Inspirational Thoughts on
Being a Dad.
Thoughts to bless your life and your family.
A Monday through Saturday
Think about it:
Your family needs you to choose to be strong.
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Families never crumble in a day.
It's a slow fade.
Dear Lord,
I am dedicating myself to
saying "no"
to harmful things in my life.
I will make choices that protect myself
and my family.
I will make good decisions for myself
and for my family
every day.
I pray this in the powerful name
of my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ,
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –
Thank you, Lord,
for delivering me from what is holding me back!
Every father
wants to be a better dad.
I encourage you to ask God
to guide
your thoughts on
how to grow in being a dad and how to make a
stronger family!
Thoughts for Reflection:
What is holding you back from being
all you can be as a father?
What is it
that you could change
about your habits or your character
that would
make a positive impact
on your child or children?
Note: There may be several things, but just pick one or two things and make a decision to start moving forward.
Seriously consider what you could
to help inspire you,
motivate you, and
propel you toward success.
You may want to get an accountability partner.
You may want to share this page with a friend and the two of you work on this together.
If you are a person
who needs encouragement,
then be sure to give yourself lots of encouragement.
Ideas to motivate you:
You might want to play certain Christian songs that motivate you to action.
You might want to record yourself giving yourself a pep talk and then commit to listening to it daily.
You may also want to consider recording our Spiritual Warfare Prayers and listening to them daily. AND at the end of the prayer, you could add, "I am dressed and ready to be a GREAT DAD!
Remind Yourself:
I can defeat anything that holds me back.
Every father wants to be a better dad.
As I follow through with my plans,
I will become better!
the devotion suggested that you make
a plan
for becoming a better dad.
Now that you have a plan...
Be determined to find things
that ignite your motivation
to follow through
schedule them into your daily routine!
Dear God,
I ask you to give me ideas that will help me to get motivated to follow through on my plans.
Help me to be creative to find things that will motivate me and to be determined to use those things regularly.
Thank you, God, for helping me to become a better dad.
If you have not accepted Jesus Christ
as your Savior and Lord,
please consider
visiting our Prayer for Salvation page.
And if you need to
Understand Salvation - click here
The best way to renew our mind
think like God
is to read God's Word regularly.
I will proclaim:
I am brave in actions,
And strong in character!
Even if you do not
brave in actions
and strong in character,
speaking those words
will draw you toward that reality.
God made us
to want to be honest.
godly words about ourselves
helps program us for strength for right choices.
Speaking is not enough - but it helps.
Speaking boldly
to yourself
helps create change.
God teaches us to
speak out who we want to become.
Speaking out truth helps us to grow into that truth.
Gideon was a believer in God.
Gideon and his people
were being terrorized by their enemies.
God sent the angel of the Lord to visit Gideon
and tell him
that he was being raised up as a leader for his people.
When the angel of the Lord came to Gideon, he addressed Gideon by saying, "The Lord is with you, you mighty man of courage."
That doesn't sound unusual,
until you realize that
Gideon was hiding
in a wine press
terrified of being located by his enemies.
(As you can see from how the angel of the Lord addressed Gideon, God sees our potential and calls us into it before we are actually there.)
When Gideon
heard the angel of the Lord
call him a
Mighty Man,
he immediately tried to correct his visitor.
(He tried to correct God.)
Gideon explained to the angel of the Lord
he was the least of all God's people.
God teaches us
to speak out bold statements
bold things for God.
In Joshua 1:9 NLT, God tells us,
"This is my command -
be strong and courageous!
Do not be afraid or discouraged
for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Children are playing
Follow the Leader
even when we don't realize it.
Dear Lord,
Strengthen me and give me wisdom
for the tough parts of parenting.
The average age of starting to become
addicted to pornography is age 11.
Boys and girls are becoming addicted.
Protect your kids.
Don't buy the lie that every male has to do it!
Please visit
the following pages
to learn how to powerfully defeat this activity:
Almost every day,
the devil comes to us to tempt us.
He wants us to walk with him
instead of
walking with our Lord
in some way or another.
What will your answer be today?
it is demons instead of the actual devil.
Satan can only be in one place at one time.
But it is powerful for me to visualize that picture.
It helps me to make wise choices.
Think about it:
People never crumble in a day.
never crumble in a day.
never crumble in a day.
It's a slow fade.
Again we highlight this song to inspire Dads
to make godly choices.
Winking at sin leads to sorrow;
Bold reproof leads to peace.
Proverbs 10:10 TLB
God wants to teach fathers
how to
Protect their Family
and how to
Bring Peace to their Home.
grows best in an environment of humility.
Thank you for visiting today!
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Inspirational Thoughts for Dadse was originally a
"Daily Inspiration" page.
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