Inspirational Thoughts
about healing
to bless your life.
Week 2
Monday through Thursday
These are written by Beth McLendon.
Week two
on the topic of healing.
Please read
week 1
which is part 1
For Part 1
God heals in three ways.
Devotional for Monday:
God heals in three ways:
God heals through His faith.
God heals through the faith of our friends.
God heals through our faith.
A picture of healing
to keep in mind for this devotion.
One way to look at healing:
The healing power of God is sort of like the power source.
The plug is our faith and the lamp is our body.
(Not even close to a perfect picture, but it does give us some insights.)
God heals in three ways:
1. God heals using his faith and does not require anything of us.
For example, sometimes someone has a terrible disease or a terrible accident and that person is miraculously healed without any prayer or faith in God.
Biblical example:
Jesus healing the severed ear.
Here Jesus is in the garden getting arrested.
John 18:11 NKJV
"Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear.
The servant's name was Malchus.
So Jesus said to Peter, 'Put your sword into the sheath.
Shall I not drink the cup which my Father has given Me?'"
Luke also gives us information about that healing miracle....
Luke 22:50 NKJV
"And one of them struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear. But Jesus answered and said, "Permit even this."
And He touched his ear and healed him."
Note that no one asked Jesus to heal the man.
It looks like everyone was totally stunned with what Peter did.
This miracle is an example of # 1 -
God heals with his faith.
2. God heals using a friend's faith.
Sometimes a person is sick. Then a friend prays in faith, and God uses the prayer and faith of that friend to heal the person.
(God is the power source - the friend is the plug and the sick person is the lamp.)
Biblical example:
The friends who tore open the roof to lower their friend to Jesus.
Mark chapter 2 tells the story of friends taking their paralytic friend to Jesus. Jesus is in a house teaching.
Mark 2:3-4 NKJV tells us,
"And when they (the friends) could not come near Him (Jesus)
because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was.
So when they had broken through,
they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying."
Then the Bible says:
When Jesus saw their faith, He healed the man.
For the whole story read Mark 2:1-12.
This miracle is an example of # 2 -
God heals with a friend's faith.
3. God heals using our faith.
Sometimes it is God's will to heal us using our faith.
God is still the healing power source, but he wants us to participate. He wants us to grow in faith and be a part of the healing process.
(So God is the power source, our faith is the plug, our body is the lamp.)
Biblical example:
The woman with the issue of blood who touched Jesus.
This story can be found in three of the Gospels - Matthew chapter 9 beginning in verse 20, Mark chapter 5:25 and Luke chapter 8:43.
The woman had a bleeding problem, and she had spent
all her money on doctors.
Then she found a healing verse in the Old Testament.
As she read it, her faith was ignited and
she went to find Jesus - the Messiah - and take her healing.
The whole story of the woman with the issue of blood is discussed further down the page. For a full discussion of that story, you can scroll down or click the woman.
This miracle is an example of # 3 -
God heals with our faith.
God implies in his word
that sometimes
his plan is for
us to be part of the healing process.
For that to happen, we need to grow our faith.
God's plan is that our faith in him
(our faith in his power, our faith in his Word, our faith in his goodness)
is always growing.
Never is it ok
to tell people
(speaking directly to a particular person)
that the reason they aren't healed is because of their faith.
That may or may not be true.
We do not know enough about their situation
to tell someone that.
Do not be unwise and do that.
But personally, I think
it is wise to frequently remind myself
that it is always a good idea
to increase my faith -
for healing and to increase my faith
because it pleases my Lord.
Without faith it is impossible to please God.
Hebrews 11:6 KJV
We should all want to please God.
If we do not want to please God,
something is wrong
with our relationship with God.
There is a supernatural blessing in reading scripture.
Tuesday devotional
Proverbs 4:20-22 says,
"My son, give attention to my words;
Incline your ear to my sayings.
Do not let them depart from your eyes;
Keep them in the midst of your heart;
For they are life to those who find them,
And health to all their flesh."
I have followed God for many years, and I have found that God says what he means and means what he says.
In the above verses, he tells us that when our eyes read scripture, it gives us some supernatural healing in our body.
It may be a lot, and it may be a little; but as far as I am concerned: Every bit is welcome!
I suggest that if you have a need for healing,
consider writing healing scriptures
on colorful index cards
tape them on your mirror, your refrigerator, etc.
The Mysteries of God
There are many mysteries that surround when and how God heals.
Before we continue, I remind you...
These devotions are written to encourage you
to seek greater understanding from the word of God
in order to put yourself
in the best position to get healing
from our Lord.
Allow these devotions to bless you,
and resist any attempt by the enemy
to get you upset or discouraged!
God's words change things.
Wednesday devotional:
God's words change things - they especially change the way I think.
As I read God's words, my mind is renewed.
Psalm 103 has powerful healing words in it.
Here are the first few verses of this great Psalm.
Psalm 103
I bless the holy name of God with all my heart.
Yes, I will bless the Lord and not forget the glorious things he does for me.
He forgives all my sins.
He heals me.
He ransoms me from hell.
He surrounds me with lovingkindness and tender mercies.
He fills my life with good things!
My youth is renewed like the eagle's!
He gives justice to all who are treated unfairly.
He revealed his will and nature to Moses
and the people of Israel.
Psalm 103:1-7 TLB
We can speak out-loud this Psalm for healing.
We can send those powerful words out of our mouth
to bring healing to our body.
God's word does not come back void,
but it accomplishes what it is sent to do.
God says:
"So also is my Word. I send it out and it always produces fruit.
It shall accomplish all I want it to, and prosper everywhere I send it."
Isaiah 55:11 TLB
Notice that with Psalm 103 praising God comes first.
It is always good to keep our admiration and respect for God
ready on our tongue.
Next, notice that "He forgives my sins" comes before the specific words "He heals me." Sometimes - not always - we have opened a door to sickness by something we have done. For example, smoking opens a door.
Therefore, I generally ask for forgiveness before I begin my healing attack against a new sickness, disease, or malfunction.
Note: I'm just giving you my ideas. I am not trying to say you must do this.
There are many mysteries with God. I am just trying to shed some light for you to consider. All I can share is the best that I know at this point in my life. Keep in mind that my heart just wants to help you.
A sample prayer:
Dear Lord,
I sincerely ask for forgiveness for anything I have done to open a door to this sickness, disease, or malfunction.
If you know what you have done to open a sickness door, God may ask you to stop it. For example, he may ask you to stop smoking. (You may need to work on spiritual warfare to be able to do that. This site also has prayers for addictions .)
Then the next line is, "He ransoms me from hell." That word "hell" can be translated "destruction." I think of that as delivering me from sickness, disease, or malfunction - and even such things as habits such as smoking.)
The next line reminds us of the tender mercies that God gives us by doing all these wonderful things for us.
God is even able to reverse our body's clock: "My youth is renewed like the eagle's."
"He gives justice to all who are treated unfairly. He revealed his will and nature to Moses and the people of Israel."
I plan to talk about that last line more in depth another time. But quickly: God showed Moses and the people of Israel that he was their healer, and he wanted them to be healthy.
See also our Psalm 103 healing page and our Arise Healing Prayers.
Speaking out God's word regularly
is like
medicine to our body.
So let's speak out God's words!
Some people say that God is in Control and
Nothing you do matters.
I encourage you to to keep that in mind and
review it after reading the following:
I heard someone say recently
during a Bible teaching:
"In our company we were having a lot of accidents.
So we wrote and
posted some safety rules.
Since then, the accident rate has gone down.
Some people say that
God is in control and nothing we do matters.
But I say that
it is interesting that after we posted the
safety rules, God's will was that less people get hurt."
We can increase our health by adding
nutrition and exercise.
Thursday devotional thoughts:
Any discussion of healing is not complete
without adding thoughts about exercise and nutrition.
Our Body
was designed to
Dance and Run and MOVE!
Click for - Our Fun Dancing page
God designed our body to move.
This website has two pages filled with prayer for motivation to exercise and with tips about exercise.
Please consider visiting one or both of those pages.
Christian Fitness has prayer and encouragement for those who seek to add more exercise to their life.
Senior Citizen Fitness has prayer and many tips about how to get started on an exercise program.
In seeking to be healthy,
we need to review the kinds of
foods and drinks that we consume.
Point One:
The food we eat is frequently filled with unhealthy additives such as pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, artificial sweeteners, etc.
Point Two:
We often eat genetically modified food
which could have harmful side effects.
People are getting sick from eating GMO food -
genetically modified food.
Almost all wheat and corn in the U.S. is genetically modified.
You may need to need organic foods
in order to gain more healing in your body.
Consider doing a search about
the effects of genetically modified food on your body.
Point Three:
Most of us eat an abundance of junk food and nutritionally - poor food.
Point to Consider about Nutritionally - poor food:
We must face the fact that
farmers today rarely let the land lie
untended every 7 years as the Bible requires for healthy crops.
Point Four:
Most people do not drink enough pure water. Every beverage has water in it, but those beverages do not count for your water that you need to drink every day.
Prayer for our Food:
Dear Lord,
I praise you for you are my Creator and my Provider.
I present my food to you for this meal. I ask that you would cleanse my food and bless it. I ask that you would add extra supernatural nutrients to my food.
Lord, help me to be drawn to the foods that my body needs. Help me to yield to you as you teach me self-control.
I ask that you would help me to take good care of my body.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of
about our body and exercise:
Almighty God,
Thank you for my body.
I praise you for the miraculous way you made my body.
It is astonishing to think about the trillions of cells in my body that are all working together for me this day.
Lord, I want to take good care of my body.
I am asking for your help to
increase my desire to exercise.
Show me how to uplift my emotions so that they will cooperate with your plans for me. Bless me with motivating thoughts, and teach me energizing strategies for encouraging myself to be diligent.
I am asking for your help to
increase my ability to exercise.
Thank you for the wisdom you give me to go ahead and start exercising according to my personal fitness level. I will begin engaging in the movements that I can do at this time. As I pursue what I can do, I will trust you to increase my body’s strength, flexibility, stamina, and overall health so that I will grow in my ability to do more and more in the area of physical fitness.
Lord, I will enjoy thinking about your love for me and thinking about the amazing things you plan to do for me and with me.
Today I will say, "This is the day that the Lord hath made. I will rejoice and be glad in it!"*
And today I will exercise!
Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of
*Psalm 118:24
Highlighted Bible Verses
He sent his word and
healed them, and
delivered them from their destructions.
Psalm 107:20 NKJV
O Lord my God, I cried out to You, and You healed me.
Psalm 30:2 NKJV
Below is an excerpt
from our Bible Devotion
This story can be found in three of the Gospels - Matthew chapter 9 beginning in verse 20, Mark chapter 5:25 and Luke chapter 8:43. This woman had a bleeding problem, and she had spent all her money on doctors.
She had also obviously spent some quality time thinking on the scriptures. Her
attention had become focused on a verse in Malachi. It says, “Messiah will have
healing in his wings.”
Most people do not understand some of the subtleties of the story of this woman. I learned some key components about this story from a Jewish rabbi who had surrendered his life to Jesus and was the leader of a Messianic Jewish Congregation. (They believe Jesus is the Jewish Messiah.)
A few years ago, I was visiting a Messianic Jewish
Congregation and
the rabbi - that I just
mentioned – was teaching on the story of the woman with the issue of blood.
The Rabbi taught us that the Bible verse she had relied on was Malachi chapter 4 verse 2 – The verse in the King James Version says, “But unto you that fear my name - shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings.”
In that verse, the word “wings” has multiple definitions. One definition says that “wings” indicates a particular place on a Jewish prayer shawl.
The woman with the issue of blood had pondered that verse, and she had realized that the verse meant that when Messiah comes…… he will have healing available on his prayer shawl.
The woman took the words of God seriously.
She obviously believed that Jesus was the promised Messiah, and she allowed boldness to rise up in her. Then she took action to find Jesus.
When she found Jesus, he was wearing his prayer shawl. She pushed through the crowd and grabbed the area of the prayer shawl which was mentioned in the verse. She was instantly healed. Note that she did not ask Jesus for healing. She just believed that the Bible verse was true.
She grew her faith in God’s word and took her healing.
Notice that Jesus was pleased with her faith.
Jesus said that HER faith had healed her. Her faith in God’s Word had healed her. That is what Jesus said!
I believe that the woman thought about Malachi 4:2 in her home and became amazed at what it said.
She realized that this Bible verse gave her a promise - for healing.
She read the Bible verse, pondered it, increased her faith, and then she set out to find Jesus.
She found Jesus and TOOK her healing.
Today we cannot go and find Jesus and touch his prayer shawl. But just like that woman, we can look at the healing scriptures in the Bible and find a promise that we CAN have faith in - for healing.
For more teaching on healing, see the rest of the page this was taken from by clicking on Prayer for Healing
We CAN find promises for healing in the Bible, read them, and increase our faith that those promises are for us.
Personally, I have seen many healings happen when someone put his faith in Bible scripture for healing.
We encourage you to go to our miracle prayer page.
We believe in aggressive prayer, we believe that God's word is powerful, and we believe that God heals.
However, we cannot guarantee a healing for your body.
God said,
And I have put my words in your mouth and
hidden you safe within my hand.
Isaiah 51:16 TLB
I will speak out God's words, and
I will see amazing results.
God's words changes things!
It powerfully changes
my mind and the way I think.
We also have
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