Eliminating Debt
is one of the best things
you can do for yourself!
Think about what Debt Free Living would do for you!
Being in Debt is a burden.
Debt is
hard on your body,
hard on your mind,
hard on your emotions, and
hard on your family relationships!
This page is written to get you fired up
and ready to start eliminating debt!
First, we have a down-to-earth pep talk.
Then we share great debt-reducing ideas!
Don't forget to visit our Debt Free Living Page!
First we share an
People willingly continue to accumulate debt for many reasons.
What are your reasons?
We at Inspirational-Prayers help you get a new financial vision!
We have the new strategies you need! We have strategies for renewing your mind and using power words to propel you toward a great future!
We share where to start.
We have a making a budget page to get you started!
We have some ways on this very page!
$ $ $
Needs, Wants, Conveniences
Choose Debt Free Living Today!
Find an idea you like and get going!
Also, share your ideas with us at the bottom of the page!
1. More for less? Sometimes you can get more for less money!
Make a couple of phone calls.
Call your health insurance company. Once when I did, I found that they had a plan for $50.00 less with greater coverage. I know that makes no logical sense!
Call your cell phone company and ask if
there is a better plan. Once when I did that I got a cheaper plan
with more minutes! Again, logic is not always visible.
Check around to see if you can find better and cheaper auto insurance or house insurance.
2. Carefully check your credit card bills and other bills for hidden costs.
Recheck your credit card bills and other bills to make sure they aren't adding services without asking you - like credit card protection services. I saw that on one of my bills and called. The service representative said that the company decided to add it to everyone's bill, and require people to call and ask to get the fee taken off their monthly bill.
3. Carefully check your homeowners premium and the premium of any elderly people in your family for over-insuring.
I checked my parents' homeowners insurance, and they were paying for a house more than double the size of their home. That saved my parents over $1200 a year. I also asked for a refund. They sent my parents a check for $500.00.
4. Are you paying for magazines that you are not reading?
Sometimes insurance companies or organizations like AARP charge you for magazines that you do not read. Often, you can request the fee be removed and the magazine be stopped.
5. Challenge yourself to cut down on non-necessities until you are debt free!
For example, vanity and novelty car tags are non-necessities. New cell phone ring tones are non-necessities. Choosing the most expensive cable package and stubbornly always buying name brands are both non-necessities. Too many times we think, "That is only a couple of dollars; I might as well get it."
Average people can become debt free, but they have to take every purchase seriously and not let pennies, quarters, and dollars unwisely slip through their fingers.
Every buying opportunity is not a good buying opportunity.
Make wise buying decisions!
The successful eliminating debt attitude is:
Every penny counts.
Every time I resist a purchase I am closer to getting out of debt.
6. You can save big by bringing your lunch to work.
Lunch doesn't just have to be a sandwich. Make extra dinner portions, so that you have a yummy lunch meal for later.
You can even feel even more impressed with yourself if you create a lunch with lots of nutrition!
Spinach, carrots, and broccoli are just a few of the incredibly nutritious foods that are great foundations to a delicious green salad. Stir up your culinary creativity. Create edible masterpieces with ingredients such as raisins, cranberries, walnuts, sliced almonds, sliced yellow squash, and chunks of chicken. Then sprinkle your favorite shredded cheese on top! Every mouthful will be unique, and you will feel so impressed with yourself that you are saving money and eating healthy!
7. Challenge yourself to bring water with you instead of buying drinks or bottled water.
We were created to drink water. We need to drink a lot of pure water to be healthy. That doesn't include the water that is in soft drinks, tea, or coffee.
We need to drink primarily water.
Bottled water is an expensive choice.
Challenge yourself to get a container
and fill it with water each day.
AND certainly during this time of eliminating debt, encourage yourself to order water as your beverage when you are treating yourself to eating out at a restaurant.
Frequently remind yourself that water has no calories!
Be healthy! Bet thinner! Be financially free!
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Do you have a tip for saving money and eliminating debt? Share it!
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
If You Need a Car
One good tip would be - If you need a car, keep an ear open for people who are going to buy a new car. Ask them how much the dealer is going to give them …
Free T.V.
I save money by not paying for cable television. Cable is very expensive. Instead of cable, I use the internet when I want to watch "television." I like …
Cutting my grocery bill in half
I am enthusiastic about using coupons. I especially look for "buy one get one free" coupons. I get most of my coupons from the paper (sometimes I buy several …
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