Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Four Horsemen

of the


I normally do not post things such as this.

I do not pursue looking for supernatural events.


as the end times come closer, 

I decided to share this video

of a news story

from 2011

of an event called

The Arab Spring.

Near the end of the video

 - 1 minute 18 seconds - 

watch for a green supernatural horse and rider.

What do you think?

Is that a supernatural horse & rider?

Is it one of the Four Horsemen of Revelation?


Some people cannot see the video below,

if that is you, then go to Youtube and type in

"Cairo's Apocalypse horse creates buzz"

and pick either the PBS newshour video or the euronews video.

In 2011,

I saw this video

but it was uploaded from a different news source.

It shows

what looks like

a supernatural

green horse and rider

which might represent the pale horse of the apocalypse.

The Greek word "Pale" could also be translated "green."

It looked real to me,

but I knew that people do sometimes doctor videos.

At some later time,

 - maybe a year or two later -  

I decided to find it again.

That day,

I found it, re-watched it...

and took note of the news agency

that had posted the video. 

I think it was CNN,
so I'm going to say it was CNN.

Then that same day,

I went to the archives on the CNN site

and found the video.

And yes, the video was posted on their site


the horse and rider were on the video plain as day.

Take Note:

The commentators who were talking on the video,

said nothing about it.

It was obvious that they did not see it.





The Four Horsemen

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Mark of the Beast 

 Jesus is coming Soon

What is the Rapture of the Church? A Pro-Rapture Commentary

 The Falling Away 2 Thessalonians

 Are  Aliens Real?

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Posted April 2024

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