You can get free!
I've found the best resources available.
There is not only hope, but there is real help!
Freedom From Pornography and Masturbation.
God is grieved at
the suffering from Pornography and Masturbation.
THERE is a lot of HELP on this page -
GREAT videos & info
scroll ALL the way down.
You don't have to continue to suffer.
I have not followed Doug Weiss closely at all
in the last few years.
He may or may not currently have the character
that I previously had evidence for.
Look at his character by the Bible.
I'm not sure that he is currently a good role model.
is the text that I have had on this page
previous to my current concerns....
Doug Weiss
is the best authority
getting out of pornography.
Doug Weiss
is the best authority
giving up ALL sexual sin!
We have great Doug Weiss videos
on this page.
Note: Doug's ministry does telephone counseling.
719 - 278 - 3708
Here is his website:
Years ago
Doug Weiss
was addicted to porn.
Dr. Doug Weiss
has been clean of pornography,
and all sexual sin
for more than twenty-five years,
he has devoted his life to helping other men
achieve victory.
This is the information you,
or someone you know,
is looking for.
Doug's book and DVD's contain tested and tried weapons
for you
to get and stay clean,
not for a week, month or year,
but for the rest of your life.
Take note that the average age for pornography problems
to begin
is under 11 years of age.
So find out everything you can about
this important subject.
We have GREAT new information
that we have added at the bottom of this page.
So take time to check out this whole page.
Later please visit our Porn-free kids page.
And - Victory over lust page
Note we also have a page: What's Wrong with Porn
The above pages will help you to learn to think
Doug Weiss wants to teach you
how to protect your whole family.
Below are video teachings of Doug Weiss.
Note: Doug's ministry does telephone counseling.
719 - 278 - 3708
Here is his website:
a second website:
Note: If you want to come back to this page,
you can find this page
on our "Bible Devotion" page
located on the left navigation bar.
Doug Weiss helps people to
Understand Pornography,
he tells them
how to
Defeat Pornography.
Doug Weiss has the keys
that you,
your family, and your church family need.
And further down he will give practical help.
Below is his personal story...
As of 2021 -
he is been free of
masturbation and porn for over 35 years!
Dr. Weiss takes
yearly polygraphs
to verify his freedom from sexual addiction.
Doug has helped tens of thousands of people.
Don't allow yourself to get discouraged.
PLEASE commit to watching every video on this page.
There is help.
Doug has a power-house video
that will propel you forward
in kicking porn and masturbating out of your life.
After the important introduction,
he gives a quick and easy tip to
interrupt the neurological impulses toward masturbating.
Prayer from Psalm 119:37
Turn away my eyes
from looking at worthless things,
And revive me in Your way.
In Jesus' name I pray.
"Jesus died to give you a clean heart."
Doug Weiss
The lady looks a little goofy
BUT her interview with
Doug is great!
Doug Weiss says that he can help a person come to the place
where he or she stops desiring sexual sin.
Powerful Words
will Change a Life
Doug's daily morning prayer:
Adapt if you are a woman.
I hate the lust of all women.
I command my mind, my will, and my emotions
to instantly, reflectively cast them down.
I am a thousand percent satisfied with my wife, my life, and my business.
More Prayers
Prayer from commenter under a
Doug Weiss video:
Dear God,
I'm done being consumed
by pornography.
I will let zeal for Christ consume me instead.
There are lots more videos below!!!
For Single men and women:
We at this website - have adapted the prayer above
(Also visit our Purity comments page for GREAT inspiration! )
I need to learn to hate sexual lust.
Today I dedicate myself to you and to purity.
By the POWER of God, I declare that I will learn not to lust after any woman / man.
I command my mind, my will, and my emotions
to instantly and automatically cast sexual lustful thoughts down.
Lord, I yield my sexuality to you. I command my mind and body to close down the sexual part of me... until marriage.
I will avoid doing and seeing things that stir up my sexuality.
Lord, I ask you to help me to stay pure until marriage or until my death!
In the miraculous name of Jesus I pray,
Part 2
Make a decision
to move toward a
New Life with Jesus.
that WILL
Disclaimer - I do not know anything about the above man
Or the man below...
The man below was
the porn industry
and he found
help from Jesus Christ.
The man below is a helpful Bible Teacher.
Terrific Testimony
lots of helpful insights!
Get Free!
You can be Pure!
Your mind can be Clean!
God says:
"Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh.
Is there anything too hard for Me?"
Jeremiah 32:27 NKJV
If you want true sexual passion in your marriage
you must avoid certain things.
Number 1 thing is - Porn
Psalm 19:14 teaches us to say:
May the words of my mouth
and the thoughts that I think
be pleasing to you, Lord.
Lord of Miracles,
I pray to you.
May the words of my mouth and the thoughts that I think
be pleasing to you.
Bring me your strength, Lord.
I will seek to obey you.
Copyright ©2013 Beth McLendon of
Give the devil an inch and he will become a ruler.
Unknown author
There are lots more videos below!!!
The POWER of a
Celibate man
This video is inspiring - note that I don't know anything about these men
What is Wrong with Porn?
Pornography is the pursuit of a feeling,
not the pursuit of a person.
Lust Drunk
Below is
An article with some very helpful suggestions
about refusing porn and premarital sex:
There is lots more on this page!
After you finish this page
PLEASE go to our next page
to learn things you do NOT know.
from a wounded Spouse
Gary Smalley's testimony of freedom.
It is a little slow but you'll find it gives
specifics for help
has a powerful ending.
There is more
on this page.
In order to get FREE - you need to listen
over and over
to videos like the ones on this page.
We have three Porn pages to help you renew your mind.
Even the porn-free kids page
will help renew your mind.
When I heard the statistics
of how many men, women, teens, and children
suffer with this,
I couldn't help but want to do something.
Please consider reaching out with this information
to your friends, family and to your church family.
More from Doug
Sex Addiction
What is it?
Sex addiction is the active use of a sexual behavior,
whether it is
masturbation, an internet porn addiction, fetishes
and/or behavior with self or others
in a compulsive life-destroying pattern.
When you are addicted to sex it is called a sex addiction.
This is a real issue impacting millions of individuals,
marriages, and families around the globe.
The impact is felt in the life of the addict and his or her surrounding family members and friends.
You and the one you love can recover from the damaging effects this can have on your relationship.
Whether you are an addict or the partner of an addict: you are not alone and there is hope!
There are six different types of a sex addict.
The more you know about what type you are,
the more successful you can be in recovery.
Dr. Doug Weiss takes a look at each type,
what the associated sex addiction is,
and what behaviors go along with that
type of addict.
The six types are:
#1. Biological
#2. Psychological
#3. Spiritual
#4. Past Trauma & Sexual Abuse
#5. Intimacy Anorexia
#6. Mood Disorder
All of these types can be treated.
Dr. Weiss has been treating sex addiction of all kinds for over 30 years after recovering
from his own sex addiction.
Dr. Weiss takes yearly polygraphs to verify his freedom from sexual addiction.
You can be free too!
If you would like to find out more information, you can
call 719-278-3708 or e-mail us at
Also, if you're unsure if you have a sexual addiction, you can take the tests on our website.
Sex Addiction and Porn Addiction Tests
These tests can help you understand if sexual addiction
and porn addiction affects you.
Need help with sex addiction?
Visit the Heart to Heart Counseling Center website at | or call us at 719-278-3708.
“Intimacy Anorexia”
Doug Weiss, Ph.D., is a nationally known author, speaker and licensed psychologist. He is the executive director of Heart to Heart Counseling Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and the author of several books including, “Partner Betrayal Trauma™”.
For more information on Sex Addiction, go to
For information on marriage counseling and intensives, go to
For a full list of Dr. Doug’s products, go to
You may contact Dr. Weiss via his website, or on his Facebook
by phone at 719-278-3708
or through email at
This page contains information on
defeating sexual addiction
and how to pray for sexual addiction.
Jump to the top of Get Free from Pornography
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