Daniel and the Lions' Den

Daniel and the lions' den

is a popular Bible story.

Most of us have heard it many times.

As we take time to contemplate

Daniel's dedication to God,

we see his courage and bravery

even more clearly.

The Lions' Den

King Darious signed - and it became law.

Beware of the rulers. Beware of their flaw.

Beware of their rule. Beware of their claw.

Beware of their lion. Beware of their jaw.


"I tell you Daniel, he is king -

you must obey in everything!

Behind his seal, he signed in pen!

Beware of death in lions' den!

"I ask you Daniel, hear the din?

They know the house you're living in!

Bow down in public now and then!

Beware of vicious lions' den!

"Oh, tell me Daniel, what's the use?

Prayer every day is pure abuse!

You pray to God - again, again!

Beware, lest thrown in lions' den!

"Oh, tell me Daniel, what'd you do?

The fault - all yours, you got into!

You're not at all like other men!

Beware! You're now in lions' den!

"Now tell me Daniel, what's God doin' -

shutting jaws of every lion?

He stopped a feast that should have been!

A miracle in lions' den!

"Oh, tell me Daniel, could it be -

they took you out and now you're free?

We're so amazed, we scream 'AMEN!'

Beware of God and not the den!

"Please show us Daniel, how to pray

a humble prayer just like you say.

We'll pray sincerely every day

and follow God the faithful way!"

Copyright © 2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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