Inspirational Secrets for Husbands

Listen, Laugh,
new things!

This page will

Inspire YOU to

Take a good marriage and make it GREAT!


Take a troubled marriage and make it STRONG!

Let's GO!

The two videos below

are new additions to this page.

They will help you get a jump-start on this page.

This video has GREAT ideas


it is Funny!

Mark Gungor wrote a book

especially for men.

The video below

is about


short, thin, easy to read book that has funny pictures....

You will learn Amazing Things.

Want more sex?

Don't be rude, insulting, and impolite.

Women need to be cherished.

They thrive on kindness.

ALL women love to be told with deep sincerity - 

"YOU are Beautiful!"

And, if you do these things for weeks

and she is still very distant 

consider the video below.

And please listen to the whole thing.

Lots of great tips near the end.

Happiness in marriage

for a wife is:

Feeling Loved and Feeling Beautiful.

Beautiful Words sincerely spoken





A sure sign of a man's strength

is how gently

he loves his children and his wife.

unknown author

Below is a



to get you motivated to 

Bless Your Wife.

Beautiful Words

sincerely written

in a card, e-mail, or text




Again I say...

Happiness in marriage

for a wife is:

Feeling Loved and Feeling Beautiful.

A wife needs to hear from her husband

that she is


A man with a tender heart

can more easily

help his wife to feel loved.

God Loves to do Miracles!

So Let's Pray!

If you want to

captivate your wife's heart,

then consider praying the prayer below.

Most women would melt

to know their husband was praying this prayer...

Most women would melt
when listening to the above prayer video.

I encourage you to learn how to melt your wife's heart.


I encourage you to learn how to make your wife
on a regular basis!

Most women need a little Romance

If your wife isn't

the same woman you married, maybe

it is because you are not the same man

who courted her.

Do you feel like a Romance klutz?

We can help you with that.

We have lots of pages of help.

For those who want help getting started,

Click:  Beginner Romance Tips for Men

For those who just want new ideas click:

Springtime Romance Ideas 

Romantic Strolls

Understanding Romance Part 1

And - For ALL our Romance Ideas - Here

Before our page


we want to share some pages

you might be interested in viewing:

Want to understand how to make a woman happier?

Please consider visiting our page:

Understanding How to Love Your Wife

Want to learn how to pray for your wife?

Please consider visiting our page:

Praying for my Wife

A Quote to Remember

Never sacrifice your future

for the pleasure of a moment.

Charles Stanley

Five Ways to Love Your Wife

There are 5 ways

to show your wife that you love her.

If you don't show her

in her favorite way,

she will not feel loved!

Gary Chapman wrote a book about those

Five Ways.

The Five Love Languages.

Visit our page for greater understanding:
Love Languages


Hugs are almost always a good idea!

Cut and paste in browser

Fireproof is a

must-see movie

for men who want a great marriage!

Caleb Holt is a young, heroic firefighter captain,
who faces death on a regular basis.

Caleb knows how to battle blazes in buildings,
but he is clueless
when it comes to keeping
his marriage from going up in smoke.

Below is the movie trailer

and there is a link

to watch it online for $ 2.99.

Love Dare
is the name of a book that was written specifically to help couples
who have seen the movie

Here is a short video about:

What do men not get about women?

The interview above is great


I wouldn't recommend his book.

Not all his thoughts are wise.

Dr. Harley

This video

starts out slow so if you want the highlights:

Dr. Harley had a great marriage.

He wanted to help others have a great marriage.

He realized that if

two people are "in love" they won't get a divorce.

He also found out ways to help married couples

fall "in love" again!

Romance is one of the ways.

Dr. Harley has a great idea for us called a

Love Bank.

You want to make deposits in your spouse's

Love Bank!

Quality Family Time

is important.

Your wife married you

because she wanted to be with you.

You have the ability to stir up

those passions in her. 

A Friendly Reminder:

Porn is destructive.

Get real help for your son,

your friend,

or yourself...

by learning

How to get free of Porn.

This site has lots of pages

to help men

and their families.


If you don't see

what you are looking for,

consider writing us

on our "Contact us" page

found at the bottom of each page.

Jump to the top of Inspirational Talk for Men

Info on New Pages

Beth's Blog

Miracle Testimonies

Guiding Teens toward Blessings

Full Armor of God for Men

Daily Inspiration

Spring Prayers for Friends

Newest Page:

Forgotten Women



has "dance" in it

Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles

We have devotions for each of the psalms:

Psalm list


Questions of Life

Explaining How to Get to Heaven


Victory, Power Prayer

Increasing JOY

Overcoming Sabotage in your family

Opposites attract and then...


All our Addiction pages

Help for HOW to Forgive

an audio presentation




for Jesus


Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

went out

February 18.


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Secrets for Husbands

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Prayer for Men

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Life-changing prayer for fathers

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Prayer for Women

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The Truth about Evolution

Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers

Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

Songs for Children for church and home

Prayer for my Adult Daughter

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Prayers for my Adult Son

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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

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MUSIC for adults

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Links to all our pages on the Psalms
