Inspirational Thoughts
to bless your life.
Monday - Sunday
Be sure to check out our Friday devotional on
"Let it to Beaver."
"Andy Griffith"
Please scroll down to see everything.
By Beth McLendon
The topic this week is
This page refers to "friends" as close friends.
Of course we agree that
God tells us to be kind to everyone.
Check out the
Friendship movie on Sunday!
Your friends greatly influence the direction of your life.
Sharman Lawson
Monday Mini-Devotion
We don't choose our family,
we do choose our friends.
Those people we choose to spend time with
and call our friends
make a huge impact on our life.
says to
choose carefully.
People tend to become like the people they spend time with.
Staying faithful to God is easier
when you have friends who truly love God.
One of the most powerful things you can do to bless your life is:
Having friends who love God
encourage you to be faithful to God.
A mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like
is shown by the kind of friends he chooses.
Proverbs 27:19 TLB
The following are
"Wednesday Reflection Points"
for us to consider,
and thoughts
for us to share with our teenagers and pre-teens:
What kind of friends do you choose?
~ ~ ~
Do you choose your friends by their character
or by their popularity?
He that walketh with wise men
shall be wise:
but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
Proverbs 13:20 KJV
Do you choose your friends by
who is
hanging around you or nearby you,
by their character?
Do your friends encourage you to obey God
discourage you to obey God?
~ ~ ~
Consider taking time to ponder
how a
poor choice of friends
could destroy your life.
~ ~ ~
Do you choose to spend time with people
who will likely get you into trouble
rather than
choosing to be alone with God?
God wants each of us to choose
as our best friend.
Would you describe your relationship to God
as one of
best friends?
Are you satisfied
with how close you are to God?
The Highlighted Bible Verse
"The character of even a child
can be known
by the way he acts -
whether what he does is pure and right."
Proverbs 20:11 TLB
Choosing friends and developing friendships
is one of the most
important things we do.
Take note that -
there are
lots more on this page
that will inspire and motivate.
I am a fan of
Leave it to Beaver.
I enjoy the antics of Beaver and Wally and even Eddie Haskell.
If you have watched the show,
you know that
Eddie Haskell
is not the kind of teenager
you pray for your child to become.
Yet Eddie does add a lot of drama and humor to the show.
However, if I was Mrs. Cleaver, I would not be excited about Wally choosing Eddie as a close friend.
Eddie isn’t really a “bad” teenager, but he is definitely leaning that way!
Eddie is not pursuing godliness.
In real life,
a person like
could easily find himself in a big pack of trouble,
just might end up
being drawn into the situation and the consequences.
Reaching out to Eddie in the mindset of being a missionary
is one thing,
but choosing him as a good friend is another.
Notice that
Eddie encourages Wally to do wrong things.
Also notice that
Wally is not really making a significant impact
on Eddie's character.
In Real Life...
Our friends exert a peer pressure toward us.
They will either
encourage us to follow God or not to follow God.
If Christians choose negative role-model friends,
it is usually the Christian
whose behavior is changed
and not
the other way around.
Christian parents
assume that their children
will continue to be
Here is one of my favorite
Andy Griffith episodes.
This one is packed with wisdom.
Opie has made friends
with a hobo
who is a bad influence.
Opie has started changing his character for the worst.
Andy said,
"You can't let a young’n decide for himself. He'll grab at the first flashy thing with shiny ribbons on it. Then, when he finds out there's a hook in it, it's too late. Wrong ideas come packaged with so much glitter that it's hard to convince ‘em that other things might be better in the long run. All a parent can do is say 'wait' and 'trust me' and try to keep temptation away."
Youtube Comment under the video:
My grandparents watched this show and I never realized as a young girl that it would be my generation that needs this message more than anything. I’m only 28 but realize today the dangers of parents aged 40 and younger being too much of a friend rather than parents to their children today, and it’s starting to show in our society now from the lack of discipline they gave their children.
Children are imitators.
We sometimes forget that fact.
Children are easily swayed toward wrong things.
Many Christians
give their children a lot of reign
to be "missionaries."
I challenge you to think about this...
We train missionaries
for a
long period of time
before we send them out.
We do A LOT of training before we send them out.
I submit that
we must be careful about thinking that
our children
are strong enough
to handle alone most "missionary" situations in their life.
The movie called
The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry
teaches about this topic in an entertaining way.
See more about that further down the page.
It is a life-changing movie for adults!
Christian adults and teens
tend to think that
we will be protected by God
no matter what
decisions we make
concerning the people we choose to spend time with.
And the following
is an important thought to consider...
What does the Bible say?
The Bible tells us
to consider carefully
who we choose as friends.
Proverbs gives us many verses
about choosing friends.
For example:
"Be with
wise men and become wise.
Be with
evil men and become evil.”
Proverbs 13:20 TLB
That is a strong statement.
I submit that is a verse
that we need to teach to our children.
- - -
The Bible also tells us to consider carefully
who we choose as heroes.
"I will make the godly of the land my heroes."
Psalm 101:6 TLB
When my son was growing up,
he knew that all my heroes were godly heroes.
For example, all my sports heroes were godly,
not just good athletes.
If one of them "fell" into public sin,
then that person
wouldn't be my
sports "hero" any more.
I would still pray for that person,
but to be my "hero" was a special honor
only given to godly acting people.
Harold Morris
speaks to teenagers and adults
on the dangers of choosing the wrong friends.
I have been in attendance when Harold Morris was speaking to my church years ago.
I do not know anything about his program for schools.
Today we have a movie
that you can watch
on Youtube.
After the movie,
we have
1. Advice for dating and for married couples.
and then
2. Prayers you can pray for your friends.
Below is a
great movie
that expresses
Christian values and themes
on the subject of friendship.
I highly recommend this movie.
This is a very inspirational movie!
This movie
will bring you closer to the Lord.
It will inspire you and motivate you
to be a more dedicated Christian.
It will give you
insights into
how to be
to those who oppose you.
It will give you tips on how to choose wisely
in your life.
You can watch the entire movie on YOUtube
by this link.
Below is the trailer for the movie.
Here is
It is wise to choose our close friends
from those who love our Lord.
Below we have two sections...
One for Singles and one for Married people.
Wisdom says only date those who are Christians.
Wisdom says
only date those who are walking closely with God.
2 Corinthians 6:14
If you go against this wisdom, you will later regret it.
Consider our Dating pages:
A wisdom note for married couples
Married men and women weaken their marriage by choosing
personal friends
of the opposite sex.
It is never wise
for a married person
to share
personal problems or
emotions with a person of the opposite sex outside
of a
professional counseling situation.
It is also not wise to be having multiple phone conversations
on your personal cell phone with the opposite sex.
Also be careful about Facebook and "old" friends of the opposite sex.
Many divorces began this way.
We have
one prayer
written below.
Yet we have many pages of prayers for friends.
Here are some of them...
Prayer for my Adult Son's Friends
Prayer for my Adult Daughter's Friends
Prayer for a Friend who is fighting a long illness
Prayers for Emotionally Wounded Friends & Family
Prayer for a Friend - various topics
Below is a prayer that you might like to pray
for one or more of your friends.
Please modify it for a male friend.
You are the God who creates beautiful friendships. Thank you for my friendship with _____________.
I pray for my dear friend. She has been such a blessing in my life.
I am excited about the incredible things you are doing for her and through her each day.
Thank you for molding her, preparing her, and positioning her to fulfill her destiny.
Thank you for teaching her and counseling her so that she may walk in obedience and holiness to your calling on her life.
Thank you for your comfort that she may be refreshed and strengthened.
Thank you for your personal ministry to her past emotional wounds that they may be totally healed.
Thank you for your promise that goodness and mercy will follow her all the days of her life.
May she more fully receive your peace for daily life into her heart each day.
In Jesus' Name I pray,
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
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This page first presented: April 28, 2014
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