This page is about
The Falling Away
during the end times
as seen in the Bible
Matthew 24:10,
2 Thessalonians 2:3,
1 Timothy 4:1.
And this page talks about
How Not to Fall Away from God.
We present a short
on the topic.
And then we give
Inspiration to help us
Stay Close to God.
And then we have
A Word Study on the concept of "Falling Away"
But first
we present those verses mentioned above.
Matthew 24:10 AMP version
At that time many will be offended
and repelled
[by their association with Me]
and will fall away
[from the One whom they should trust]
and will betray one another
[handing over believers to their persecutors]
and will hate one another.
Some translations of Matthew 24
do not use the words "falling away"
so I present more about that at the bottom of the page.
2 Thessalonians 2:3 a NKJV
Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first,
1 Timothy 4:1 NKJV
Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.
How not to be
part of
The Falling Away
Why do people fall away in the end times?
Or using the words of 1 Timothy 4:1...
Why do people depart from the faith in the latter times?
Here are some reasons.
Persecution - Physical or Mental or Emotional
Affliction / Troubles
Ungodly Peer Pressure
False Prophets lead many astray.
(See our False Prophets of Today page)
False Teachers lead many astray.
Lack of Bible study so people wander away.
Lack of Prayer so people wander away.
Lack of Growth in spiritual maturity.
Lack of Dedication to God.
Below we have
Inspiration for Staying Close to God.
Godly Music helps motivate us.
Holy Spirit lead me!
Prayer helps motivate us.
Prayer for Yielding
Glorious Lord, Mighty God,
I worship you.
You are my King.
You are my everything.
I give my life to you.
Reign in me.
In my happy times, you are my joy.
In my unhappy times, you are my strength.
I will yield to you so you can reign in me.
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -
Consider our page - Prayers for Yielding to God
And our pages on God's love - Here
Prayer for my loved ones
Heavenly Father,
I lift up all my loved ones to you.
I ask that they would have
encounters with your Love and your Truth
that will solidify and sustain them
in a close relationship with you
all through their life and
up until the day
that they come into your presence.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2021 Beth McLendon of
I suggest that
you speak out
the names of your loved ones
as you begin the prayer above.
For Prayers for Loved Ones
who are not right with God
For other
Strengthening Prayers for your family - Click Here
Daily Bible Reading
helps motivate us.
Consider all our unique Psalm pages - Click Here
For example:
Psalm 32 - The Joy of Being Right with God
Psalm 40 - How to be a Strong Christian
And our
Greek Word Study
Since several main Bible translations
do not use "falling away" in
Matthew 24:10.
So I have given you help to do a study for yourself
concerning that verse.
The website
Bible Hub
is a good resource for
studying the Greek words used to translate the Bible.
I have given you
to the two pages that are
foundational for those who want to check things out.
First Link
The Greek word translated "to fall away" in Matthew 24:10
is Strong's Greek # 4624.
Actually some translations
do not choose to use the words "to fall away."
For example, KJV uses the words "be offended."
You can look up the Greek word # 4624
in the link below
and gain insights ...
Second Link
On the page directly above,
we can read all the ways
this Greek word
is translated in the
New American Standard translation
(known as NAS or NASB).
I have copied those ways below the yellow arrow.
Notice "fall away" or "falls away"
is the choice that
NAS translation
uses 7 + 1 = 8 times total
in its translation for the Greek Word # 4626.
Below are all the word choices
used to translate the Greek word # 4626
in its
entire translation of the New Testament
cause (1), stumble (2), causes (2), stumble (6),
fall away (7), falls away (1), led into sin (1), makes...stumble (2),
offend (1), offended (1), stumble (3), stumbling
(1), take (1), take offense (1), took offense (2)
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