Graham Cooke
has written "how to" books
"How to speak prophetic words from God."
Graham Cooke writes books teaching people
how to
give prophecies by using your imagination.
He admits it and is proud of it.
This page highlights some serious problems
with his teachings.
Note that:
Many of his books and materials
are used in churches
to teach people
" how to "
develop the gift of
speaking prophetic words from God.
Below is a 10 minute video of Cooke
talking about
what is important to him on this topic.
Some things
Graham Cooke says
in the video
are false.
Graham is
truth and error.
He is putting pieces together
a false picture.
Please consider watching this video.
See if
you can spot some of his errors.
See if
you can spot the dangers in what he says.
Below this video,
I will respond to the video.
I will use specifics including Scripture.
a short interview with
Graham Cooke
I will comment on the section that starts at
5 minutes and goes through 10 minutes.
Beth says -
I am not in agreement with the first 5 minutes
but I am going to skip that part.
Please go with me
to the 5 minute mark.
I will point out some major errors.
When you see Graham C 1 - it means I am highlighting a quote from Graham Cooke. The quote will be green.
There are 8 quotes from Graham Cooke.
Interviewer asked,
"How do you decipher
God's voice
or prophetic wisdom?
Graham C 1
Graham answers, "I don't."
That answer is a
Graham is saying that
he hears words in his head,
he does not try
to distinguish
his own thoughts and God's voice.
And when Graham hears what he would call
"a prophetic word of wisdom,"
from someone
he does not try
to distinguish
the words are
from God
the words are
from a prophet's own imagination.
Graham gives a
GREEN light
to promoting ideas
that are not
in agreement with the Bible.
This page will show that
Graham Cooke
is a teacher who turns people away from the truth
and leads people astray.
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Graham C 2
Graham says...
is more
than knowledge or reason."
God does not agree with that statement.
2 Corinthians 10:5
tells us to
cast down imaginations
that tries to come against
the Scriptures
in our mind.
The King James version
"Casting down imaginations,
every high thing
that exalteth itself
against the knowledge of God,
bringing into
every thought to the obedience of Christ."
Graham is trying to get people to think
that God
operates in and through our
there are no Scriptures
that say that
or even
comes close
to saying that.
God exalts His Word NOT our imagination.
God speaks
in the highest of terms
about his Word.
we think, feel, or say
can be elevated above God's Word.
2 Timothy 3:16 ESV
All Scripture is breathed out by God
and profitable for teaching,
for reproof,
for correction,
and for training in righteousness.
God's Words are better than GOLD!
We need to value God's Words and
hide them in our heart.
Thy word
have I hid
in mine heart,
that I might not sin against thee.
Psalm 119:11 KJV
Psalm 119 is full of praise
for the wonders of God's Word.
I highlight the book of Proverbs.
Consider stopping right now
and reading
Proverbs 1:1-7.
as you evaluate
what Cooke is saying vs. THE BIBLE.
More about the value of God's Word
at the bottom of the page.
Graham C 3
Graham said,
more attuned to
intuitiveness and imagination
it is to logic and reason."
If that were true, then God would not have had to give us
the book of Proverbs....
Take note:
"Wisdom is knowing and doing right."
Proverbs 3:21 TLB
Knowing what is right comes from reading the Bible.
Graham C 4
Graham said,
"If I am going to avoid anything,
I am going
to avoid
logic and reason
FAITH doesn't live there."
He is NOT correct.
is saying
faith comes by imagination.
What Graham is saying - is false.
Beth says -
I remind you that Romans 10:17 says,
"Faith come by hearing and hearing by the Word of God."
Reading the Bible
Graham's words
are a
After you finish this page,
we have a page
that delves deeper
into this movement
and the use of their imagination.
If you are interested - Click here
Graham C 5
Graham said,
"Logic and reason talk you out of faith."
Beth says -
"No, God uses logic and reason in the Bible.
And God commands us to meditate on his Bible words
to grow our
says that
faith is increased by
going after
our imagination
and / or
supernatural experiences.
The Bible uses logic often.
An example of logic...
God uses logic to show us
a glimpse
of the Trinity
in John 1:1-4.
I explain this at the bottom of the page.
Jesus used logic often.
For example,
Matthew 12:1-14
Matthew 21:28-32
Speaking of the Supernatural
The Bible tells us that even the devil and his workers
sometimes do supernatural things.
The devil can create
lying signs,
For example - 2 Thessalonians 2:9
The devil and his demonic team
try to
inspire our imagination.
They want us
the boundaries and guard rails
of the Bible.
The Bible does not support
basing our beliefs
on supernatural experiences
or things we can imagine.
Before I continue examining
Graham's words,
I want to point out something...
uses humor
to lower
the audiences' guard rails
so they will
more easily
accept his teaching.
Graham C 6
Graham says,
"I look at the Bible and I don't see
a shred of logic in it."
I say,
"What Bible is he reading?
I see lots of logic in the Bible."
Logic is sound reasoning.
The word "logic" is not a common word in the Bible.
the Bible does use logic.
For example, Jesus used logic.
Jesus used logic
communicate truth
for example - Matthew 21:28-32
and to
refute the traps and false charges from the Pharisees
for example - Matthew 22:15-22.
As we mentioned above,
Jesus gave illustrations and parables
to teach truth to his audience.
Jesus had a goal of teaching us to reason properly.
Logic urges us to think rationally.
Leaning on our
can easily take us
to cater to
our emotions.
God appeals to logic
in many places in the Bible,
all through the
Book of Proverbs
God wants us
to pursue
In the video,
Graham says some things
that are true
some things that are false.
Logic is mental reasoning in order to get truth.
Logic is seeking to find truth by looking at facts.
Acts 17:16-17
Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him when he saw that the city was [e]given over to idols.
17 Therefore he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and with the Gentile worshipers, and in the marketplace daily with those who happened to be there.
Graham C 7
Graham says,
"Faith has
more fellowship, more in common,
imagination than it ever can with logic."
No -
The Bible says...
Faith comes by hearing
BY the WORD of God.
Faith does not come by imagination.
Graham C 8
Graham said,
"Logic and reason talk you out of faith."
Beth says,
"No, logic and reason
will NOT
talk you out of faith.
it is important to notice that...
Logic is supposed to talk you out of some things....
Logic is supposed to talk you out of...
sinfulness and foolishness.
Note that...
Your imagination
can easily talk you
into bad things.
God's word tells us
that our
can get us into trouble.
Genesis 6:5 KJV says
About Noah's Day...
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Note: Matthew 24:37
At the end of the video...
then helps the audience
to swallow
all of this false teaching
by saying,
"That was a pretty good answer wasn't it."
Then the audience claps.
Whether the audience knows it or not,
this technique helps to seal
each audience member's mind
to accept
the false teaching and
not question it.
Consciously or unconsciously,
Graham and the interviewer
are using techniques of persuasion
to convince people
not to question what Graham is teaching.
The Book of Acts
promotes checking things out with the Bible
Acts 17:10-11.
Bill Johnson
gives a real-life example
of how he and Graham Cooke
teach people how to do
Take Note:
At the end of the page, there is prayer for
Graham Cooke and Bill Johnson.
Bill Johnson is speaking false words.
There is nothing in the Bible called a Superior Truth.
Also see our Prophets page.
Not Everyone is sent from God....
Jeremiah 14:14 NKJV
And the Lord said to me,
“The prophets prophesy lies in My name.
I have not sent them, commanded them, nor spoken to them;
they prophesy to you
a false vision, divination, a worthless thing,
and the deceit of their heart.
In Psalm 19,
God gives us
understanding of how
valuable the Scriptures are.
In Psalm 19,
God uses
several different words that stand for the words
"Bible Scriptures."
Here they are:
The law of the Lord = The Bible Scriptures of God
The testimony of the Lord = The Bible Scriptures of God
The statues of the Lord = The Bible Scriptures of God.
The commandments of the Lord = The Bible Scriptures of God.
The judgments of the Lord = The Bible Scriptures of God.
Psalm 19:7-11
The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul;
The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;
8 The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;
The commandment of the Lord is pure,
enlightening the eyes;
9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever;
The judgments of the Lord
are true and righteous altogether.
10 More to be desired are they than gold,
Yea, than much fine gold;
Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
11 Moreover by them Your servant is warned,
And in keeping them there is great reward.
An example of logic...
God uses logic to show us
a glimpse
of the Trinity.
John 1:1-4 KJV says
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was - with - God,
and the Word - was - God.
Before anything was made -
The WORD was WITH God.
By logic
we realize that Jesus IS God
Jesus and the Father are NOT the same personality.
We are speaking about a ONE who is more than One.
So we are being told that God is unique.
(Other Scriptures show us a glimpse of the Full Trinity.)
I invite you to join me
in the following prayer
or perhaps make up a better one
to pray for these two men.
Heavenly Father,
I pray that you would reach out to
Graham Cooke and Bill Johnson
and bring clarity to them
about ways that they have misinterpreted you.
I pray that you would speak truth
to the hearts of Graham Cooke and Bill Johnson.
I pray that you would expose to them
the lies that they are believing.
I pray that you would reveal to them the truth
that they are missing.
I pray that you would take them
out of the deception that has taken them captive.
I acknowledge and celebrate the love
that you have for them
and for all those you lovingly created.
In Jesus' name I pray,
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