Great Dating Tips
to help you
as you look for
the perfect one for you.
These videos will give you
important dating tips!
When you are dating,
can tend to overwhelm you.
- Intentionally keep your mind sharp -
Be sure that you are carefully watching
she reacts when things don't go her way.
Women need to feel beautiful.
Women need to hear
the man she loves
"You look beautiful!"
And consider
Sending a text -
Honey - You are bee - YOU - tiful....
Insights you won't hear anywhere else
Masturbation can retrain your body
to only be able to perform
during masturbation.
Doug Weiss can set you free: Click here
Sex before Marriage
Will make You
God designed sex in this way
to help those who are married.
The next video has...
More reasons not to have
Premarital Sex
And please visit our page with men and women giving encouragement on dating purity.
Disclaimer: I approve of this man's videos that I post. I do NOT approve of all his ideas on the Bible.
Dating is the time to
create and cultivate
a relationship of love
that will continue to grow in marriage.
There are 5 ways to show
Giving Gifts
Spending quality time together
Helping with chores and projects
Words - compliments and encouragements
Hugs and Kisses
Check out our
to help you understand women!
How to Pursue a Woman
What do women
from a man?
When listening to a woman,
Do you listen for the intent to understand
just to respond?
Women want to be understood.
Singles need HELP
to discover insights
to choose Purity.
Below is an Inspirational Movie about
Choosing Purity
while dating
in an impure World
It shows the way (clumsy sometimes)
that a man
travels the road to dating in a pure way.
- -
The man - had led
- a sexually impure life
but is determined to change.
The movie shows the emotional scars and stumbling blocks
that his impure past has left with him.
The movie gives
of mega-happiness
to those who
are not virgins
strength to those who are virgins.
Both main characters
have a sexual past to overcome.
Both find and choose the beauty of purity.
- -
This movie is very real.
It shows courage in
the challenges of staying pure
it shows the heartache of dealing with an impure past.
Great movie to show
single adults, teenagers, and parents!
What does God think about
Important Tips and Insights
Gary Chapman
Christian author of
The Five Love Languages
Will the woman I am dating
be a
Good Mother
- or Stepmother -
for my children?
A Great Woman won't wait forever...
to marry you.
You will lose her if you string her along.
Next -
A Funny Video
about differences
in our brains!
Guiding Teens toward Blessings
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Explaining How to Get to Heaven
Overcoming Sabotage in your family
an audio presentation
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Men and women keep score differently
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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life
went out
February 18.
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which is called
The Inspirational Life
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Life-changing prayer for fathers
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Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers
an audio Presentation by Beth
Songs for Children for church and home
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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself
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Links to all our pages on the Psalms