Healing Prayer for Marriages

Two Broken People

can make a


Healthy Marriage

if they draw toward each other -

and toward God.

Also consider our

Prayer for Troubled Marriages

which includes prayer for spouses who are hurting

from adultery situations

and other difficult situations.

And Marriage in the Midst of Conflicts

And here is a link to all our marriage pages.





Healing Marriage Prayer

Dear God,

I bring my brokenness to you.

I will quit trying to hide it.

I uncover it.

I expose it.

Today I give myself to you without reservation.

I will follow you with my whole heart.

Please, Lord, heal my marriage.

Please, Lord, draw my spouse toward you.

If my spouse will uncover and yield his/her brokenness to you, we can bond together and strengthen our marriage.

Bond us together with each other, and bond us together with you.


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

My Morning Prayer

Lord of all Creation,

You are worthy.

You are worthy of my time.

You are worthy of my attention.

You are worthy of my devotion.

I will live my life for you.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

First presented on Beth's Blog.

A three-fold cord

is not

easily broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:12

Prayer for a three-fold cord.

Lord God  - Creator of Strong Bonds,

You are worthy of honor and glory and daily praise.

You are the miraculous God who breaths new life into marriages.

Today I come to ask for a miracle.

Your Word says that a three-fold cord is not easily broken.

Make my marriage a three-fold cord.

I come to you today and give my total self to you.

I come and bring all my brokenness and lay it at your feet.

I come to humble myself to you and to my spouse.

Make us a three-fold cord, Lord.

Draw my spouse's heart toward you and toward me.


Release your strength and your mighty influence over me and over my spouse.

Help us realize our need to surrender to you each day.

Bring us a miracle I pray,


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com


remind me that

Feelings are not facts.

I may feel hopeless - but that is just a feeling.

I may feel that my spouse will never care about me - 

but that is just a feeling. 

I declare that I won't let my feelings run my life.

Below is a video

that helps troubled marriage.

Proclaim The Best About Your Spouse

Below are great proclamations to help you
focus your mind
on the best in your spouse.

I encourage you to

follow the example shown by the Angel of the Lord.

The angel of the Lord visited Gideon.

The angel of the Lord addressed Gideon by saying, "The Lord is with you, you mighty man of courage."

That doesn't sound unusual until you realize that Gideon was hiding in a wine press terrified of being located by his enemies.

As you can see from the way the angel of the Lord addressed Gideon, God sees our potential and calls us into it before we are actually there.

Let's follow that example with our spouse.

The above was taken from our "Doing the Impossible" Page.

Proclamations for your Husband

even if they are not all true right now.


My husband is a man after God's own heart.

My husband makes my heart flutter and my soul sing.

My husband pursues God and my husband pursues me.

My husband loves and cherishes me more every day.

My husband is handsome.

My husband is a godly man who listens to the Lord and obeys him.

My husband realizes when he is in the flesh and he moves away from fleshly thoughts.

My mind rejoices in being married to my husband.


Proclamations for your Wife

even if they are not all true right now.


My wife is a woman after God's own heart.

My wife makes my heart flutter and my soul sing.

My wife  pursues God and my wife pursues me.

My wife loves and respects me more every day.

My wife is beautiful.

My wife  is a godly woman who listens to the Lord and obeys him.

My wife  realizes when she is in the flesh and she moves away from fleshly thoughts.

My mind rejoices in being married to my wife.


We encourage you to take some or all of those proclamations

and add to them, and then speak out the proclamations regularly.

Waiting on the Lord

The Following





We do what we can do

and then

we wait on God to do what only he can do.


This video has pictures from the Fireproof movie.


If you want your marriage to be strengthened,

I urge you to watch the movie



consider reading the "Fireproof" book which gives


steps to heal a marriage.

Prayer for a Tender Heart

King of Creation and Lord of my Life,

Powerful is your name. Mighty are your deeds. Yet your gentleness welcomes me to come and sit close to you.

Lord, I have knowingly and I have unknowingly come against your will and your ways.

I have spoken words of total surrender to you, and yet I have been so ready to protect myself from godly advice and godly change. I have been so ready to defend myself against humility.

God, you were not careless in how you drew the lines of morality; may I not be careless in how I interpret your commands.

Forgive me for the parts of me that resist you – the parts of me that rebel against you. I have had thoughts and actions that were not pleasing to you. I have had attitudes that were not honoring of you.

Forgive me.

May I grow to understand how valuable tenderheartedness really is and may I feel your pleasure when I display it.


Copyright © 2005 by Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

Beth's prayer:


Use this page to cut through
and emotional pain.

Bring healing.

Bring sweet marital blessings to those who
read this page.


More Marriage Help


Healing Prayer for Marriages


works together with our other pages.

Consider visiting our other marriage pages:

The  Secret

Marriage Tips

Marriage Devotional

Marriage Prayer

Learning to Forgive

Note that we have more helps in the family section

of our

Bible Devotion


This Is It

There is a song that I hear at the grocery store all the time. Each time I hear it, I think about how that song could help a marriage that is troubled.

The song is

"This is It"

written by Kenny Loggins.

I hear the wisdom in his words:

"Here's your miracle - stand up and fight!"

I believe God calls out to us and says,

"Here's your miracle -
Stand up and fight for your marriage."

Yes, we need God - of course.

I realize the song is not a Christian one.

Yet we can use those words as a great rallying cry

to motivate us to do what WE can do

and ask God to do what only HE can do.

Important Insight

Fight for your marriage -
even if your spouse doesn't!


YOU be the one who God uses
to bring about the miracle!

Consider also gaining strength through

visiting our

"Full Armor of God"

section on the

Bible Devotion page.

Jump to the top of Healing Prayer for Marriages

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"If" I get to heaven...


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Explaining How to Get to Heaven


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We have devotions for each of the psalms:

Psalm list


Victory, Power Prayer

Increasing JOY

Overcoming Sabotage in your family

Opposites attract and then...


All our Addiction pages

Help for HOW to Forgive

an audio presentation




for Jesus


Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

goes out

February 18.


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