Daily Inspirational Thoughts
about healing
to bless your life.
Monday through Sunday study.
A week-long devotional series about healing
by Beth McLendon
After this week,
you might want to
visit Part 2:
God imparts life to us through his Word.
Devotional for Monday:
Psalm 107:20 NKJV says,
"He sent his Word and healed them.
And delivered them from their destructions."
Proverbs 4:20-22 NKJV says,
"Give attention to my words. Incline your ear to my sayings.
Do not let them
depart from your eyes.
Keep them
in the
midst of your heart.
For they
are life to those who find them.
And health to all their flesh."
If God is telling us the truth, then reading God's word supernaturally helps our body.
I submit to you that God is telling us the truth.
So let's read the word of God today and receive from the Lord.
From my experience,
speaking the words of God out-loud
is more powerful
and produces more healing
than just thinking the words of God.
So let's speak the word of God out-loud today.
Let's speak out scriptures about God's healing power.
And let's pray!
Dear Lord,
Thank you that you release great healing power as I read and speak your Word.
By faith I believe that my body is receiving and manifesting your healing.
In Jesus' name,
A beautiful musical prayer
that lifts our heart to God while also
giving us the opportunity
to stand on God's the healing words.
I will not doubt God's Word.
Today I will increase my faith in God's Word.
Devotional for Tuesday
Psalm 106:24 TLB says,
"They refused to enter the Promised Land, for they wouldn't
believe his solemn oath to care for them."
This quote references the story of Moses and the Jewish people who are called "the children of Israel."
After Moses was used by God to help free the Hebrew slaves from Egypt, the people refused to grow in faith that - God would take care of them.
"They refused to enter the Promised Land, for they wouldn't believe his solemn oath to care for them. Instead, they pouted in their tents and mourned and despised his command."
Psalm 106:24-25 TLB
God had made them promises, but they refused to believe. These people had seen some of the most spectacular miracles that God had ever done in front of people or has done up to this point. Yet they embraced doubt in God's promises and in his love for them.
Today we realize how ridiculous and unwise they were.
Today we have the full 66 books of the Bible including the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).
We have a much fuller picture of who God is and what God's will is. Yet, with all the advantages that we have, we also tend to doubt God and his Word.
They doubted God instead of
standing on his word and his power.
Each of us has the opportunity to read God's word
and increase our faith..... or not.
Dear Lord,
I will believe your solemn oath to take care of me.
I will read your Word, and I will grow in faith this day.
As I renew my mind with the word of God,
my faith increases and my doubt decreases!
Renewing our mind
the amount of doubt we have
in relation to
the amount of faith
we have in God's promises.
Wednesday Scripture
"Then the LORD said to me,
'You have seen well,
for I am watching over my word to perform it.'"
Jeremiah 1:12 English Standard Translation
God's will is for me to be healed.
Thursday devotional:
If you do not believe the above sentence, then I encourage you to make it a priority to decide once and for all - if God wants us all healed. Take the time to research this important topic for yourself.
Also, I remind you that you probably already believe that God wants every person saved, yet not everyone is saved. Just because God's will is salvation does not mean that every person will be saved.
Likewise, just because God wants everyone healed does not mean every person will be healed. There are mysteries to the manifestation of healing in a person's body.
In the Lord's prayer, Jesus told us to pray: "Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
Jesus told us to pray for God's will to be done on earth because it isn't always done on earth.
For example - There is no sickness in heaven. Jesus says to pray that God's will (which is always done in heaven) would be done on earth.
So we need to pray for healing.
God's will
God's will
is not always revealed in our circumstances,
in our past experiences,
or in our world.
God's will is revealed in God's Word.
Common sense question:
If you do not believe that it is always God's will to heal you, then why are you doing things to promote your healing?
In other words: Why are you going to the doctor and taking medicine to heal you, if you believe it might not be God's will to heal you?
I am convinced that God wants everyone healed, even though I do not understand why it doesn't always happen.
I believe that there are many reasons why someone doesn't get healed.
Perhaps some are not healed because they didn't ask.
"You do not have because you do not ask."
James 4:2b NKJV
God says:
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find;
knock and it will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives, and
he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."
Matthew 7:7-8 NKJV
I encourage you to ask for and seek healing!
For Saturday and Sunday
we have more
thoughts on healing below.
Highlighted Bible Verses
Forever, O Lord, Your Word
stands firm in heaven.
Psalm 119:89 TLB
The Lord says to us:
And I have put my words in your mouth
and hidden you safe within my hand.
Isaiah 51:16a TLB
Beautiful video
I do not know anything about the group who made this video.
I have not looked at their website.
Below is an excerpt
from our Bible Devotion
The Word of God is Medicine
Speaking of medicine, Proverbs 4:20-22 NKJV indicates that the WORDS in the Bible are like medicine to our body. Those verses say that God’s words have healing IN THEM. Therefore if we read them, think about them, and speak them, we can expect an increase in our health.
Those verses say,
“My son, give attention to my words;
incline your ear to my sayings.
Do not let them depart from your eyes;
Keep them in the midst of your heart;
for they are life to those who find them,
and health to all their flesh.”
~ ~ ~
In the Amplified version, it says,
"My son, attend to my words;
consent and submit to my sayings.
Let them not depart from your sight;
Keep them in the center of your heart.
For they are life to those who find them,
healing and health to all their flesh.”
I am suggesting that it is healing to the body for us to speak out loud healing verses from the Bible.
We can speak out Proverbs 4:20-22 or any of the other of healing verses in the Bible, and they will be like medicine to our body.
Doctors generally tell us to take our medicine
3 times a day.
So why not speak out healing scripture 3 times a day?
Healing may come quickly or it may come slowly, but I believe that God says what he means and means what he says. So I believe that God's words will bring healing to my body.
I have seen miraculous healings from people as they speak out the word of God. Some came quickly and some came slowly.
I have seen miraculous healings, but that doesn’t mean that everything I’ve prayed for has come to be.
I have prayed prayer for healing for loved ones as they faced death, and they have died. I stood on God’s word and prayed with great faith and believed - and they have died.
But I have also
prayed prayer for healing for loved ones
who were dying,
and they have miraculously lived.
See our Healing Miracles page
I have seen many
miraculous healings
of all kinds of issues - small issues and large issues.
Just because I do not see healing manifested every single time I pray prayer for healing and speak out healing verses - that does not mean that I would ever go back to the way I used to live.
Since I have learned many biblical principles of healing and since I have been growing my faith for healing - I’ve seen many, many miracles.
If the healing doesn’t occur, I have to fight disappointment. But I am willing to sometimes battle disappointment in order to see lots more miracles.
Yes, I will battle and defeat the attacks of disappointment
in order to see
lots more miracles.
This is a fallen world. It is not heaven. We will not always experience healing. But I have decided that I will believe and I will stand for healing. If symptoms persist, then I persist.
I will not let go of my faith for healing - for big and small issues - until I arrive in heaven - where I will enjoy perfect health.
And I will pray for others and believe. As long as we are on this earth, there is an opportunity to have faith and believe for healing.
The enemy of our soul will try to get us to doubt that God wants us healed and that we can be healed. He has always used doubt to try to hurt people.
The devil came to Eve to get her to doubt God.
The devil said, “Did God really say……?”
The evil one and his demons still use this strategy today. They want you to doubt that God really said certain things OR that God really meant what the Bible says. OR the enemy and his demons will try to get you to doubt that healing verses are for you.
But I am going to believe
that every time I speak out a healing verse,
something good
happens in my body
for the person I am praying for.
It may be a small difference, but something happens.
We will never know how much worse we would have been if we had not spoken out the healing scriptures of God.
The above excerpt was taken from our:
"Prayer for Healing" page
We encourage you to visit that page, because
there are many other healing insights on that page and
there are also prayers on that page.
Healing Scriptures
I do not know anything about the group who made this video.
I have not looked at anything else they have done.
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