False Prophets and False Teachers
often use their imagination in ungodly ways.
They often claim to have gone on
supernatural trips
and talked to angels or God
and then
new revelation to their audiences.
They sometimes practice techniques and practices
that God forbids
instead of obeying Scriptures.
We have a video to give you that information.
This page also talks about
how people get deceived.
Also consider our "prophet" Graham Cooke page
where he admits and is proud of
teaching people to get prophecies by using their imagination.
There are a few people who actually go somewhere and actually SEE beings.
Those experiences are a very high level demonic experience.
I am Beth McLendon.
from the
highlighted video
below the video.
I encourage you to follow along with me.
Mike Winger
made this video
to expose certain
false teaching.
Judy Franklin wrote two books spoken about below.
Bill Johnson is one of the main leaders of this
false "Prophetic" movement.
We will start at
44 minutes 6 seconds
turning on the video,
and then
scroll down to walk with me
through the video.
Starting at
44 minutes 6 seconds.
At 45 minutes 16 seconds...
Pages 58-59 in the book
Judy says,
"It is not unlike seeing with our imagination."
Mike Winger says - She is talking here about how you can have visions and go to heaven...... She leads people to trips to heaven all the time. ....
Pages 58-59 in her book
Judy writes,
"Bob Jones, the prophet, uses the term -
a sanctified imagination.
Pastor Bill Johnson
a sanctified imagination
positions you for dreams and visions."
Judy writes about a quote from James Goll where Goll admits that deception is an argument people give .
She quotes Goll saying:
"I agree that there is a danger of error
if we imagine things.
But there is also a danger of missing out...."
Beth says,
Any parent of a teenager should see the huge dangers
of someone being motivated by a
"Fear of missing out."
That is what the serpent used with Eve.
The devil still uses that tactic.
On page 61 in her book
Experiencing the Heavenly Realms .....
Judy Franklin expresses worry about being deceived.
She goes to Bill Johnson, and he tells her not to worry about it.
Time -
48 minutes 45 seconds -
Judy prays,
"Sanctify my imagination...
my imagination is now under your leadership."
Beth's words combined with Mike Winger...
Her prayer is a red flag.
This is not how God works.
We have to take responsibility for the things God has given us.
And he guides us THROUGH his word.
This woman will not accept that.
She wants a short cut.
She wants God to do it all for her
so that
she can just enjoy romping with her imagination.
She claims
what she imagines is real.
The Bible tells us
many times
we CAN be deceived.
So the Bible tells us to be CAREFUL.
Here are some examples:
Romans 16:17-18
Brothers and sisters, I want you to be very careful of those who
cause arguments and hurt people’s faith by teaching things that
are against what you learned. Stay away from them.
18 People like that are not serving our Lord Christ.
They are only pleasing themselves.
They use fancy talk and say nice things
to fool those who don’t know about evil.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
and a third example...
Ephesians 5:6-7 NKJV
It says...
Let no one deceive you
with empty words,
for because of these things
the wrath of God comes upon
the sons of disobedience.
Therefore do not be partakers with them.
The video maker, Mike Winger, says...
she chose
to literally close her eyes and
imagine God saying things and sharing trips to heaven -
and say it is God.
Judy lets excitement, the approval of her peers,
and the possibility of
new knowledge propel her.
Bill Johnson told her not to worry about it
so Judy tries not to worry.
And she tries to help the reader of her books
not to
worry either.
She shuts her ears to
God's guidance
which is
drawing her away from these things.
page 87 in her book
Deception continues to nag at Judy even after she tries to shoo the nagging thoughts away from her. (God was nudging her but she shook it off.)
page 94 in her book
Judy says,
"I doubted that all this was real."
So she continues to worry about deception. And she continues to push worry away.
page 95 in her book
Judy -
even if I am imagining this - oh well.
page 96 in her book
Then she blames the doubt on Satan.
She begins to doubt her imagination again during an imaginary trip.
But just then she pictures Bill Johnson and his wife in this imaginary tale of hers and she rejects her doubt.
We see by reading her book
how she teaches people to go on these
chapter 25 of her book -
She talks about training people to go to heaven.
She talks about that yes, looks like imagination, but don't worry.
Then she gives details about how she takes people to heaven.
At 1 hour from the video starting...
Mike Winger describes a video where Bill Johnson teaches people how to fake prophecy.
At the bottom of this page, I have the video Mike is referring to.
102:26 - 104:10 section
Judy says she wants to help the reader to experience heaven.
Judy says,
"The experiences look very much like imagination."
Mike Winger comments...
He says in her book
Experiencing the Heavenly Realms
Judy does NOT say that
she got any of this
from the New Age.
But in the next book,
Physic of Heaven she does admit it there.
is a
God warns us away from New Age techniques and practices.
These are clearly
Judy Franklin,
Bill Johnson
and others in this movement
are eager to use
New Age Techniques and practices
in order
try to have
At this point,
Mike says he is through
with the first book and moves to
Physics of Heaven -
which has several authors and contributors
including Judy
and including Bill Johnson.
I end my notes at 104:10.
Basically, I was highlighting the
section of this video.
The following short video shows
Bill Johnson
teaching people how to falsely speak prophecy.
True Prophecy
is to hear from God and then you repeat it,
you are literally saying,
"Thus saith the Lord."
God does not want us to deal lightly with this activity.
Prophecy is not something that you practice to learn.
Bill Johnson...
We have pages on False Prophets and New Age...
Topic of - False Prophets, New Age, and Occult
Oprah and the New Age Movement
Examining The Passion Translation
Protecting teens and older children from the occult
Examining Contemplative Prayer
Jump to the top of Imagination
Guiding Teens toward Blessings
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