The Helmet of Salvation
is part of
The Whole Armor of God
found in Ephesians 6:10-18.
Be Strong in the Lord,
and in the Power of his Might.
Put on the whole armor of God
that ye may be able
to stand
against the wiles of the devil.
Ephesians 6:10-11
Put your armor on
so you will be strong in the Lord.
God gives us the
Helmet of Salvation,
Shoes of Peace - Zip, ZIP ZING # 1
Shoes of Peace and Calmness # 2
Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
Putting on
the Helmet of Salvation
while dedicating my mind to God
protects my mind.
I urge you to join me in saying:
I make a commitment today
to think
God's thoughts
resist the bad thoughts of the devil.
I am strong in the Lord!
There are lots of great prayers
on this page.
First Prayer
Lord of my Life,
I dedicate myself to you this day.
Today I will read the Word of God.
Today I will pursue godly thinking.
Thinking godly thoughts
protects me from sin.
Thinking godly thoughts
builds strength of character in me.
Thinking godly thoughts
grows my integrity.
Thinking godly thoughts
brings wisdom and self-control into my life.
Thinking godly thoughts
increases my love for others.
I realize that...
thinking godly thoughts,
reading the Word of God,
putting on Your Armor,
godly actions and attitudes,
will make me a strong, victorious Christian.
I dedicate my mind to you today.
I will meditate on godly things
and reject ungodly thoughts this day.
Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of
Submit to God
Resist the devil
And he will flee from you.
We become more like God
by reading His Word
following His Word.
Our Helmet of Salvation protects us.
It also represents our commitment
to following Jesus.
Simple Wisdom
Believe God.
Surrender to God.
Respect God.
Follow God.
Prayer to the God of my Salvation
Almighty God,
You are my Creator, my Sustainer, my Protector, and my Provider.
Every day you bless me.
You are the God of my Salvation.
Every day you save me.
Every day you rescue me from dangers and difficulties.
Every day you speak to my heart and guide me away from stumbling into strife, turmoil, temptations, and disasters.
Help me to be more aware of the big and small things you do for me each day.
I want to become a person who is more thankful and more joyful.
I will choose to find joy in serving you this day!
Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of
A mighty fortress is my God.
He rescues me from every trap.
On the glorious splendor
of Your majesty and
on your wondrous works
I will meditate.
Psalm 145:5 AMP
Lord of heaven and earth,
Rearrange the priorities of my life today.
Refocus my attention.
Renew my devotion to you.
Today I declare that you are:
Lord over my mind and over my actions.
I will focus on you.
I will pursue you.
I will become more like you.
Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of
Follow God's example in everything you do
just as a much loved child
imitates his father.
Ephesians 5:1 TLB
I regularly put on the armor of God.
I act like the pieces are visible and tangible.
I feel strong after I put it on!
Please join me in putting on
The Powerful Armor of God!
Consider printing out this prayer.
Mighty God,
Thank you for giving me your armor.
Thank you for explaining to me how powerful it is.
Thank you for telling me to meditate on your Words.
I see good fruit growing in my life from yielding to your guidance.
So today.......
I put on the Helmet of Salvation.
Thank you for your saving power that rescued me from hell and positions me under your everlasting protection and provision.
I put on the Belt of Truth.
Thank you that as I read your truth, I understand your truth better and better.
Thank you that as I read your truth, my faith in you - and in your Word - grows.
I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.
Thank you for giving me the righteousness of Christ.
I will show respect and honor to you by seeking to follow you in every way.
I put on the Shoes of Peace.
Thank you for your divine peace that guides me beside the still waters.
Your peace is comforting and calming. Show me how to receive more of your peace this day.
I pick up the Shield of Faith.
Thank you for my strong Shield of Faith that assures me that I am loved and accepted By You.
My shield gives me confidence that I am powerful and mighty In You as I follow your Word.
I pick up the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
Thank you for a sword that is Powerful.
Thank you for a sword that is Mighty.
My sword changes things in the natural world.
My sword destroys the works of the enemy.
I will speak out your Words this day!
Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of
We have lots more!
Keep scrolling down!
The Helmet of Salvation represents many things.
The Most Important One is
Eternal Salvation that we have when
we accept Jesus as our Savior and Lord.
If you want to learn more about this please click:
Explaining Salvation
This section has some music to
Celebrate our SAVIOR and our LORD
who paid the price for our sins!
Let's create a prayer to thank God.
Fill in the blank ideas are located below the prayer.
Author of Wonders and Spectacular Joys,
You astonish me.
I celebrate the amazing things you have done for me.
Thank you that you have saved me from __________.
Thank you that you have saved me from ____________.
Thank you that you - are - saving me from _________.
Thank you that you are working on my behalf today.
Thank you that you are making every situation in my life work to bless me.
I will have faith that you are taking good care of me this day.
Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of
Sickness, financial disaster, loneliness, bad decisions, accidents,
temptations, addictions, depression, hunger,
hopelessness, confusion, debt,
unemployment, homelessness
When we put on the Armor regularly,
we become stronger,
more powerful,
and amazingly unstoppable
against evil
in our daily walk.
We have lots more Armor Pages.
Belt of Truth - about telling the truth
See our entire section on our Bible Devotion page!
Jump to the top of Helmet of Salvation.
Guiding Teens toward Blessings
Newest Page:
Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles
We have devotions for each of the psalms:
Explaining How to Get to Heaven
Overcoming Sabotage in your family
an audio presentation
Click here for Links to ALL our marriage pages
Men and women keep score differently
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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life
went out
February 18.
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which is called
The Inspirational Life
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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer
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Life-changing prayer for fathers
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Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers
an audio Presentation by Beth
Songs for Children for church and home
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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself
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Links to all our pages on the Psalms