Daily Inspirational Thoughts
to bless your life.
A Daily Devotional
Monday through Friday
by Beth McLendon
The topic this week is:
Helping your Teen
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This is a page for all adults who love teens.
But it is ESPECIALLY for -
Aunts & Uncles
Church leaders
This page is presented
to help adults
to show love and practical help to
the teens they love.
Alison's Choice
Show the following movie
your teen or your teen's friend -
has an unwanted pregnancy.
Let your teen see and understand - BEFORE - he or she needs to make an important decision.
This is a Great Movie
that really helps teens process
the abortion decision.
Almost every family will encounter a crisis
because of an unwanted pregnancy.
View this GREAT movie
and then show it to your teens -
so that you and they can be prepared for a crisis -
even a crisis in the life of a good friend.
Don't wait until a pregnancy occurs.
Watch this great movie!
Teens need our help.
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It is so much harder to be a teen today
than when I was a teen.
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Showing teens great movies
is a great way
to touch their lives forever.
Watching the movies
on this page
could prevent crisis situations
in their lives.
If you need to -
Consider paying them to watch a movie.
Many parents just give their teens money.
Many grandparents just give their teens money.
Consider paying teens
for watching a movie
or for reading a book in the Bible.
The movie below
is a great movie for adults
and a MUST-SEE for teenagers.
"Without a vision, the people perish."
Proverbs 29:18
The movie below gives a vision of hope.
Real Life.
Real Questions.
Real Answers.
Real Hope.
For all the difficult situations in a teen's life.
Don't miss seeing the movie below.
The above clip shows that the movie is about
teens who are alone and feel worthless.
The clip - below - shows that the movie
is also about teens who are on top of the world
but know they need something more.
Note that there is an implied sex scene
that looks like it is going to be graphic but then
camera cuts to another scene.
It does not show anything.
Be sure and preview this movie
before showing it to teens.
It has some scenes
that you will need to be ready for.
Teens need Real Answers.
Teens need Real Love Displayed.
Teens need adults to get involved.
Give some time to teens.
Spend some money
to get
Great Christian resources for them.
Dealing with Sexuality
Teens need help with purity.
Teens need to
they should choose purity.
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Teens need HELP
get insights into
HOW to choose Purity.
Sex was God's Idea...
Let the following video inspire your
Below is an Inspirational Movie about
Staying Pure
in an impure World
It shows the way (clumsy sometimes) that a man
travels the road to dating in a pure way.
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The man - had led
- a sexually impure life
but is determined to change.
The movie shows the emotional scars and stumbling blocks
that his impure past has left with him.
Yet the movie gives hope to those like him.
And the movie motivates
those who are still virgins to stay that way.
Both main characters have a sexual past to overcome.
Both find and choose the beauty of purity.
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This movie is very real.
It shows courage
the challenges of staying pure
it shows the heartache of dealing with an
impure past.
Great movie to show teenagers,
single adults, and parents!
Below -
the trailer and then entire movie
There are a million movies
showing how to choose
This movie is alone in its message -
not only of purity
but of how to handle
an impure past in a godly way.
The man main character does sometimes seem a little too cautious or too analytical,
but I see a real person
trying his best to figure out how to date
in a pure way.
That is endearing!
The man is impressive, strong, and admirable.
He is the kind of man
most women secretly want
but don't believe exist.
Another Great Love Story Movie
that portrays
the better way to date and pick a spouse.
(More of a "girl" movie)
Princess Cut
Please consider showing your teen one of these pages:
PREVIEW them first!
Amazing Dating Tips for teens and women
Great Dating Tips for teens and men
Dealing with Pornography
Teens need help understanding
the dangers of Pornography.
Teens - and children - are falling into porn
without understanding
the dangers,
parents aren't taught how to protect them.
Porn changes the BRAIN.
Porn is highly addictive.
Porn ruins lives.
Wise parents put a filter on the internet.
It is not about trust - it is about wisdom.
Find out how porn affects the brain -
Check out our page:
Also, we have a page called Get Free of Porn
and a page called
Get educated.
Help teens get a vision of a
Teaching teens
to spread the Gospel
Thursday thoughts:
The most important thing is teaching your teens about Jesus and encouraging them to make a commitment to live for Jesus Christ.
Next, it is important for us to teach them about how to spread the Good News of Jesus.
One great way for teens to spread the Gospel is by helping them create and present skits.
These skits can be:
* Presented to their church
* Presented to their youth group
* Videotaped and then sent to relatives
Remind teens that Thanksgiving and Christmas are great times to present skits, puppet shows, creative dance, Scripture reading, Christmas plays, sign language songs, etc. to relatives!
Consider visiting our Christmas page for teens and children for lots of ideas. Click - Gospel ideas
Here are some skits
to get your creative juices stirring.
Some teens may have a talent
for writing skits!
Sign language songs are powerful!
Want some ideas for Bible devotions
for your teens?
Click here:
many of our Psalm pages are great for teens
Click here to jump to the top of the page.
originally presented November 2, 2015.
Guiding Teens toward Blessings
Newest Page:
Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles
We have devotions for each of the psalms:
Explaining How to Get to Heaven
Overcoming Sabotage in your family
an audio presentation
Click here for Links to ALL our marriage pages
Men and women keep score differently
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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life
went out
February 18.
Sign up below for
which is called
The Inspirational Life
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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer
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Life-changing prayer for fathers
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Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers
an audio Presentation by Beth
Songs for Children for church and home
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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself
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Links to all our pages on the Psalms