up to you in praise. Lord, I lift up my heart, and I lift up my hands to you in praise.*
You are worthy of my praise.
Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -
* "Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name." Psalm 63:4 KJV
Excerpt from Morning Prayers
The Refreshing Word of God
We invite you to listen to Beth reading Psalms 145-150.
God wants his loved ones to get their proper rest.
Psalm 127:2 b TLB
I wrote the following prayer as a prayer of dedication
and a prayer to encourage relaxation at the end of the day.
Dear El Shaddai, the All-sufficient One,
You are the Father of Mercy and the Father of Grace. I desire to be close to you. I want to cast all my cares on you and enter into a deep fellowship with you.
As my head sinks into my pillow, my cares sink and disappear into the sea of your love. You provide for all my needs according to your riches in glory. I am blessed.
I welcome your peace this night. I have confidence that you are planning good things for me tomorrow.
I imagine myself lying on my back on the beach, resting and relaxing. I close my eyes and breathe deeply.
I hear the distant sea gulls calling. The heat of the sun is warming my skin. I feel a gentle wind blowing over my entire body. I smell the salty air. I sense the waves of water running up and then down the beach. As the foamy water soaks the sand underneath my feet, I feel my heels sink slightly, and then I feel the pull of the ocean drawing the water back into the vast depths of the sea. Lord, it gives me peace to know that you are in charge….of everything.
Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of
The videos below go with the words of the prayer above -
when it speaks of being at the beach.
The videos below were placed on this page
to help you relax in the presence of God.
Soothing sound of Sea Gulls
Lord, you are an Amazing Artist.
Your creation refreshes me.
Dear Lord,
I praise you for you are an Amazing Artist.
You are the Master Painter of our World.
From your palette, you brushed the world with splashes of forest green, sky blue, and sunny yellow.
You created lush jungles of jade and arid deserts of gold.
You formed majestic mountains, and then you took scoops of brilliant white snow and topped their peaks.
You shaped multi-layered canyons and adorned them with copper-colored hues.
Your exquisite creation is vibrant and full of variety.
Joy and thankfulness rise in me as I meditate on the beauty of your world.
Copyright © 2013 Beth Mc Lendon of
From Prayers of Joy
How Great is Our God!
I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty,
And on Your wondrous works.
Psalm 145:5 NKJV
Creator of the Nighttime Sky,
My heart overflows with love,
love that I long to express to you.
cannot contain the passion
that I feel for your presence.
I long to embrace you, and everything you love.
I join the chorus
begun by the nighttime sky
as it proclaims that you are worthy to be praised.
the stars never waver
in their dedication to shine your glory.
The moon never wanders off its path.
The night never forgets
to bring darkness to my window.
Just as the night
follows the setting sun,
so may I follow the son of the most high –
never wavering, never wandering,
never forgetting your love.
Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -
Soothing and Relaxing
The Evening of July 6
Last night I stumbled into a lightning bug convention held on my street.
Since it was the day after July 4 th, I wondered if they were inspired to compete with the fireworks of the day before. The floating sparks weren’t as spectacular as the colorful streamers of Independence, but their simplicity gained my attention just as easily. Again and again, I watched as the gentle globes gathered together and then dispersed.
Everywhere I looked, lights were blinking. They were always on the move. Action – oriented and yet reserved. They were too shy to come near me, yet I still felt welcome.
No motivational speakers, no Power Point presentations, yet they captured my interest as no meeting has done before. Their messages were clear.
* Relax. Enjoy the journey of life.
* Float together sometimes.
* Float alone sometimes.
* Be gentle.
* Let your light shine.
The Silence of Nature contains beautiful meaning.
Copyright © 2004 Beth McLendon of
From our July 4th Prayers page
is my Daddy, Ruler of the Universe.
Wondrous Lord of the Day and of the Night,
I hear you, Lord, calling me. The time of evening prayer is here. You wait eagerly for me to come to you at the end of the day. I am blessed.
I look out my window at the blackness enveloping the world. Whether I can see the stars or not, I know they are shining out their beacons into the night. What I see with my earthly eyes will not be the focus of my faith, for I see beyond the stars.
You have the key to the entrance of my heart. You intimately know me. I find pleasure in the fact that you know everything about me, and yet you still love me. To be fully known and fully accepted is my greatest satisfaction.
Father, I will dwell on the beautiful moments of my day…a kind word, a smile, seeing the wind bounce the limbs of a tree, a beam of sunshine, or the dance of raindrops. I will take pleasure in the beautiful moments of my day. Each is a gift from you.
Great is he who is my Lord. Great is my Daddy, Ruler of the Universe. I will rest in the good news that Daddy is working on my behalf to bless me, even while I sleep.
Copyright © 2006 Beth
McLendon of Inspirational -
Soothing Music for Those Who Love God
The song above talks about the picture
of physically leaning back on Jesus.
I remind you of the verse in the Gospel of John:
"Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom
one of his disciples,
whom Jesus loved."
John 13:23 KJV
verse is taken from the story of the Lord's Supper.
It is interesting
to note
that in John's account of the life of Christ,
John chose to
identify himself as
"the disciple whom Jesus loved."
In this short
the great intimacy shared
between Jesus and John
is beautifully
as we see John enjoying his meal
while leaning on Jesus."
Excerpt taken from At Home in God's Sweater by Beth McLendon
Note: If you have not submitted yourself in obedience to God,
you will not find the fullness of the
refreshment and peace that you are looking for.
This page was
Originally presented for the week of
June 16, 2014
Guiding Teens toward Blessings
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