Husbands emotions

by Audrey

I pray that the Lord would free my husband from the grip of the devil with feelings of worthlessness and depression.

I know the devil makes him feel this way and I ask in the name of Jesus that the devil flee from his heart and mind! I ask this in your name- Amen

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May 05, 2016
Some Causes of Depression
by: Steve Szabo

I am 69 years old and never did I think that I would fall into depression, but I have! The recession in 2008 caused my small construction company to go bankrupt, my health failed (Parkinson's Disease)my back pain was and is debilitating even though I have had surgery, see a pain management Dr. and have a neuro transponder implanted in my back on order to control the pain that doesn't work. In addition to those factors, I am totally broke, owe the IRS over $70,000.00 due to the recession and not being paid for work completed while in business. Due to the Parkinson's Disease and the bad back I'm unable to do anything without pain! In essence, I feel as if I'm worthless and have lost my manhood. I have a great wife who has stood by my side through thick and thin. Without the Lord, Christian friends and her I would not be able to even get out of bed each day. I read my Bible every day and try to stay involved at church as much as I can. Hopefully, all the scripture passages mentioned will be a daily function of mine each and every day and have faith that they will help get me out of this depression and regain my manhood. Thanks for the scripture references and words of encouragement.

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